Chapter 18: Secrets Abound
Brittney slowly walks upstairs. She can hear all the commotion coming from the playroom where Madison, Emily, and Alyssa are. She is again overwhelmed with all of the love and attention she has been experiencing the past few days in her new home. Of course, at the same time, she can’t help but think about her real mother and the pain she still feels from several years of abuse and neglect. She thinks about what Madison told her the night before… At this moment, she wants nothing more but to regress and be carefree, with most things taken care of for her. She quickly goes into her and Madison’s room and grabs a clean pacifier. She pops it in her mouth and then enters the playroom, not saying a word.
Madison and Emily take notice, almost immediately. “Oh, hey sis! Is everything okay?” Madison asks.
Brittney slowly nods her head. “Uh huh, I fine!” Brittney says through her pacifier. Madison decides she needs to speak with her sister in private, to make sure everything really is okay. She asks Emily to keep an eye on Alyssa for a few minutes, then takes Brittney’s hand and takes her into her bedroom. Brittney looks at Madison with a look of confusion on her face.
“Maddie… I… I fine. I just wanna… I wanna pway an… not fink bout any-ting. “Brittney says, still keeping the pacifier in her mouth, making her hard to understand. Having known Alyssa long enough, Madison has no trouble understanding. She gives her sister a warm hug.
“Aww, okay Britt… I just wanted to make sure this is what you want. Um, so for the rest of the day, I’m your big sister. You’re about four, right? “Madison asks with a slight grin.
Brittney nods her head quickly with a big smile on her face. She then holds out four fingers. “If Ally asks why I acting like dis… um, just tell her I.. I playing… Kay?”
Madison laughs, “Oh, of course. She will love it, don’t worry. Okay, let’s go play. Oh, wait a minute. Since you’re only four… I need to check and see if your diaper is wet. “
Brittney shrugs her shoulders and makes a pouty face. “I no wet, I dry! Come on we go play!” Brittney says, starting to run away while giggling. Madison catches up to her and pulls her back.
“Not so fast little girl! This will just take a minute. You’re wearing a skirt so I can check how squishy you are real fast.” Madison says. She takes her left hand and places it over Brittney’s diapered behind. She gently squeezes the back of Brittney’s diaper to see how wet it is. At the moment it is only slightly gelled up, meaning it can hold another wetting or two. “Okay, you’re only a little wet. Let’s go play, little one.” Madison says, speaking to her as if she is Alyssa’s age. They walk back into the playroom where Emily is seen playing blocks with Alyssa. Emily seems to be enjoying herself, playing with toys she hasn’t seen in years. Brittney sits down next to them and starts to grab a few blocks.
“What we makin? I gonna make a big tower. It gonna be pink and purple, “Brittney says as she starts to stack some blocks together. Emily quickly stands up and starts to blush a bit.
“Oh, uh… I was just keeping her company while you and Maddie were talking, yeah. Um, I’ll go and talk to Maddie and watch while you two play. Ally can help you with your tower, mmmkay?” Emily says, trying not to make it look like she was having fun playing with a four year old. She walks across the room and sits down next to Madison while Brittney and Alyssa begin playing as if they were best friends in preschool.
“Hey, Emily? What was that all about?” Madison whispers?
“What? I was just keeping your little sister busy so she wouldn’t come bother you. So, um… is Brittney okay?” Emily asks, trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, she’s fine. She just wants to be a little kid for the rest of the day… it’s like we talked about earlier. And hey, Em… I am your friend; your really good friend. It’s okay if you were having fun playing with my little sister. It’s okay to do things like that. I’m not going to make fun of you; it was kind of cute. I play with her all the time too,” Madison explains.
“Yeah, I know but you’re her sister you have to. Okay, fine; it was kind of fun. I… I’ve just never had a sister to play with. And she’s a fun little kid… You’re lucky to have her,” Emily says, looking somewhat distracted. She begins to fidget and is unable to keep her legs from shaking. Madison decides to tease her friend, playfully.
“Aww, I think little Emily needs to pee. Need some help going potty?” Madison says, trying to be serious, holding back the laughter.
Emily continues to fidget, but plays along. “Huh? I don’t have to go. Um, wha…what do you want to play with? Oh, we could play a game…yeah... like… oh… do you have Uno? I… I la – love that one,” Emily says as her desperation to pee becomes stronger.
“Yeah we have that game. I’ll go get it. In the meantime, you should really think about going potty. It’s not good to hold it like that,” Madison says as she gets up and gets the deck of Uno cards. She begins to shuffle them as Emily continues squirming. Madison looks at her friend curiously.
“Okay, okay. You are…you are right. I gotta pee… I gotta pee so bad! Too much chocolate milk at Red Robin,” Emily says as her legs begin to shake furiously.
“Well, silly… you could just pee in your diaper. Remember, we changed you into a real diaper? Just go slow enough and it should hold,” Madison says.
