Modification of Community Counseling (CC) Program to 60 Credits

INITIATING DEPARTMENT: Counseling and Human Services

DEPARTMENT ACTION: March 7, 2002 (approved 9-0)

CONTACT PERSON: Thomas Collins, Ph.D.


TYPE OF PROPOSAL: Augmentation of current graduate curriculum in Community Counseling

LEVEL: Graduate


TO BE CONSIDERED….: April 30 // April 25 2002


In order to meet recently legislated licensure requirements for the state of Pennsylvania, the

current nationally accredited graduate program in Community Counseling will be

expanded to a 60 credit Master’s degree. Two new courses will be required; two new

electives will be needed and several new electives will be available.

SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Curriculum Planning Guide

2. Course Approval forms & syllabi (4)

COUN 5XX: Consultation and Supervision (3 credits)

Course Description and Syllabus:



This will be a new required course in the 60 credit Community Counseling Master’s degree. The new curriculum is designed to help counselors meet licensure requirements in most states including PA.

Catalogue Description:

Theory and practice are combined in this treatment of consultation and clinical supervision by counseling practitioners. The role of counselor as consultant/supervisor ewill be examined along with the acquisition of skills needed to work collaboratively with other human service providers. Ethical and legal issues will also be discussed.


Drs. Collins, Jacob, and Morgan of the Department of Counseling and Human Services will conduct this course. All three are Nationally Certified Counselors (NCC) and experienced supervisors.


This advanced course will be offered beginning in Spring, 2004. Estimated enrollment is approximately 20 students.


No additional resources or facilities are needed.

COUN 5XX: Advanced Counseling Internship (3 credits)

Course Description and Syllabus:



This will be a new required course in the 60 credit Community Counseling Master’s degree. The new curriculum is designed to help counselors meet licensure requirements in most states including PA.

Catalogue Description:

The Advanced Counseling Internship and accompanying seminar will enable students to refine and demonstrate the integration of theoretical and research perspectives on clinical interventions. The Counselor Training Center (CTC), the Leahy Health Center, and a agreed-upon clinical site in the community will be utilized. Individual and group supervision will be ongoing.


Dr. Collins, Community Counseling Program Director, will conduct this course.


This advanced course will be offered beginning in Spring, 2005. Estimated enrollment is approximately 10 students.


No additional resources or facilities are needed.

COUN 5XX: Human Sexuality: Theories and Intervention (3 credits)

Course Description and Syllabus:



This will be a new elective course in the 60 credit Community Counseling Master’s degree. The new curriculum is designed to help counselors meet licensure requirements in most states including PA.

Catalogue Description:

This course provides a broad understanding of human sexual development across the lifespan and appropriate intervention techniques that can be used to address specific concerns of human sexual functioning. Ethical issues in the treatment of sex-related issues are addressed.


Dr. Collins, Community Counseling Program Director, will conduct this course.


This advanced course will be offered beginning in Fall, 2003. Estimated enrollment is approximately 20students.


No additional resources or facilities are needed.

COUN 5XX: Psychopharmacology (3 credits)

Course Description and Syllabus:



This will be a new elective course in the 60 credit Community Counseling Master’s degree. The new curriculum is designed to help counselors meet licensure requirements in most states including PA.

Catalogue Description:

This course provides a broad understanding of psychopharmacological intervention in the treatment of mental disorders in children, adolescents, and adults.


Dr. Collins, Community Counseling Program Director, will conduct this course. He has recently completed post-doctoral education in psychopharmacology.


This advanced course will be offered beginning in Spring, 2004. Estimated enrollment is approximately 20students.


No additional resources or facilities are needed.