Sulaimaniya Shelter & NFI Cluster Meeting Minutes

20 July 2017

Attendees: BCF, CCCM Cluster, ICRC, JCCC, OCHA, PWJ, Qandil, Reach, UNHCR, WASH Cluster, YAO

  1. Follow-up on previous Action Points

-REACH met with Civil Defense on the draft camp fire safety gaps and response however further discussion is needed.

-National NFI-ShelterClusterwill be meeting with REACH and others on the out of camp assessment

  1. Action points

-Continue discussion on YAO’s new system of distribution and assessment. Members to send in questions/comments

-YAO to share photos of the implemented distribution using the Barcode System.

-REACH to continue discussion on fire safety gaps and needs with Civil Defense

  1. Discussion on Safe Distribution for Reducing Risks in NFI and Food Distribution

The guidelines were developed at the sub-national level with input from the national shelter and Protection clusters and aim to ensure distributions are safe and effective. The guidelines were distributed and discussed in relation to Suly and Garmiyan.

Potential risks during distributions:

-Overcrowding during distributions and insufficient space

-Unclear criteria and communication with recipients as well as with those note receivingassistance

-Understaffing while distribution in the camp

-Access for people with vulnerabilities

Precautions/planningfor Safe Distribution that actors currently take:

Safety, Security, and Crowd Control:

-ContactAsayesh to control the distribution process

-Accommodate the number of people, the size of food packages

-Accommodate the storage of materials, and facilitatetransferring the packages

-Check onthe validity(expire date) of items and food.

-Communicate with camp management, mobilizers and PoC

-Planning for staffing


-Post- distribution monitoring

-Follow-upis essential after each distribution process.

It was noted that a training on SGBV will be held for camp managers, NFI partners and Shelter partners next week.

  1. YAO’s Presentation on NFI distribution(Barcode)Assessment System

YAO introduced the new system for distribution which uses barcodes and scanning tools. It has been used only once, but has significantly cut down the distribution from an average of three days to two hours. YAO reviewed the process and there was extensive discussion and questions – the presentation and discussion will be continued for the next meeting.

  1. Agency Updates/NFI Response:

Postponed due to ongoing discussion

Next Meeting: 3August 2017 10:00 UNHCR

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