Chapter 2 Science Study Guide
INVERTEBRATES are animals without a backbone. Sea jellies, earth worms, octopus, and spiders are animals without a backbone. Instead they have a hard shell or soft sacs that hold them up.
VERTEBRATES are animals with a backbone. People, dogs, cats, elephants, deer and fish are some examples of vertebrates.
Once a butterfly egg hatches it goes into the LARVA stage. The larva stage is when it looks like a caterpillar. At this stage it grows fast and is very hungry.
ADAPTATIONS help animals survive where they live. Like the sharp teeth of a beaver that helps it cut wood, or the large pouch on a pelicans bill that helps it filter water to catch fish.
Animal parts such as a bird’s webbed feet are INHERITED or passed on from parent to offspring (babies).
An INSTINCT is a behavior that animals are born to do. A baby cries when it is born because it is born with the instinct to do so. A kitten will search for warmth and milk to survive as soon as it is born.
A chimpanzee is born with instincts to survive, but a chimpanzee also has the ability to learn by watching. Chimpanzees learn to use sticks to capture insects by watching other chimps.
A MAMMAL is an animal that develops inside the mother’s body and drinks milk to survive.
AMBER is a piece of hard yellow tree sap that has hardened into a rock like substance. Sometimes insects get trapped in the sap and die.
We can see TRAITS of animals from the past in animals we see today. For instance, a dinosaur and a lizard have similar traits.
A walking stick, snowy owl, and tree frogs are examples of CAMOUFLAGE. They blend in with their surroundings for survival.
AMPHIBIANS are animals that live part of the time in water and part of the time on land. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are examples of amphibians.
The four things all animals need to live are: WATER, OXYGEN, FOOD, and SHELTER. (Will Ozzie Feel Shy?)
EXTRA CREDIT KNOWLEDGE: Long ago the badlands of South Dakota were hot and wet. Today the badlands are dry. The change in habitat harms animals that are adapted to that kind of environment. Like the dinosaur they become extinct. When habitats change, only plants and animals that are adapted to the new habitats survive.