Chapter 17 Specific Lesions

17.1 Which statement is CORRECT regarding gastric rupture in horses?

a. Horses with gastric rupture will not have nasogastric reflux when intubated.

b. Gastric rupture typically occurs along the lesser curvature.

c. Repair of gastric rupture in adult horses is usually possible.

d. Gastric rupture most commonly occurs secondarily to a small intestinal mechanical of functional obstruction.

e. Complete gastric rupture in mature horses is the third most common source of gastrointestinal perforation.

17.2 Proximal enteritis or duodenitis-proximal jejunitis is typically treated with . Select the BEST answer.

a. surgical bypass of the affected intestine.

b. enterotomy on the anti-mesenteric border of the jejunum.

c. frequent gastric decompression, intravenous fluids, and supportive care.

d. frequent gastric decompression and broad spectrum antimicrobial drugs.

e. intravenous fluids and broad spectrum antimicrobial drugs.

17.3 Which statement is CORRECT regarding epiploic foramen entrapment (EFE)?

a. Recurrence of EFE is common

b. Horses with EFE are less likely to have strangulating lesions affecting the ileum than other types of small intestinal strangulating obstruction.

c. Incarceration of colonic intestinal segments within the epiploic foramen occurs frequently.

d. The portal vein forms the dorsal boundary of the epiploic foramen.

e. A small intestinal segment can enter the epiploic foramen forming an EFE with the vast majority occurring from left to right.

17.4 A/an occurs when the small intestine twists on the axis of the mesenteric attachment resulting in strangulating obstruction. Fill in the blank with the BEST answer.

a. small intestinal volvulus

b. small intestinal intussusception

c. mesenteric rent

d. epiploic foramen entrapment

e. strangulating pedunculated lipoma

17.5 What is a mesodiverticular band?

a. A remnant of the embryonic vitellointestinal duct that fails to atrophy completely.

b. A congenital defect resulting from a persistent umbilical vein.

c. A congenital defect resulting from a persistent umbilical artery.

d. A congenital defect resulting from a persistent vitelline artery.

e. None of the above.

17.6 Enteroliths are. Fill in the blank with the BEST answer.

a. calcium carbonate calculi that form within the right dorsal colon.

b. struvite calculi that form within the right dorsal colon.

c. calcium carbonate calculi that form within any part of the equine gastrointestinal tract.

d. struvite calculi that form within any part of the equine gastrointestinal tract.

e. large firm fecal balls that form within the colon.

17.7 Which of the following is considered a risk factor for enterolithiasis?

a. Thoroughbred and Standardbred breeds

b. Feeding Timothy hay in Pennsylvania

c. Feeding coastal Bermuda grass hay in North Carolina

d. Feeding California- or Texas-grown alfalfa hay

e. A and D

17.8 A nephrosplenic ligament entrapment may be managed medically with which drug?

a. epinephrine

b. norepinephrine

c. phenylephrine

d. vasopressin

e. none of the above

17.9 Horses with a right dorsal displacement of the large colon may have a high . Select the BEST answer.

a. gamma glutamyl transferase activity

b. sorbitol dehydrogenase activity

c. blood ammonia concentration

d. lactate dehydrogenase activity

e. superoxide dismutase activity

17.10 A large colon volvulus typically occurs in a direction. Fill in the blank with the BEST answer.

a. counterclockwise or ventromedial dorsolateral direction.

b. clockwise or ventromedial dorsolateral direction.

c. counterclockwise or ventrolateral dorsomedial direction.

d. clockwise or ventrolateral dorsomedial direction.

e. any of the above