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Chapter 13: Reformation and Religious Warfare in the Sixteenth Century

You do not need to write using complete sentences

Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany, 340-345

1.  What was the typical medieval religious question?

2.  Describe Luther’s shift from pursuing a degree in law to becoming an Augustinian monk.

3.  According to Catholic doctrine, what were ways one could achieve personal salvation? Why was this a problem for Luther?

4.  Explain “justification/salvation by grace through faith alone”.

5.  According to Luther, what was the chief guide to religious truth?

6.  What are the twin pillars of the Protestant Reformation?

7.  What are indulgences?

8.  What was the Ninety-Five Theses? How was it distributed?

9.  Identify the main points of Luther’s pamphlets published in 1520.

a)  Address to the Nobility of the German Nation

b)  The Babylonian Captivity of the Church

c)  On the Freedom of a Christian Man

10.  What happened to Luther in January 1521?

11.  What was the purpose of the Diet of Worms?

12.  Define the terms of the Edict of Worms?

13.  Why did Lutheranism receive wide appeal in German?

14.  Who instituted reformed churches?

15.  How did the ideas of the Reformation spread, especially to the uneducated?

16.  Where did Lutheranism first spread? What was the first imperial city to convert to Lutheranism?

17.  Why did some Christian humanists have trouble with Luther’s movement?

18.  Who was Philip Melanchthon?

19.  Why were the German peasants unhappy in the early 16th century?




20.  Where did the Peasant Revolts start and then spread?

21.  Why did Luther write Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants?

22.  How did Luther redefine the sacraments? What was their purpose?

23.  Define transubstantiation.

24.  According to Luther, what was sufficient authority in religious affairs? How did this contradict Catholic beliefs?

Germany and the Reformation: Religion and Politics, 345-347

25.  What territories were controlled by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V?

26.  What were Charles V four major issues during his reign?





27.  Why was Francis I of France so concerned about the Habsburg Empire?

28.  During the Habsburg-Valois Wars what did Charles V and Francis I fight over? Why was this detriment to Charles V?

29.  Why did Pope Clement VII side with Francis I in the second Habsburg-Valois War?

30.  What happened in Rome in April 1527? What was the result?

31.  What problem did Charles V face with the Ottoman Turks? Where was this problem?

32.  What did Charles V demand at the Diet of Augsburg in 1530?

33.  What was the Schmalkaldic League?

34.  Why did Charles V have to compromise with Protestant authorities in the early 1530s?

35.  Why would Henry II, a Catholic side with the Protestant princes during the Schmalkaldic Wars?

36.  What did Charles V do in 1556 and why?

37.  Why was the Treaty of Augsburg a turning point in history and how was it also a compromise?

The Spread of the Protestant Reformation, 347-353

51.  Describe the Swiss Confederation in the 16th century and how they functioned?

52.  Why did Ulrich Zwingli’s preaching in Zurich cause unrest?

53.  Why did disputations enable the Reformation to easily spread?

54.  Who did Zwingli feel should supervise the church?

55.  What actions were taken by the city council in Zurich?





56.  What elements of Catholicism were abolished?





57.  By 1528, which parts of the Swiss Confederation remained Catholic?

58.  Why did Zwingli want to create an alliance with Luther and other German reformers? What were the concerns regarding the Habsburgs/Charles V?

