

February 26, 2014 MEETING MINUTES

West Florida Regional Planning Council

(Designated staff)

Bay County Government Center

840 West 11th Street

Panama City, Florida

Members attending:

Ali Frohlich, Chairman

Marty Kirkland

John Lincoln

Leon Miller

Dee Rowland

George Stevenson

Patty Strohmenger

Others attending:

David HaightAtkins

Starsky HarrellFDOT

Bryant PaulkFDOT

Dan DeandaWFRPC Staff/RideOn

Mary Bo RobinsonTPO Staff

Brian YoupatoffTPO Staff

Mary Beth WashnockTPO Staff

Brittany EllersTPO Staff

Jordan RockwellTPO Staff


Chairman Frolich called the meeting to order and led the Pledge.Mr. Miller led the invocation.

  1. Approval of December 4, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Mr. Lincolnmoved to approve the December 4, 2013CAC meeting minutes. Mr. Stevenson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-02 Terminating the Public Transportation Coordinator Agreement Between First Transit, Inc. and the Bay County Transportation Planning Organization (TPO).

Mr. Youpatoff explained that this item is to ensure compliance with a previous TPO motion that one entity shall manage and operate the Bay Town Trolley upon expiration of the existing contract between the TPO and the current Bay Town Trolley operator. It was suggested that the motion encompass the following scenarios: 1. If First Transit, Inc. is the successful proposer to the Request for Proposals for Public Transportation Coordinator and fixed route operator services, the agreement dated August 1, 2013 shall terminate on June 30, 2014. 2. If First Transit, Inc. does not submit a proposal or is not the successful proposer, said agreement shall terminate on July 31, 2014, to allow one month to transition to the new contractor. The TCC recommended approval of this item.Ms. Stohmenger questioned if the funds were available to pay for the one month overlap of having two companies for the transition period. Staff said it was the understanding that the funds were available; however they couldn’t give a sure answer since management of the finances are no longer their responsibility. Chairman Frohlich suggested that it wouldn’t have been suggested if the funds were not available, but Angela Bradley, Bay County Transit Financial Manager would probably know.

Mr. Lincoln moved to recommend the TPO to approveResolution BAY 14-02 terminating the Public Transportation Coordinator agreement between First Transit, Inc. and the Bay County Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) to encompass the following scenarios: 1. If First Transit, Inc. is the successful proposer to the Request for Proposals for Public Transportation Coordinator and fixed route operator services, the agreement dated August 1, 2013 shall terminate on June 30, 2014. 2. If First Transit, Inc. does not submit a proposal or is not the successful proposer, said agreement shall terminate on July 31, 2014, to allow one month to transition to the new contractor. Ms. Kirkland seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-01 Amending the FY 2013- FY 2014 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP).

The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes the planning work tasks and budget for the TPO fiscal year (July through June). This item is to identify the amended TPO planning tasks and budget for FY 2013- FY 2014 to reflect the following: 1. Revision of Task C.6 to add Task #9: Conduct competitive procurement for TPO fixed rout contract operator for the period beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2019. 2. Revision of Task C.6 budget for FY 2014 from $157,810 to $170,810, an increase of $13,000 (8.2%) as Pass Through to Consultant..

Ms. Strohmenger moved to recommend the TPO to approve Resolution BAY 14-01 amending the FY 2013- FY 2014 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). Mr. Stevenson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-04 Adopting the Congestion Management Process Plan (CMPP) Minor Update.

The Congestion Management Process Plan (CMPP) documents levels of congestion in the urbanized area, and the purpose of the report is to rate the performance of transportation facilities and to suggest low-cost, short-term strategies to alleviate congestion. This annual minor update of the CMPP consists of changes to the classification of arterials from a system based on number of signals per segment to one based on miles per hour (MPH) of the segment. The change has resulted in many of the roadways within the Bay County TPO now having slightly different traffic volume thresholds to determine their Level of Service (LOS). At the request of the TPO, a list of the roadways/facilities that have seen significant LOS changes due to the new guidelines was made available for review online. Mr. Rockwell told the board that there have been issues with the website that the results are on; therefore if anyone has any problems obtaining it, he would be more than happy to find a way to get the information to them. The TCC recommended approval of this item with the minor change of having N/S instead of N/A for segments that do not have transit service.

