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Faith First® Legacy Edition Chapter Review, Grade 6

Chapter 19—Our Call to Holiness

1.  Holiness is _____.

a.  being perfect

b.  not possible for human beings

c.  living in right relationship with God

d.  all of the above

Answer: c

2.  God created us to _____.

a.  know and love him

b.  serve him

c.  live with him forever in eternal happiness

d.  all of the above

Answer: d

3.  Success for a Christian is measured by _____.

a.  doing well in school and at work

b.  sharing in God’s holiness

c.  having successful careers

d.  all of the above

Answer: b

4.  The ability and freedom to live a holy life _____.

a.  is a gift from God

b.  not possible

c.  only for some of God’s people

d.  all of the above

Answer: a

5.  Theological virtues are gifts from God that help us to live _____.

a.  in communion with God

b.  as children of God

c.  a life of holiness

d.  all of the above

Answer: d

6.  The three theological virtues _____.

a.  connect us with God

b.  direct us towards sin

c.  are given to saints and angels

d.  none of the above

Answer: a

7.  The theological virtues are _____.

a.  faith, hope, and charity

b.  faith, peace, and wisdom

c.  judgment, hope, and fortitude

d.  none of the above

Answer: a

8.  Before Christ’s life, death, and resurrection _____ was under the power of sin and death.

a.  the kingdom of God

b.  humanity

c.  all creation

d.  none of the above

Answer: b

9.  The grace of the Holy Spirit helps us to freely make choices to grow in _____.

a.  power

b.  fame

c.  holiness

d.  all of the above

Answer: c

10.  At Baptism, we are _____.

a.  joined to Christ

b.  made sharers in the work of Christ

c.  given the grace of the Holy Spirit

d.  all of the above

Answer: d

11.  God _____ gives us the gift of salvation if Christ.

a.  never

b.  freely

c.  sometimes

d.  none of the above

Answer: b

12. _____ is about how we act with each other.

a.  Holiness

b.  Competition

c.  Knowledge

d.  Morality

Answer: a

13. The Church has given us _____ Works of Mercy to help us grow in holiness.

a.  Spiritual and Corporal

b.  Individual and Communal

c.  Mental and Physical

d.  none of the above

Answer: a

14. The Spiritual Works of Mercy include _____.

a.  helping people who sin

b.  giving people comfort

c.  forgiving those who hurt us

d.  all of the above

Answer: d

15. The Corporal Works of Mercy include _____.

a.  feeding the hungry

b.  sheltering the homeless

c.  clothing people who need clothes

d.  all of the above

Answer: d

16. The Church’s teachings on social justice guide us in _____.

a.  ignoring the needs of others

b.  living the works of mercy

c.  being selfish

d.  all of the above

Answer: b

17. The Works of Mercy show that holiness is _____.

a.  something we must practice everyday

b.  too hard

c.  just an idea

d.  all of the above

Answer: a

18. _____ take up the challenge to live the works of mercy.

a.  Only heroes

b.  Mostly saints

c.  Ordinary people

d.  none of the above

Answer: c

19. _____ live the works of mercy by collecting unused crops to feed those who are in need.

a.  Gleaners

b.  Farmers

c.  Christians

d.  none of the above

Answer: a

20. The _____ summarize the attitudes and actions of a person living a life of holiness.

a.  Creed

b.  Lectionary

c.  Beatitudes

d.  Psalms

Answer: c

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