Harriman Institute Summer Language Study Application
The Institute’s Summer Language Fellowships are awarded to Columbia undergraduate and graduate students for intensive study of the languages of Russia, Eurasia, and East Central Europe in either the region or the U.S. for summer 2018. Please see the Harriman Institute website for details regarding the fellowship and general eligibility. Students may be awarded up to $5,000. Contact Rebecca Dalton or Barbara Singleton for questions regarding fellowships, eligibility, and the application process.
Applications and all supporting documents are due March 27, 2018.
Please submit all materials attached as a PDF to one email. Email materials to Barbara Singleton at .
Student Information
Columbia PID number (CO…): UNI:
Last Name: First Name:
Local Address: Apt. #:
City, State, ZIP: Phone: ( ) –
Email :
Academic Information
I confirm the following:
- Graduate or Undergraduate School:
- Year of entry: Department:
- Anticipated Graduation:
Language of study:
- Please list all previous language training (on and off Columbia’s Campus):
- List any ability in other regional languages:
- To which summer language program(s) have you applied to, and if you have you been accepted?
Electronic Certification
I certify that the information on this application is complete and accurate.
Name: Date (mm/dd/yyyy): / /
Essay and Budget
Please attach a short essay (no more than one page) explaining why you want to study this language, where you plan to study, and a budget for the program including travel expenses, tuition, and room and board.
Fellowship Information
Please list all other sources of funding you have applied or will apply for. Include anticipated dates of notification:
Please list all fellowship awards you have received from the Harriman Institute:
To complete the application, a current transcript must be provided from the Registrar's Office. Make sure that you request a transcript immediately; the Registrar's office has taken up to a month to provide transcripts in the past. (There is no charge for intra-University transcripts, which are available in Kent Hall.) If you are applying for a Harriman Junior Fellowship also, one transcript will suffice for both applications.
Two academic recommendations are required. Please list recommender’s name, affiliation, and email address.
- (1): Date recommendation requested: :
- (2): Date recommendation requested:
Recommendations may be submitted in hard copy or as a PDF by email. Recommendations must be submitted directly from the recommender.
2017-2018Application Due March 27, 2018 to