Chapter 1 Study Guide Questions

1.  What is the setting of the novel (year and place)? What kind of town does it seem like? (5-6)

2.  We have been introduced to 6 characters so far; write 3 small descriptions of each.

a.  Scout

b.  Jem

c.  Atticus Finch

d.  Calpurnia

e.  Arthur Boo Radley

f.  Dill

3.  Why are people afraid of Arthur “Boo” Radley? What are the rumors/stories associated with him (9-15)

4.  What the most intriguing or interesting/intriguing part about Chapter 1?

Chapters 2-3 Discussion Questions

1.  What is Scout so excited about in the beginning of Chapter 2? Why?

2.  “Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love to breathing.” (18) Who says this and what do they mean?

3.  What do we learn about the relationship between Calpurnia and Scout on page 19?

4.  Who is Walter Cunningham? How do people view “The Cunninghams”?

5.  “Not in money, but before the year’s out I’ll have been paid, you watch.” (20) Who says this? About whom? How can you ‘pay’ someone without money?

6.  Why does Scout hate school at the end of Chapter 2?

7.  “She was furious, and when she was furious Calpurnia’s grammar became erratic. When in tranquility, her grammar was as good as anybody’s in Maycomb.” (24) What does Scout mean when she says that Calpurnia’s grammar became erratic?

8.  "First of all, if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." (30) Who says this? What are they saying? Do you agree? Why?

9.  How does Atticus define compromise on page 31? What compromise does Atticus make with Scout?

10.  Who are the Ewells? How do people view them?

Chapters 4-5 Discussion Questions

1.  What does Scout find in the tree? What do Scout and Jem find in the tree? (33-36)

2.  Describe the new game that Jem makes up on page 38.

3.  What is the one thing Jem says that REALLY upsets Scout? Why does it upset her? (39)

4.  Why is the end of chapter 4 so creepy?

5.  What cements Scout and Miss Maudie’s relationship on page 42-43? What does this bring to light about the narrator of this story?

6.  WHO and WHAT is a “foot-washing Baptist”? (44)

7.  “Atticus Finch is the same in this house as he is on the public streets” (46) What does this say about Atticus as a person and his reputation in Maycomb?

8.  Why does Atticus not want the children playing their new game? What can you infer about his character from this? (49-50)

Chapters 6-8 Discussion Questions

1.  What time of year is ending on the first page of Chapter 6; how do we know?

2.  Why do Jem, Scout and Dill go on the Radley’s property? Why does Scout agree to go? What do they see when they get there? (51-52)

3.  Who does Nathan Radley assume was in his collard patch on page 54? How does this tie in to the racial injustice present in the 1930s?

4.  What happened to Jem’s pants at Boo Radley’s fence? What scares and shocks him when he goes back to get them?

5.  “Delete the adjectives and you have the facts” (59) What does Atticus mean here? What does this say about ‘the truth’ and ‘reality’ in general?

6.  What new items (3) do Jem and Scout find in the tree knot-hole? (59-60)

7.  What does Mr. Radley do to the knot-hole? Why does he say he does this? Why do YOU think he does this?

8.  What are kids told is the reason for weather changing? (63 and 65) What are some lies you were told as a kid to improve your behavior or habits?

9.  Atticus says he does not know what Jem will become – an engineer, lawyer, or portrait painter. Why would he be good at each of these? Support.

10.  What happens to Miss Maudie’s House? How is Boo involved in the drama of Ms. Maudie’s house burning down?

Chapter 9 Discussion Questions

1.  Why does Scout get so mad at Cecil Jacobs on page 74, even though she does not know what he means?

2.  What are Atticus’ reasons for taking on the Tom Robison case? (75-76)

3.  Why does Scout walk away from a fight for the first time on pages 76-77?

4.  What do Jem and Scout get for Christmas?

5.  How do Atticus and Aunt Alexandra compare as parents?

6.  What does Scout get so mad at her cousin Francis on page 82-83?

7.  Who is Uncle Jack and what kind of man is he? What ‘weakness’ does his encounter with Scout highlight about adults (85) ? Explain.

8.  What is “Maycomb’s usual disease” that Atticus is referring to on page 100? What is your town’s usual disease? Explain.

Chapters 10-11 Discussion Questions

1.  “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (90) Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? How does this quote apply to the book so far? (any characters come to mind? Any predictions for Part II?)

2.  Why is Scout ashamed of Atticus? What are the skills we learn about Atticus from Miss Maudie on page 91?

3.  What dramatic scene takes place in Chapter 10? Who is the hero of the situation?

4.  What does Jem realize about his father in this chapter? Why does it make him so proud? (97-98) Why can’t Scout realize this, and once again, what does this say about the narrator of this story?

5.  What kind of woman is Mrs. Dubose? Support.

6.  What times does Scout think her dad is the bravest man who ever lived, and why? (115-100)

7.  What makes Jem snap on page 102-103? What does he do? What is his punishment?

8.  What life lessons does Atticus give in Chapter 11? (104, 108, 112)

9.  What happens to Mrs. Dubose? Why does Atticus call Mrs. Dubose the “bravest person I ever knew”? Why did Atticus tell Jem and Scout the tragic and brutal details about her courage?