Chapter 10 Exercises 1 through 5
Exercise 1
Without altering the meaning of the following sentences, eliminate unnecessary words in them.
a. After having completed work on the data-entry problem, we turned our thinking toward our next task, which was the processing problem.
b. Those who plan federal and state programs for the elderly should take into account the changing demographic characteristics in terms of size and average income of the composition of the elderly population.
c. Would you please figure out what we should do and advise us?
d. The result of this study will be to make total white-water recycling an economical strategy for meeting federal regulations.
Exercise 2
Rewrite the following sentences in a way that will keep the related words together (see points 3 and 4 under Guideline 1).
a. This stamping machine, if you fail to clean it twice per shift and add oil of the proper weight, will cease to operate efficiently.
b. The plant manager said that he hopes all employees would seek ways to cut waste at the supervisory meeting yesterday.
c. About 80 percent of our pulp, to be made into linerboard and corrugated cardboard (much of it used for beverage containers), supplies our plants for manufacturing packages.
d. Once they wilt, most garden sprays are unable to save vegetable plants from complete collapse.
Exercise 3
Rewrite the following sentences to put the action in the verb.
a. The experience itself will be an inspirational factor leading the participants to a greater dedication to productivity.
b. The system realizes important savings in time for the clerical staff.
c. The implementation of the work plan will be the responsibility of a team of three engineers experienced in these procedures.
d. Both pulp and lumber were in strong demand, even though rising interest rates caused the drying up of funds for housing.
Exercise 4
Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice.
a. Periodically, the shipping log should be reconciled with the daily billings by the Accounting Department.
b. Fast, accurate data from each operating area in the foundry should be given to us by the new computerized system.
c. Since his own accident, safety regulations have been enforced much more conscientiously by the shop foreman.
d. No one has been designated by the manager to make emergency decisions when she is gone.
Exercise 5
In three of the following pairs of sentences, the topic shifts from the first to the second sentence. Rewrite one or the other sentence so that the topics are the same.
a. ''Grab'' samplers collect material from the floor of the ocean. Rock, sediment, and benthic animals can be gathered by these samplers at rates as high as 8,000 tons per hour.
b. To fluoridate the drinking water, a dilute form of hydrofluorisilic acid is added directly to the municipal water supply at the main pump. An automatic control continuously meters exactly the right amount of the acid into the water.
c. Fourteen variables were used in these calculations. The first seven concern the volume of business generated by each sales division each week.
d. The city's low-income citizens suffer most from the high prices and limited selection of food products offered by commercial grocers. Furthermore, information concerning nutrition is difficult for many low income citizens to find.