EFFECTIVE DATE: January 12, 1998
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 1200-98-1
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FSM 1200 - Organization
Chapter 1230 – delegations of authority and responsibility
/ Forest Service Manual
coronado national forest
tucson, az
fsM – 1200 - organization
chapteR 1230– Delegations of Authority and responsibility
Supplement No.: 1200-98-1.
Effective Date: January 12, 1998
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: John M. mcgeeForest Supervisor / Date Approved: 01/12/1998
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was CNF Supplement 1200-95-1 to FSM 1230.
New Document / 1236 thru 1238.3 / 8 PagesSuperseded Document(s) 1200-95-1
Effective Date 11/01/1995 / 1236 thru 1238.2
November 1, 1995 / 8 Pages
Digest: Revises General Delegation and Signing Authorities. Supersedes CNF Supplement 1200-05-1 dated November 1995.
EFFECTIVE 01/12/98
1236 - Delegations of Authority to Field Positions
1236.41 - Forest Supervisors. At the beginning of each calendar year the Forest Supervisor will update an annual schedule assigning Acting Forest Supervisor responsibility to Staff Officers on a rotating monthly basis. The assigned Staff Officer will serve as Acting Forest Supervisor during the absence of both Forest Supervisor and the Deputy Forest Supervisor. The Forest Supervisor/Deputy Forest Supervisor will keep the Acting informed of travel plans and critical action items that may be anticipated during such absences. The Administrative Officer will serve as the primary backup when the designated Staff Officer is not available. District Rangers will be assigned Acting Forest Supervisor responsibilities on a negotiated basis relative to availability and scheduling needs. The designated District Ranger will replace the designated Staff Officer for the particular time period and will carry out the Acting responsibilities from the Supervisor's Office.
In the absence of the Forest Supervisor and Deputy Forest Supervisor, the Acting Forest Supervisor will be available in the Supervisor's Office during regular office hours (7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) and be available for contact during non-work hours including weekends. The Acting Forest Supervisor may appoint another staff person acting if it is necessary to be away from the office.
The Support Services Supervisor will handle all routine mail and telephone calls for the Forest Supervisor and his Acting, when he/she is present. However, specific requests to speak to the Forest Supervisor, mail, or visitors of an important nature may be referred directly to the Forest Supervisor/Deputy Forest Supervisor, or Acting, if he/she is present.
The Acting Forest Supervisor will determine the need for a Monday morning Staff meeting following their week of duty. They will establish the agenda and schedule the meeting.
In the absence of the Forest Supervisor or Deputy Forest Supervisor, the Acting Forest Supervisor will determine when Administrative Leave is appropriate due to adverse weather conditions or other similar emergency situations. The Acting will consult with other local agencies and the Forest Safety Officer before granting leave. Should the office be closed, the Regional Office and Ranger District Offices will be notified.
1236.42 - Delegations of Authority of Field Positions. The Forest Supervisor is responsible and accountable to the Regional Forester for the management, protection, development and administration of the Coronado National Forest. Forest Service policy FSM 1230.3 requires delegation of responsibility for work, authority for specific actions and decision making to the lowest practical level.
The Coronado Staff Officers are responsible for furnishing guidance, assistance and training in their functional fields. They are expected to provide or obtain technical, procedural or interpretive advice, assistance, recommendations and alternatives that assist Line Officer decision making.
1236.42a - Delegations Applicable to All Staff Officers. Some activities are part of each functional job. Although coordinating responsibilities are delegated, each staff officer will consider and apply standards and procedures in the following activities:
1. 1340 Management Improvements
2. 1380 Reports Management
3. 1410 Management Reviews
4. 1500 External Relations
5. 1600 Information Services
6. 1920 Land and Resource Management Planning
7. 1930 Program Development and Budgeting
8. 1950 Forest Service National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
9. 1960 Policy Analysis
10. 5330 Law Violations
11. 6100 Personnel
12. 6610 Computer Technology Management
13. 6700 Safety and Health Program
1236.42b - Specific Delegations to Staff Officers. Staff Officers are delegated the authority and responsibility to guide and assist Line Officers within their assigned areas. In addition, they will develop and recommend needed policies and procedures.
Incumbents will sign over their name and title any routine correspondence and reports within their jurisdiction. Routine correspondence is defined as that dealing with interpretation of programs within the framework of existing policy, enforcement, interpretation of technical operating procedures, and disseminating or seeking information. An Acting Staff Officer should be designated in writing, to serve in the absence of the Staff Officer. The Acting Staff Officer signs "for" over the name and title of the Staff Officer. Staff Officers are personally responsible for ensuring all documents are prepared to the quality standards outlined in the Government Style Manual, Correspondence Handbook, and Directives Preparation Handbook. They will ensure timely responses to all incoming correspondence and obtaining required concurrences of other Staff Officers prior to signature. Correspondence involving two or more functional activities will carry dual file designations.
