Chapter 2: First Civilizations
Page Numbers: Paper 59-90/Online 140-171
What do historians commonly mean when they use the word “civilization?” What are some of the characteristics of a civilization?
On the chart, describe the geographical location and SPICE characteristics of the mentioned early civilizations…
Civilization / Location / SPICE CharacteristicsSumer/Mesopotamia
Norte Chico/Chavin
What accounts for the initial breakthroughs to civilization?
Why didn’t all agricultural societies and chiefdoms develop into civilizations?
What are some of the technologies invented by early civilizations to help make their lives “work”?
Describe Mohenjo Daro and Harappa…
Compare these cities with that of Teotihuacan…
How did cities and the process of urbanization lead to inequality?
In what ways was social inequality expressed in early civilizations?
What were the characteristics of early slavery? How did early slavery differ from how an American might view the idea?
How did gender inequalities shape early civilizations?
How and in what ways did patriarchy shape the laws of Mesopotamia?
How were early civilizations held together and controlled? Who were the first ones to claim authority of the state?
How did religion play a role in political power of early civilizations?
What was writing first used for? What did it evolve into?
Look at the chart titled “Writing in Ancient Civilizations.” What similarities do you see? Which is the oddball of the group? Why might you conclude we know less about the Indus River Valley than any other early civilization?
How did Kings express their power? Give specific examples…
The next few pages compare Egypt and Mesopotamia. Use the following chart to analyze their SPICE Characteristics…
Civilization / SPICEMesopotamia / S
Egypt / S
What does the book mean when it says “subject to the whims of capricious and quarreling gods?” How is that connected directly to their geographical qualities?
Why were Egyptian gods viewed much more favorably in comparison?
What other civilizations did Mesopotamians trade with? How do we know?
What are two examples of Mesopotamian influence on Hebrews?
What gift did the Phoenicians give to the world?
How is interaction and influence a “two way street?”
What kinds of goods did Egypt trade? With whom? What else “came with” that trade?
What new military innovations arose at this period of trade and influence?
What new technologies did Egypt adopt as time went on?
Why do some scholars hesitate to use the word civilization?