Chapter 2 RECONSTRUCTION Study Guide

Chapter 2 RECONSTRUCTION Study Guide

Chapter 2 “RECONSTRUCTION” Study Guide

(p. 57) 1. Why did Congress still refuse to readmit southern states into the Union in 1865, when Johnson became president?

The representatives of the new governments had been leaders of the Confederacy.

(p. 64) 2. Whom did white southerners call “carpetbaggers”?

Northern-born Republican office-holders who had moved to the South

(p. 71) 3. The working life at the southern mills was bad. What were some bad things they had to go through?

Employees were overlooked and suffered from asthma and brown-lung disease

(p. 56) 4. The Freedmen’s Bureau was an agency that provided what?

Relief for freedpeople and some poor southerners

(p. 53) 5. What was Lincoln’s main vision for Reconstruction?

To reunite the nation as quickly and painlessly as possible

(p. 65) 6. Hiram Revels was the 1st African American to hold which post?

U.S Senator

(p.71) 7. Jobs in this industry offered many southern workers an alternative to farming.


(p.60) 8. The Radical Republicans urged Congress to pass a new bill that would give who more power?

Freedmen’s Bureau

(p.57) 9. To begin the process of Reconstruction, Johnson did what 1st?

Appointed a temporary governor for each state

(p.61)10. To ensure the Civil Rights Act of 1866 would not be overturned, Congress proposed this amendment, which would grant citizenship to African Americans.

14th Amendment

(p.62)11. After Johnson angered Congress by firing the secretary of war, the House of Reps voted to do this to him in hopes of removing him from office.


(p.63)12. The 15th Amendment granted African American men what?

Right to vote

(p.67)13. An agreement in which the Democrats accepted Republican Rutherford B. Hayes as president in exchange for the removal of federal troops from the South.

Compromise of 1877

(p.53)14. Lincoln’s plan for proposed readmitting southern states to the Union was called what?

10% Plan

(p.59)15. Thaddeus Stevens was leader of this, and they wanted the federal government to be more involved in giving economic and political justice to African Americans and poor white southerners.

Radical Republicans

(p.68)16. This was common in southern states and enforced segregation, or the separation of whites from African Americans in public places.

Jim Crowe Laws

(p.53)17. After the Civil War the economy of the south was badly damaged. What happened to many banks and merchants?

They went bankrupt.

(p.69)18. In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that segregation was allowed if ______facilities were provided.


(p.54)19. What did the 13th Amendment do?

Made slavery illegal throughout the U.S.

(p.60)20. What did Andrew Johnson do to the Civil Rights Act of 1866?

Vetoed it

(p.58)21. What greatly limited the rights and freedoms of African Americans in southern states?

Black Codes

(p.63)22. In the election of 1868, this Republican won the presidency with the help of African American votes.

Ulysses S. Grant