In addition, certain approval and signing authorities are delegated to Staff Officers. Staff Officer's area of responsibility corresponds to FSM titles as follows:
1.Administrative Officer
1000 / 19301100 / 6100
1200 / 6200
1300 / 6300
1400 / 6400
1580 / 6500
1700 / 6600
2. Aviation, Fire, & Safety Staff Officer
3100 / 5300 / Law Enforcement Coordinator4400 / 5700
5100 / 6700 / Safety Coordinator
3. Ecosystem Management Staff Officer
1330 / Ecosystem Mgmt / 37001570 / Admin Appeals / 3900
1900 / 4000 / Research Coordinator
3000 / 6270 / FOIA
3600 / 6610 / GIS
4. Engineering & Minerals Staff Officer
2130 / 70002160 / 7400
2170 / 7500
2450 / (Roads) / 7600
2800 / 7700
5. Natural Resources Staff Officer
2000 / 24002100 / 2500
2150 / 2600
2200 / 3200
3300 / 4200
3400 / 4300
3500 / 4500
4000 / 4700
4100 / 4800
6.Public Affairs Officer
7.Recreation and Lands Staff Officer
2300 / 54002700 / 5500
1236.43 -National Forest Signing Authorities. In general, correspondence originating in the Supervisor's Office will be signed by the responsible Staff Officer. Correspondence and specific items requiring the attention of the Forest Supervisor will be referred to him or the Deputy Forest Supervisor for signature. Other exceptions are official titles conferred with specific delegations such as: Contract Officer, Contracting Officer's Representative, Collection Officer, Certifying Officer, Employment Officer, Engineering Representative, etc.
1238.1 - Forest Supervisor. The following are the specific items requiring the attention and signature of the Forest Supervisor.
1. Documents involving new policy or program direction and changes in established policy. (This would include Annual Allocation).
2. Critical relations with users, or with other Federal or State Agencies.
3. Replies to RO on all formal reviews.
4. Final approval of personnel actions, favorable and adverse.
5. Forest supplements to the directives system.
6. Sensitive or controversial decision notices.
7. Other activities requiring the emphasis of the Forest Supervisor.
The designated Acting Forest Supervisor will sign "for" over the name and title of the Forest Supervisor except for the following:
1. Orders which close or restrict the use of an area under 36 CFR 261.50.
2. Documents sent for inclusion in the Federal Register.
These items must be signed over the title Acting Forest Supervisor.
1238.2 - Deputy Forest Supervisor. The Deputy Forest Supervisor will normally sign "for" over the name and the title of the Forest Supervisor but he/she may also sign over the title of Deputy Forest Supervisor. The Deputy Forest Supervisor may sign all correspondence reserved for the Forest Supervisor except those matters of prime importance which require the personal attention of the Forest Supervisor.
1238.3 - Staff Officers. During the absence of the Forest Supervisor and Deputy Forest Supervisor, the designated Acting Forest Supervisor will sign all routine correspondence ordinarily signed by the Forest Supervisor.
Where a delay in signing important correspondence would adversely affect the Forest program, and when the Forest Supervisor and Deputy Forest Supervisor will be absent from the office for five days or more, the Acting Forest Supervisor will sign. All correspondence will be signed "for" over the name and title of the Forest Supervisor.
The Acting Forest Supervisor is designated and delegated authority to sign as employee supervisor on time and attendance reports for Forest Group Leaders, and in their infrequent absence, for Sub Staff who report to them.
Staff Officers are also delegated authority to sign "for" the Forest Supervisor in the following area. These authorities are not redelegable. These are continuing authorities and can be exercised irrespective of Acting Forest Supervisorn designation. When the Staff Officer is absent, the items will be signed by the Forest Supervisor or Deputy Forest Supervisor. In the absence of the Forest Supervisor or Deputy Forest Supervisor, functionally assigned authorities will be signed by the Acting Forest Supervisor. Any of these items which the staff has particular concern about will be submitted to the Forest Supervisor for signature.
1. Administrative Officer
a.Travel authorization, advance of funds and reimbursement vouchers
b. Collection Officer Designation and Revocation
c. Public Voucher for Refund
d. Human Resource Reports
e .Time and Attendance reports
2. Aviation, Fire, & Safety Staff Officer
a. Red Cards
3. Ecosystem Management Staff Officer
a. Out year budget proposals and updates
4. Engineering & Minerals Staff Officer
a.Construction change orders on roads and engineering projects
b. Year end accomplishment and revision reports
c. Economic analysis reports
d. Construction Plans & Specifications
e. Requests for contract action (form 6300-4)
f. Reports of Purchaser Credit for Specified Road Construction
(form 2400-21) and Construction Cost Adjustment for
Specified Roads
g. Requests for Mineral Examination
h. Special Use Permits (All Mineral Sales and Development, and
Land Uses, except Recreation and Cultural Resource permits)
5. Natural Resources Staff Officer
a. Allotment Management Plans
b. Annual Grazing and Wildlife Reports
C. Range and Wildlife analysis and production utilization studies
d. Timber sale contracts (to be signed as Contracting Officer)
e. SAB plans
f. Timber Sale Statement of Account
g. Report of Sale 2400-17 and 19
h. Timber Sale Report and Appraisals
i. Pesticide Use Reports
j. Wildlife Reports
6. Public Affairs Officer
a. Public Affairs Plan
b. News Releases
7. Recreation & Lands Staff Officer
a. Recreation & Lands Permits issued in Wilderness longer than one year
b. Cultural Resource Clearance Reports
c. Approval of Special Use Application and Transfers longer than one year
d. Proof of posting and publication
e. Land line location documents and plats
The above delegations require that the incumbent of the positions mentioned assures themselves that coordination with other functions have been satisfied before signing. These continuing authorities will give each Staff Officer additional responsibility to assure that actions are in accordance with standards and conform to Forest policies and programs. It is the Staff Officer's responsibility to keep the Forest Supervisor informed of pertinent functional happenings. Staff Officers and Section Heads are also authorized to sign, using their working title, routine correspondence such as technical recommendations, requests for information or clarification. The author of correspondence is responsible for determining signing responsibility.