59.  Over what topic did Zwingli and Luther disagree at the Marburg Colloquy of 1529? What was the result?

60.  During the war between Swiss Protestants and Catholic cantons in 1531 what happened to Zwingli?

61.  What groups of people were attracted to Anabaptism and why?

62.  Why ideas did Anabaptists everywhere hold in common?

63.  Why did the city of Munster in Westphalia experience a more radical mass religious movement?

64.  What was Munster renamed?

65.  What various actions did the Anabaptists in Munster take in 1534?

66.  How was the radical form of Anabaptism in Munster eradicated?

67.  How was Dutch Anabaptism influenced by Menno Simons?

68.  In what various places did the Mennonites spread?

69.  Who initiated the English Reformation?

70.  Why was it important in England to have a male son?

71.  Who initially tried to secure an annulment for Henry VIII? Why was he unsuccessful?

72.  Eventually, how did Henry go about achieving an annulment? Who gave Henry this advice?

73.  What was Parliament’s role in enable Henry to receive an annulment?

74.  What was the significance of the Act of Supremacy in 1534?

75.  Define the Treason Act.

76.  Why was Thomas More beheaded in 1535?

77.  What various actions did Thomas Cromwell take as the king’s principal secretary?

78.  Briefly, what happened to each of Henry’s wives?

Katherine of Aragon

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour

Anne of Cleves

Katherine Howard

Catherine Parr

79.  What was the consequence of England having a nine year old king?

80.  What reforms did Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer make during the reign of Edward VI?

81.  What did Mary restore upon becoming queen?

82.  Who did she marry?

83.  Why was he incredibly disliked in England?

84.  Who was one of the leaders of the second generation of Protestant reformers? Describe his background.

85.  What was Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion emphasis?

86.  Describe predestination.

87.  How did Calvin’s view on the absolute sovereignty of God make his teachings different?

88.  What were three tests determining possible salvation?

89.  Why did Calvinism become an activist faith?

90.  What two sacraments did Calvin keep and why?

91.  What was the Ecclesiastical Ordinances?

92.  What role did the Consistory play in Geneva?

93.  Who spread Calvinism to Scotland?

The Social Impact of the Protestant Reformation, 353-354

94.  What was the new view of family according to the Protestants?

95.  What was often the traditional role of husband and wife? How did this end up having a negative affect on the woman of the household (end of next paragraph)

96.  What was the most important role for the wife according to Luther and Calvin?

97.  Why did God “punish” women?

98.  Why did Protestants encourage education for girls?

99.  Overall was there a noticeable transformation of women’s place in society?

100.  Why did Protestants create schools for more than the elite in society?

101.  According to Luther, who should provide an education to all children? What did this lead to?

102.  What did students learn at the gymnasium?

103.  What religious practices did the Protestant Reformation abolish/curtail?






104.  What types of entertainments were discouraged by many groups of Calvinists?





The Catholic Reformation, 356-359

105.  Define the Counter-Reformation. What elements did it contain?

106.  Describe Saint Teresa of Avila and the Carmelite order.

107.  Who were the Capuchins?

108.  Map 13.2 Catholics and Protestants in Europe by 1560 – Which areas of Europe were solidly Catholic, which were solidly Lutheran, and which were neither?

109.  Who was the founder of the Society of Jesus? How did he develop his spiritual program?

110.  In what way did the Jesuit organization resemble the military?

111.  What were the Jesuits three major activities?

112.  Where in the world were Jesuits successful in bring Catholicism and reconverting parts of Europe back to Catholicism?

113.  Why did Pope Paul III still reflect the Renaissance papacy?

114.  Why was the Roman Inquisition/Holy Office created in 1542?

115.  What was the Index of Forbidden Books?

116.  What kinds of compromises were the popes willing to make with Protestants?

117.  List six reforms of the Council of Trent.

Politics and the Wars of Religion in the Sixteenth Century, 359-365

118.  Who were the Huguenots?

119.  What groups in French society were drawn to Calvinism and why?

120.  Why was the Catholic Monarchy reluctant to tolerate the Huguenots?

121.  Who dominated the reigns of Henry II’s three sons?

122.  Why was it difficult to accomplish religious compromise in France?

123.  Who led the ultra-Catholics, where was their power base, and what was their viewpoint?

124.  Why were towns, provinces, and some nobility likely to join Huguenot revolts?

125.  Define politiques.

126.  Describe the Saint Bartholomew’s Day massacre.

127.  What were the results of the massacre?

128.  What occurred during the War of the Three Henries?

129.  What ended the French Wars of Religion?

130.  What did the Edict of Nantes do in 1598?





131.  Who was the great proponent of Catholicism in the latter sixteenth century?

132.  What was Philip II’s first goal?

133.  To achieve strict conformity to Catholicism what did Philip do?



134.  How did Philip attempt to achieve his second goal of making Spain a dominant power in Europe?

135.  Why did the importation of silver have a detrimental effect on Spain?

136.  Describe the Netherlands in the 16th century.

137.  Why was Phillip’s hop to strengthen control in the Netherlands met with resistance and by whom?

138.  What actions were taken to crush Calvinism in the Netherlands?

139.  Why were the Duke of Alba’s repressive policies in the Netherlands counterproductive?

140.  Who led the northern provinces?

141.  What were the results of the 1576 Pacification of Ghent?

142.  What was the Duke of Parma’s strategy in the Netherlands?

143.  What did the United Provinces eventually become? Who controlled the ten southern provinces of the Netherlands?

144.  Describe Elizabeth’s religious goals and thus religious policy? What was its significance?

145.  Who opposed Elizabeth’s religious policies and why?

146.  What influenced Elizabeth’s foreign policy and what various actions did she or her subjects take?

147.  Why did conflict develop between Elizabeth/England and Phillip II/Spain?

148.  Why did the Spanish Armada prove a disaster for Spain?