Chapter 11 and 12 Teacher Daily Outline

Class Business

Students take Test Chapter 3 and 6, while teacher corrects Chapter 9 and 10 Study Questions and Vocabulary.

Teacher Instruction

Teacher Discussion

Chapter 11 – Obviously it is important for young children to learn math. I trust that you have all read the chapter and are aware of the best way to teach math to young children. So let’s look at something different. How much college math should a preschool teacher be required to have in order to be considered prepared to teach? How much college math should a 3rd grade teacher be required to complete? An early childhood teacher (pre-K to 3rd grade) receiving a four-year degree in Utah is required to complete Math 1010, 1050, 4010 and 4020, plus a math methods course.

Chapter 12 – There is an assumption that children learn best when they learn about the things that are around them. Some early childhood professionals contend that it would be silly to present a thematic unit on snow to children who live in Miami, Florida. Snow is not part of their lives and therefore has no relevancy. If that concept is true, then why do preschool teachers consistently offer thematic units on the topics of “Under the Sea”, “Outer Space” and “Dinosaurs”. Are these topics appropriate as preschool themes?

Steps in Learning Math and Important Vocabulary

  1. Exploration of materials: big/little, fast/slow, rough/smooth, thick/thin, hard/soft, wet/dry.
  2. Spatial relationships: above, before, far, bottom, in back of, low, next to, over around, behind, center, start, under, away, below, first, here, inside, near,, out, there, end, through.
  3. Classification: alike, difference, same, not, sort, group, classify, size, color, shape, re-group, set.
  4. Patterning: before, continue, extend, copy, repeat, create, next, end, beginning.
  5. One-to-one correspondence: equal, fewer than, greater than, less that, same, equal to, pair, set.
  6. Ordering: heavy/heavier/heaviest, first/next/last, most/least, top/middle/bottom.
  7. Numeration 0-5: equals, numerals, adding on, minus, subtraction, additions, sum, zero, counting on, plus symbol.
  8. Shapes: closed, corner, side, round, straight, curved, shape names.
  9. Numeration 6-10: equals, numerals, adding on, minus, subtraction, additions, sum, zero, counting on, plus symbol.
  10. Measurement: big, heavy, light, pound, small foot, inch, measure, ounce, short, tall.

Teacher Visual Aids

Take students into the preschool lab and show them examples of math and science activities.

Pass out the Math and Science Ideas to the students.

Student Activity

Using the preschool lab and files, write two DAP math and two science activities.


Students begin Chapter 13 Study Questions and Vocabulary and make final preparations to present their story assignment.