Mr. Lincoln moved to recommend the TPO to approve Resolution BAY 14-04 adopting the Congestion Management Process Plan (CMPP) minor update with the tables showing N/S instead of N/A for segments that do not have transit service. Ms. Strohmenger seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Consideration of Resolution BAY 14-03 Adopting the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Prioritization Criteria

The Transportation Alternatives Program combines what were previously the “Transportation Enhancement”, “Recreational Trails”, and “Safe Routes to School” programs into one program/fund. The TAP provides funding for projects that further develop transportation infrastructure for non auto modes of transportation, including on-and-off road pedestrian and bicycle facilities and bicycle pedestrian connections to transit facilities. Based on guidance released from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), TPO staff drafted prioritization criteria to be applied to projects within the Bay County TPO boundaries. This criteria was presented at the December TPO meeting and though comments were solicited there were none received. Staff performed an internal review and made revisions to the document, which were highlighted in the attached draft of the agenda packet. The deadline for local government TAP applications and resubmittals is April 1st, 2014. Mr. Rockwell mentioned that safe routes to school applications no longer need to include or meet safe routes to school requirements until/unless the project is selected for funding.

Mr. Stevenson moved to recommend the TPO to approve Resolution BAY 14-03 adopting the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Prioritization Criteria. Mr. Miller seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Selection of Subcommittee Members and Alternates to Participate in Separate Competitive Procurements of Architect and Contractor for the Bay County TPO Public Transit Facilities Project.

Mr. Youpatoff informed the committee that the TCC deferred to the TPO; however in the chance that the TPO decides to have TCC representation they recommended John Alaghemand as the primary and Keith Bryant as the alternate. Mr. Youpatoff asked that Mr. David Haight of Atkins help in presenting this item in the absence of Ms. Lohr. The TPO Public Transportation Coordinator requested that the TPO form a subcommittee to participate in the procurements of Architect and Contractor for the Bay County TPO Public Transit Facilities Project. It was recommended that the subcommittee include one TPO member one Technical Coordinating Committee member and one Citizens' Advisory Committee member with an alternate for each. In addition it is recommended that Ms. Angela Bradley, Bay County Transit Financial Manager, also serve on the subcommittee and Mr. David Haight, with Atkins, lead the procurement process as a non-voting member, The recommendation to establish a subcommittee is to maintain a timeline of the Bay County TPO Public Transit Facilities project and to keep federal funding in place for the project before the September 30, 2015 deadline.

Mr. Stevenson moved to have Mr. John Lincoln as the primary and Ms. Patty Strohmenger as the alternate to represent the CAC on the Subcommittee. Ms. Kirkland seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Selection of Subcommittee Members and Alternates to Participate in Request for Proposal (RFP) Process for the Selection of One Entity to Manage and Operate the Bay County TPO Bay Town Trolley System.

Mr. Youpatoff informed the committee that the TCC deferred to the TPO; however if the TPO decides to have TCC representation they recommended Michael Fuller as the member with Arthur Hooks as the alternate to represent the TCC.TPO staff requested that the TPO form a subcommittee to participate in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for one entity to manage and operate the Bay County TPO Bay Town Trolley System. A timeline for this process will need to be maintained, with the June 30, 2014 expiration of the contract between the TPO and Santa Ynez Valley Transportation Services for operation of the Bay Town Trolley System.

Ms. Strohmenger moved to have Mr. John Lincoln as the primary and Mr. Leon Miller as the alternate to represent the CAC on the Subcommittee. Ms. Rowland seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

  1. Letter to Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District Three Secretary Tommy Barfield Regarding Expediting Apportionment Approval.

This item was for TPO only and was not reviewed by the CAC.


Mr. Bryant Paulk, Florida Department of Transportation, informed the committee that due to restructuring Mr. Harvey Brewton will be the head engineer in the Ponce De Leon Operation Center. Mr. Brewton will be replaced by the very capable Mr. Martin Brust. Mr. Paulk said that he would coordinate with Mr. Brust to attend as many meetings as his schedule will allow. Chairman Frohlich asked that the committee’s appreciation for Mr. Brewton’s work be expressed.

Chairman Frohlich took this opportunity to follow up with two inquiries from past meetings. The first being the status of there being a turn lane from Richard Jackson Blvd going east on Hwy 98; to which Mr. Paulk informed him that he will be coordinating with FDOT staff to do a study for that area. The second follow up was the status of Back Beach Rd. completion allowing the speed limit to be raised. Mr. Paulk said that even after completion of the project, the chance of the speed limit being raised is not very high; however he would take the request forward.