“Oh, yeah! I totally forgot I had a diaper on. See, I don’t get to wear enough… I’m so… uh, potty trained; I forget I can just go in my diaper. I noticed your little sister did that as we were playing blocks… it was funny she just got real quiet for a while and I asked if she was okay and she’s like ‘uh huh I peeing’ and as soon as she was done she went back to playing like it was nothing. Hehe, I guess I get why she’s not potty trained yet. “Emily says while grinning.
“Yep, that would be my little sister. So why don’t you see how it feels to be like her. It’s a lot of fun, you know.” Madison says as she gives Emily a few tickles on her tummy to get her started.
“I… I’m…. ga....gonna… uh-oh. Here… here it comes,” Emily whispers. She lies back just slightly and relaxes as a slow stream of pee begins to trickle into her Pamper. As she continues to slowly pee, a certain look of tranquility comes across her face. Madison smiles as she watches her friend completely soak her first real diaper. Emily now begins to feel her diaper become warm and squishy between her legs and bottom as the dry powders quickly convert into a slushy, warm gel. She knows this feeling from wearing Pull-Ups, but the diaper does it more efficiently and feels slightly different. Finally, the slow stream of urine comes to an end as Emily’s bladder is now completely empty. She can’t help but smile as she continues to feel the warm, squishy sensation all over her diapered bottom.
Madison knows exactly what Emily is feeling, but needs to give her some quick advice. “Okay, just sit still for a minute… You just completely soaked it so you need to give it time for the gels to suck up all the pee. When it’s safe you can squirm around and enjoy it. Just, umm, don’t enjoy it too much; there’s little kids in the room,” Madison whispers while giggling softly. Emily nods her head and remains calm and still. She can feel her diaper at work as it continues to absorb the small puddle of unabsorbed urine. After a few minutes, the diaper has managed to absorb her flood. It is very soggy and will leak if she pees even one more drop. She stands up and walks around, placing her hands over her butt as she walks.
“Oh my gosh! I don’t think I’ve ever been able to wet a pull-up this much. It’s so squishy… oh but I love it,” she says. She then quickly sits down on the carpet, causing all the gels in the diaper to squish around her butt. “Oh gosh this is incredible. I still like my Pull-Ups but… uh, I think when I play at your house I’m gonna wear your Pampers sometimes. Uh, if… if that’s okay?” Emily asks.
“Yeah, that’s fine with me… but um… I am kind of concerned about something…” Madison says, not wanting to even bring it up.
“What’s the matter?” Emily says as she squirms around; enjoying the feeling of her soggy, warm diaper.
“Well it’s my Mom and Dad… They know about my diapers, and obviously Brittney’s; but they don’t know you wear. And um… you know how we were talking before about how you should tell your parents? Cause mine got real mad at me…. Not because I was wearing diapers, but cause I kept it a big secret. I got in trouble. And after all of this I had to promise I’d never keep secrets like that from them. I don’t really want to do this to you but, I’m afraid if we don’t tell my parents that you wear; they’re gonna find out, and then they’ll be mad at me again, “Madison says nervously.
Emily stops squirming and looks at her friend seriously. She has somewhat of a terrified look on her face. “Um, so you want meto go and tell your Mom that I sometimes wear pull-ups and diapers? I… I dunno if I can. And, what if they tell my Mom? She’ll freak, I just… I just know it. When I wore Pull-Ups when I was seven, my Mom kept saying how it’s only for the photo shoots and don’t I get used to it… “
Madison sighs. “I know, Em. But if we keep it a secret from my parents, they probably won’t let you play here anymore. My Mom has a way of knowing if I’m not telling the truth… I think it’s that PhD thing she has… She can like read people’s minds or something. I’m serious. I think she knew about my diapers long before I got caught. “
“I’m sorry Maddie. You’re my best friend. Well, you and Brittney. I don’t wanna get you in any trouble. And I don’t wanna be banned from playing here. But do I have to go and tell her by myself? I don’t mean to be a baby or anything but tha – that’s really scary!” Emily exclaims.
“Aww, Em; no, of course not. I will go with you. I can even do most of the talking. And if she asks how you got into this, tell her the truth. Tell her what you told me and Britt.” Madison says.
“Oh, okay. But, wait… will she tell my parents?” Emily asks.
“No, I don’t think so. That’s not her business to tell them. She might suggest that you tell them, but she won’t say anything, totally positive on that one. We just need to get this out of the way soon. “
Emily sits and thinks for a moment. “Well, I’m totally soaked. Should I just go down to your Mom and ask her to change me?”
Madison bursts out laughing. “You’re kidding, right?” No… I mean, she probably will change you… but not until we tell her about you first. Come here baby, I’ll change you.”
“Hey, I’m not a baby! I just happen to pee in a diaper sometimes. That doesn’t make me a baby!” Emily says, being playful.
