Chapter 14 Study Guide – Supranational Cooperation in the European Union

Write your answers out on a separate sheet of paper in complete sentences

Know the definitions of the 11 terms on your ID. Know the location of the following European countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, UK, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Germany, and Ireland, Ukraine

1.Sometimes countries give up some control of their own affairs to work together on goals they all share is a form of ______.

2.The EU began with the development of the ______.

3.The best definition of centripetal forces is ______.

4.This could be a centrifugal force within the EU in the future ______

5.When a member country does not agree with a decision made by the EU ______.

6.The EU promoted economic cooperation across Europe by reducing ______

7.According the chart on p. 216, which countries have almost equal power? ______

8.The European Parliament is like congress, countries with more people have more representatives. Use the chart on page 219 to identify the four countries with the most representatives in 2009. List them. ______

9.Identify the 6 smallest countries in EU. List them. ______

10.What countries make up the UK? Hint SWEN ______

11.What countries make up Great Britain? ______

12.Which UK countries voted to leave the EU ______?

13.What are 3 ways the EU promoted cultural identity? ______

14. Which war was known as the “Great War”/ “War to End all Wars” ______

Include the years and number of casualties(deaths).

15. WW2 was a war that involved most countries in the world in which the U.S. did not enter until the bombing of ______by the ______on ______. Include the years of this war and number of casualties

16. List the currencies of Canada, Japan, EU, Great Britain, and US.

17. List 4 factors that unite EU.

18. Bullfighting is a tradition in Spain. Every year, matadors kill thousands of bulls. Other European countries see bullfight as cruel and many think it should be banned. This is an example of ______force.

19. Identify each flag______&______

20. The _____ & ______make travel easy within the EU.

21. Many different languages, national pride, and cultural traditions are examples of ______forces.

22.The headquarters of the EU is in ______, ______because of this some might

Call ______the capital of Europe.

23. What is BREXIT? This referendum or public vote passed by ______

24. The ______main goals are settling disputes between countries and trying to prevent wars. They often send troops on ______and ______.

25. The UN was founded in ______. Its goal is to ______and ______among the countries of the world. Members meet at the UN headquarters in______to discuss world issues.

26. America’s effort to meet and negotiate with North Korea is an example of ______. This is when governments negotiate with each other in peace.

27. Know the definitions of the 10 types of Gov’t. Know the examples of countries that have

dictatorship, democracy, theocracy, monarchy, and commonwealth.