Chapter 13Money Online


Find the mutual funds that best suit your needs! Work through Quicken’s “Popular Searches,” “EasyStep Search,” or “Full Search” to find the mutual funds that match your investing goals. While you’re there, click on “Top 25 Funds” to view the top 25 performing mutual finds in 50 different categories.


How many stars does your fund rate? What do those stars mean, anyway? Find out from Morningstar how funds are analyzed and the stars assigned. Click on “Funds” to learn more about evaluating mutual funds and then on “Tools” to use their expertly prepared investing tools.


What’s happening on The Street—Wall Street, that is? How will happenings in the financial world affect your investments? Find the latest in financial news and analysis or pull up the “Economic Calendar” to learn of upcoming reports and events.


Need to find a mutual fund’s Web site? Brill’s Mutual Funds Interactive provides “FundLink” with links to thousands of mutual fund companies. Brill’s also provides an “Experts” corner, “Profiles” of various fund managers, “Answers” under “Q&A,” and “Funds101” for beginning and experienced investors alike. Be sure to sign up for their free weekly Mutual Fund Alert newsletter to keep up with what’s happening with mutual funds.


Like to know more about exchange-traded funds? The ETF Connect Web site prepared by Nuveen Investments covers both closed-end and indexed ETFs in depth. First, click on the “EducationCenter” to explore the various characteristics, advantages, risks, and opportunities offered by these funds. Then, click on “Industry Links” to find even more sites dealing with ETFs.


Interested in real estate but don’t want to own property directly? Consider real estate investment trusts for the improved liquidity and portfolio diversification they provide. The Web site of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts explains it all in “Investing in REITs.” If you feel REITs would make a good investment for you, then explore “Investing in REITs” to learn even more.


What are the laws regarding mutual fund companies? Read through the various laws, rules, and regulations concerning both mutual funds and investment advisors at the Web site of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the federal agency that regulates the securities markets.


Need to make a complaint concerning an investment? You may do so electronically at the Web site of the North American Securities Administrators Association. Find the “Investment-RelatedComplaintCenter” by clicking on “Enforcement” in the drop-down box at the top of the page. You may also find the name, address, phone number, and Web site of your state’s securities regulator by scrolling down to “Find Regulator” at the home page.


Is your fund a lemon? Click on “Investing Tools” to find Fabian’s “Lemon List.” Whether it’s an overcharger or an underachiever, find out if your fund is a loser! View the Lipper “Benchmark Chart,” and then read the “Lemon Laws” to see how Fabian evaluates these funds.