“Oops, excuse me. I mean… come here, pull-up princess. I’ll change you.” Madison says. Emily giggles as she follows Madison into her room. “Go lie down on my bed and I’ll change you quick. Do you want another Pamper, or would a Pull-Up be fine?”
“Pull-up. I need to use some of them up anyway. I got way too many at home,” Emily says. As Madison gets out a new pull-up and wipes, Emily rubs and plays with her very soaked diaper, enjoying every second. Madison turns around and is about to begin changing her as she sees this.
“Oh, umm… let me know when you’re done. Uh, do you need a minute alone? It’s okay, I’ve been there…” Madison says softly.
Emily blushes and turns red. “Um, no… I’m fine now… I should get changed before I get a bad rash. This thing is like so wet!”
“Yeah, two big glasses of milk probably has something to do with it. Um, alright… lift your legs up a little and I’ll slide this soggy thing off. “Madison says. Emily does as she’s asked while Madison un-tapes and slides the heavily wet diaper off. She rolls it up and holds it in her hand, admiring how heavy it is. “Wow for such a little girl you sure can pee. Well, I say that about Alyssa, too – he-he. Alright, here comes a new pull-up. Now next time you have to pee you should try to go potty, okay?” Madison says, jokingly.
“Uh huh, I will try. But if I forget that’s what the pull-ups are for,” Emily says. Both girls laugh as Madison wipes Emily’s butt and helps her slide the new pull-up on. She puts her skirt back on and hops off the bed.
“So, I think we should let Brittney play with Alyssa by herself for a while. She needs this special regression time. In the meantime, I think you and I should go… uh… hold on a sec…” Madison says as she begins to strain and concentrate.
“Maddie? Are you okay?” Emily asks.
“Yeah, sorry…. My bladder decided it’s time for me to pee myself now. Uh…. Just a …. Ahhhhh… mu…much better.”
Emily smiles, realizing what just happened. “Oh, um… wa…want me to change you now?” Emily asks.
Madison shakes her head. “Nope, not yet. I didn’t pee as much as you. That’s a waste of a diaper when I can pee again later. I can barely tell I’m wet; just nice and warm… Uh, anyway… I was saying – we should go and talk to my Mom about… you wearing pull-ups. I promise it won’t be a big deal. My Mom won’t care… but she needs to know. Just how she is I guess,” Madison explains.
Emily sighs. “Okay, but you’re going to do most of the talking… and I’m gonna hide behind you if your Mom starts having a fit.”
Madison laughs. “Aww, she won’t have a fit. You really don’t have to worry. So, let’s go. I think Mom is down watching TV or reading a book or something.” The two girls make their way downstairs and begin to look around the house for Mrs. Ludke. “Mommy? Where are you?!” Madison shouts from the bottom of the stairs.
“In the kitchen, sweetie, getting dinner started.” Mrs. Ludke responds. Emily grabs hold of Madison’s hand as she is almost dragged into the kitchen. As Emily stumbles in to the kitchen, a slight crinkle noise can be heard from under Emily’s skirt.
“Mom, Emily has something she needs to talk about with you….” Madison begins to explain. Just as she is about to say something, Emily becomes very nervous and runs out of the room. Her face is beat red and she is almost in tears.
Mrs. Ludke looks at Madison with a look of wonder. Madison shrugs and sighs. “Oh, Mom… she just… well, we don’t want to keep secrets… and well she kind of has one… Um, well…” Madison says, getting interrupted.
“I understand, sweetie. Go get Emily and send her in alone. I will try to get her to open up. I’m pretty sure I know what she needs to tell me, “Mrs. Ludke says. Madison doesn’t even bother to question how her mother ‘knows.’ She figures it must have to do with her psychology background. Madison goes into the dining room and sees Emily trying to hide under the table. She tries not to laugh, not wanting to make her friend even more uncomfortable. Instead, Madison sits down next to Emily and tries to reassure her.
“Hey, Em… You have nothing to be afraid of. Come out from under here. This won’t take long. My Mom would like to talk with you in private. I’ll be in the living room watching TV, okay? Madison says, trying to make Emily feel more comfortable.
“I… I’m…. I… I’m just scared. What if your Mom says I can’t play here anymore? Maddie, you and Brittney are like the only real friends I have. I don’t wanna lose that.” Emily says slowly as her eyes begin to water.
“Aww, Emily… I promise you that won’t happen. If you don’t tell her, you might get banned from playing here… I’d hate to see that happen, too.” Madison says.
Emily sighs as she slowly gets out from under the table and stands up. She slowly makes her way towards the kitchen, taking about five minutes before she finally enters the kitchen. Mrs. Ludke is standing near the stove, preparing to get dinner cooked. “Uh, Mrs. Ludke? I – I guess I’m supposed to tell you something… But I’m kind of nervous,” Emily says. As she is saying this, she is lifting her skirt up and down, revealing some of her Pull-Up. Of course, Mrs. Ludke takes notice of this, but waits for Emily to say it herself.