Author: Jerry Thomas
©2008 by Pacific Press®
Readability Level 7.1 / Points 15
58 Readable Pages / Word Count: 36,028
Be sure to take this as an open-book test. Questions about Intro are included.
1. / Jesus greeting of the crowd was like that that was heard in _____.a. / Heaven
b. / His home
c. / The temple
d. / Mt. Sinai
2. / The morning of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus _____.
a. / Prayed for His disciples
b. / Dedicated the disciples to the Gospel ministry
c. / Actions made the disciples think he would announce His plans to be King
d. / All of these
3. / People don’t want Jesus’ blessings when they are _____.
a. / Bad
b. / Feeling good already
c. / Feel they are unable to be good on their own
d. / All of these
4. / When Jesus blessed those that mourn, He was talking about _____.
a. / Those who feel bad about their sins
b. / Those who have had a friend die or leave
c. / Those who are sick or lonely
d. / All of these
5. / When we hunger for righteousness we will _____.
a. / Want to be changed
b. / Study our Bibles more
c. / Work to save others
d. / All of these
6. / When we realize someone is in trouble because they made bad choices, we should_____.
a. / Ask how we can help
b. / Allow them to experience the natural results
c. / Avoid them so we won’t be drawn into the same trouble
d. / Condemn them so they will know that what they are doing wrong
7. / Pure hearts will help us to_____.
a. / Know when to speak to others about their bad language
b. / See God in nature
c. / Understand if others have good motives or not
d. / All of these
8. / Things done to oppose the people spreading God’s word _____.
a. / Should be challenged
b. / Should be ignored
c. / Will make people think about God’s truth
d. / None of these
9. / If a person isn’t shining with the light of God’s love _____.
a. / He has a broken connection with God
b. / He needs to put more effort into being kind
c. / God will use others in the place he was supposed to witness
d. / All of these
10. / If part of who we are tends to cause us to sin we should _____.
a. / Ask God’s forgiveness when we sin but accept who we are
b. / Choose not to think about it
c. / Clean it up and use it for God
d. / Have it cut it out of our lives
11. / The Jews should always have known God loves good people and bad because _____.
a. / Of Jesus death
b. / Of the sun and rain
c. / Of the law of Moses
d. / None of these
12. / Our greatest reward in helping other people is _____.
a. / Eternal life
b. / People’s appreciation
c. / Seeing their needs met
d. / None of these
13. / The basis of all false religions is _____.
a. / Doing good works to be saved
b. / Loving man
c. / Loving God
d. / None of these
14. / If God’s love is in us we will _____.
a. / Not have to work hard
b. / Never be tempted again
c. / Stop worrying
d. / All of these
15. / Jesus gave instructions on The Lord’s Prayer only _____.
a. / Once
b. / Twice
c. / Thrice
d. / He repeated His instruction over and over
16. / When we call God our father we are _____.
a. / Calling all people our brothers and sister
b. / Accepting His right to make the rules of our lives
c. / Delighted to do any tasks God asks
d. / All of these
17. / The kingdom of God ’s glory is revealed _____.
a. / As God changes people day by day from sinners to saints
b. / When Jesus comes
c. / Both of these
d. / Neither of these
18. / God expects the poor to get their food _____.
a. / From others He has blessed
b. / Only when they are working
c. / From gathering manna early in the morning
d. / All of these
19. / The greatest blessing of our lives is _____.
a. / Facing problems persecution, and suffering
b. / Giving to others
c. / Training our children
d. / None of these
20. / When we judge others we should be careful to only judge their _____.
a. / Actions
b. / Motives
c. / Words
d. / None of these
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