Chapter 17: Heart Rate Variability Worksheet


Complete the following.

  1. The beat-to-beat variation of the cardiac electrical signal expressed in normal sinus rhythm is termed ______and is considered to be an index of _____balance and imbalance.
  1. Two major procedures for analyzing HRV are ______domain analysis and ______domain analysis.
  1. Time domain analysis is based on the statistical interpretation of ______time interval values.
  1. Frequency domain analysis, or spectral analysis, is an elegant method for studying the ______ components in an R-R interval sequence and presents intriguing possibilities for disentangling PSNS and SNS influences on the heart.
  1. HRV patterns are disturbed in patients who have experienced MI. In post MI patients, those with ______ have been reported to have especially reduced HRV patterns compared with those without this disorder.
  1. Low HRV is associated with ______ prognosis in stable angina and unstable angina
  1. Individuals with HTN and those at high risk for HTN exhibit ______ HRV patterns.
  1. Patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) have ______HRV .
  1. The use of HRV measures in heart failure is reported to be helpful in the evaluation of risk for ______ events.
  1. Cardiovascular surgery has been shown to have an impact on HRV patterns. HRV is significantly ______ in post-MI patients after CABG surgery.
  1. Factors influencing HRV include age, sex and sex hormones, ______, sleep patterns, and ______.
  1. HRV tends to ______ with increasing age.
  1. Sex and the interaction of sex and age appear to ______HRV.
  1. ______factors influence many aspects of health, including HRV.
  1. HRV is normally characterized by greater variability during ______ than wake in adults and children
  1. ______ and the frequency of positional change are closely related to whether the person is awake or asleep. Whether the patient is asleep or awake, body position should be considered in the interpretation of ______.
  1. A major contributor to general health is lifestyle. Many aspects of lifestyle have been explored with respect to impact on HRV patterns. These include ______, obesity and ______, smoking and alcohol and ______consumption.
  1. Acute ______ is clinically seen to increase heart rate and decrease HRV.
  1. Traumatic ______injury is associated with ANS dysfunction marked by reduced HRV and reduced LF and HF power.
  1. ______ is a significant risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease and for the increased risk of cardiac mortality and morbidity in those with existing cardiovascular conditions. The ______ of depression in cardiac patients is ______associated with HRV.
  1. Measures of HRV can aid in the ______ diagnosis and treatment of ANS dysfunction and are recommended as components of standard ______care.
  1. Decreased HRV is strongly linked with ______ prognosis, but the increase of HRV does not directly appear to ______health outcomes.
  1. Several pharmacologic therapies are known to increase HRV and reduce mortality, such as ______ after MI, ACE inhibitors, and ______in CHF; ______in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias.
  1. Nonpharmacologic interventions, such as ______, psychosocial therapy and combination therapies involving exercise and ______ reduction or exercise, diet, and weight loss increase HRV and ______cardiovascular status.
  1. HRV is disturbed in a number of cardiovascular ______and health conditions that ______ cardiac complications. Use of HRV pattern anomalies and the factors that shape them will strengthen ______patient assessments and evaluations.