Mr. Lincoln asked about stop lights on Back Beach Rd., to which Mr. Paulk explained that FDOT does not plan to put any more lights on the roadway. Chairman Frohlich asked about putting turn lanes on Back Beach Rd. the way it was done on SR 390 to help keep traffic flowing; he is concerned with traffic picking up in the spring and summer. Mr. Paulk said that the first step to doing that would be doing a Project Development and Environment(PD&E) study, but the project, which would be broken up into a minimum of 3 segments, could be fast tracked.

This topic led Mr. Paulk into mentioning that FDOT is looking at outer beltway corridors to help alleviate some of the traffic on Back Beach Rd. The TPO will have to take that into consideration when prioritizing projects.There was general discussion regarding the recent shut down of the bridge from Panama City Beach and future solutions for that issue.

Ms. Strohmenger asked for an update of the project regarding the intersection of SR 390 and Frankfort Avenue. She mentioned that she had expressed her concern for having turn lanes on all corners at a public meeting. Mr. Paulk said that he would check into that along with the other request and distribute it through staff.

Mr.Miller brought up his concern for SR 390 from SR 77 to US 231 being overlooked. Mr. Paulk assured him that the corridor is not being overlooked; the corridor has been recognized by the county and state and there are efforts being made to make that corridor a Strategic Intermodal System.

  1. Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) Update, Cost Feasible Plan and Impact on the Long Range Transportation Plans.

This item was for TPO only and was not reviewed by the CAC.

  1. Review of Draft FY 2015- FY 2016 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)

The UPWP is a required product of the TPO that is a statement of work indentifying the planning priorities and activities to be carried out within a Metropolitan Planning Area. Mr. Youpatoff informed the board that a link to the Draft FY 2015-FY 2016 UPWP will be emailed and open for review and comments until March 24, 2014. It will be brought before the board for adoption at the regularly scheduled April TPO meeting.

  1. Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC) Legislative Initiatives for 2014

Ms. Robinson briefly reviewed the current year's MPOAC Legislative Packet, pointing out the 4 most relevant initiatives to the Bay County TPO. There was lengthy discussion amongst staff and the committee members regarding rail.

  1. Commuter Assistance rideOn Program Update for Fiscal Year 2014

Mr. Deanda gave the board a general update of the rideOn program, with insight specific to the Bay County area. Ms. Strohmenger asked if this was a free of charge, statewide program; Mr. Deanda confirmed that it was both.

  1. Bay County TPO Public Transportation Coordinator Items

Ms. Lohr was unable to be present for the TPO meeting; therefore Mr. David Haight reviewed the items he was knowledgeable about. Mr. Haight updated the board on the progress of the Transit Yard, the Douglass Road project and the Americans with Disabilities Act Stop/Shelter Remediation Project. Mr. Youpatoff mentioned that information about the other items not reviewed was included in the agenda packet.

  1. 2nd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium Update

Mr. Youpatoff informed the board that the 2nd Annual Emerald Coast Transportation Symposium was fast approaching. He extended an invitation to all present at the meeting with the hopes of everyone's attendance. He enticed the board and audience saying that the ports in Panama City, Pensacola, and Mobile have all agreed to participate. He also mentioned that the 3rd Annual Symposium is hoped to be held in Bay County in 2015, therefore staff will be in need of the boards guidance for locations, and possible speakers. Ms. Rowland asked for a list of attendees and sponsors, Mr. Youpatoff said he would get that information to her.

H.INFORMATION ITEMS (No Presentation Necessary)

Attached are the following items:

  • TPO Meeting Schedule
  • Advisory Committee Minutes

The following informational items are available on the West Florida Regional Planning Council (WFRPC) website at

  • Letter from George Stevenson to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Concerning Multi-Use Pathways
  • Letter of Support for National Highway System (NHS) Intermodal Connector
  • Three Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment Letters


It has been brought to Mr. Stevenson’s attention that the speed bumps on major ambulance thoroughfare are a problem, and he asked that they be reviewed. Chairman Frohlich asked that this issue be brought up to the TPO. Ms. Kirkland asked if there were ways to educate the public on how to use roundabouts, and if not there she suggested there to be. Ms. Rowland brought up that the one way street that goes off of 231 is very dangerous and congested. Mr. Paulk said that he would coordinate with the proper staff to bring information back on the CAC’s concerns.


There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.

Mr. Lincoln moved to adjourn. Mr. Stevenson seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.

DATE: April 23, 2014

INITIALS: ______