Chapter 11 and 12 Review Questions:

Directions: Answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1.  What type of landmass is mainland Southeast Asia considered?

2.  What other type of landmass is very common in Southeast Asia?

3.  Identify the 5 independent mainland nations of Southeast Asia.

4.  Identify the 5 independent island nations of Southeast Asia.

5.  What physical feature covers much of the mainland of Southeast Asia?

6.  Define Archipelago.

7.  What is the “Ring of Fire?”

8.  Where, in terms of climate, does most of Southeast Asia lie?

9.  What two things affect climate the most in Southeast Asia?

10.  Half of the world’s supply of this metal comes from Southeast Asia.

11.  What is the most important economic activity of Southeast Asia?

12.  1/3 of the world’s supply of this crop comes from Southeast Asia.

13.  What product was introduced to Southeast Asia from Brazil?

14.  What are two types of lumber that come from Southeast Asia?

15.  Which civilization grew up along the Red River?

16.  What was the name of the 2 sisters who freed 65 towns in Vietnam from Chinese rule?

17.  One of the most powerful kingdoms that grew up along the Mekong River was which kingdom?

18.  What is a tributary state?

19.  What were the early kingdoms of Thailand?

20.  What is animism?

21.  What was the only ruling family in Thailand?

22.  What was the earliest world religion to influence Southeast Asia?

23.  In what countries of Southeast Asia is Hinduism the most dominant religion today?

24.  Theravada Buddhism is important in what parts of Southeast Asia?

25.  Mahayana Buddhism is important in what parts of Southeast Asia?

26.  When did Islam arrive in Southeast Asia and how?

27.  Where in Southeast Asia is Islam dominant today?

28.  When did Christianity arrive in Southeast Asia and how?

29.  Where is Christianity important today in Southeast Asia?

30.  What is the primary way that people in Southeast Asia make a living?

31.  What is the major food crop?

32.  Identify other crops grown in Southeast Asia.

33.  What is the most important source of protein in Southeast Asia?

34.  In what do most people live in Southeast Asia?

35.  What is the preferred family type in Southeast Asia?

36.  What country is the exception to that family type in Southeast Asia?

37.  Describe the rights of women in Southeast Asia, especially Vietnam.

38.  Because of products in high demand in Europe, what did the islands of Southeast Asia become known as?

39.  In 1498, what did Vasco da Gama accomplish?

40.  What did the Portuguese capture in 1511?

41.  Who set up a trading post on Java in 1596?

42.  Who were the main traders in Southeast Asia through the 1700s and 1800s?

43.  What 3 changes in Europe during the 1700s and 1800s affected events in Southeast Asia?

44.  What did the Dutch Culture System on Java force the people to do?

45.  Who gained control of the Malay Peninsula?

46.  What country was purchased by the British in 1824 from the Sultan who ruled it?

47.  What countries are included in what was known as French Indochina?

48.  What is a protectorate?

49.  What was Thailand formerly known as?

50.  Who led Thailand during the colonial period?

51.  How did Thailand escape colonial rule?

52.  What is encomienda?

53.  Ferdinand Magellan captured the Philippines in 1521 for what reason?

54.  Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?

55.  How did the U.S. acquire the Philippines?

56.  Why were the events of the Russo-Japanese War so significant?

57.  How did the Philippines gain independence?

58.  Why did Burma become Myanmar?

59.  What does it mean to nationalize?

60.  This was an attempt at a communist revolution in the Philippines in the 1950s.

61.  What is martial law?

62.  Who was Ferdinand Marcos?

63.  What role did Benigno Aquino play in the Philippines and what happened to him?

64.  Who was Corazon Aquino?

65.  Who emerged as the leader of the independence movement in Vietnam?

66.  What was the domino theory?

67.  What agreement divided the country of Vietnam?

68.  Where was the country of Vietnam divided?

69.  Describe the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

70.  When did American involvement in Vietnam end and what was the final result?