Table of Content
Chapter 1: Overview of CareLogic
What is CareLogic?
CareLogic Process Flow
Logging in to CareLogic
Automatic Session Terminations
Changing Organizations
Components of CareLogic
CareLogic Title Bar
Using the Navigation Bar
Accessing the Dashboard
Configuring the Dashboard
Setting Up User Preferences
Changing Your Password
Using the Shortcut Bar
Adding Shortcuts
Rearranging Shortcut Options
Selecting Shortcut Options
Deleting Shortcuts
Searching Client Records
Selecting Menu Options
Understanding the Status Bar
CareLogic Page Area
Selecting Dates
Required Fields
List Fields
Sorting Columns
Logging Out of CareLogic
Chapter 2: User Workflows
Point of Entry/Intake Workflows
Admitting Clients
Maintaining POE Records
Treatment Professional Workflows
Delivering Services in an Out-Patient Setting
Delivering Services in an In-Patient Setting
Delivering Services without Continual Access to CareLogic
Maintaining Bed Whiteboards
Front Desk/Receptionist Workflows
Checking In Clients
Maintaining Cash Sheets
Billing/AR Workflows
Processing Claims
Billing Payers
Accepting Payments
Accounting/Finance Workflows
Prerequisite to Closing an Accounting Period
Closing an Accounting Period
Human Resources Workflows
Adding New Staff Members
Maintaining Staff Information
Maintaining Employment Information
System Administrator Workflows
Organization Administration
Clinical Administration
Billing Administration
Human Resources Administration
Chapter 3: Further Information and Support
CareLogic Documentation
Softcopy Guides
Online Help
Displaying the Navigation Pane
Contacting Technical Support
CareLogic Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Overview of CareLogic
What is CareLogic?
CareLogic is a Web-based enterprise-management system specifically designed for behavioral health care service organizations. CareLogic is a complete solution that enables you to capture and integrate all of the critical information you need to run your organization efficiently.
CareLogic supports the way your organization operates on a daily basis by integrating your key workflow functions, such as Point of Entry, Clinical Record, Case Management, and Enterprise Management.
Benefits of Using CareLogic
With CareLogic, your organization can:
- Link the delivery of care to the business of care at every level of your organization, improving efficiency, increasing revenues, and freeing your staff to focus on their work.
- Access and analyze uniform client, payer, and organizational information through an Internet browser.
- Integrate information management for all core operating functions and service programs onto a single, scalable, and flexible IT platform.
- Increase the capture of revenue through fuller, more accurate, and more efficiently processed client information with real-time, automated billing, auditing, and accounts receivable modules.
- Eliminate the current IT costs associated with purchasing, maintaining, and operating existing hardware, software, and network infrastructure.
- Reduce communication costs associated with remotely connecting facilities and personnel to mission critical applications.
- Increase back-office efficiency through integration of applications, such as Human Resources, Accounts Receivable, Training, Credentialing, and Electronic QI Audit functions.
- Increase the ease of access for caregivers and managers to improve the coordination and effectiveness of services among all programs.
CareLogic Process Flow
The following diagram and text descriptions illustrate the high-level CareLogic process flow from intake or referral through exporting payment information to your organization’s General Ledger.
Logging in to CareLogic
To log in to the system, you must have a valid user account. All user accounts are set up by your system administrator. If you have questions about your user account, contact your system administrator.
To log in to CareLogic:
- Open your Web browser.
- Enter the following URL in the Address field: <company designator>
Note: Your specific company designator is defined during implementation. If you do not know your company designator, contact your system administrator. After entering the URL for CareLogic, add it to your list of Favorites in your Web browser.
The Login page appears.
Note: The Login ID and Password fields are not case sensitive. These fields can consist of characters, numerals, and non-alphanumeric characters, such as !, #, $, and %.
- In the Login ID field, enter your user account name.
- In the Password field, enter the password associated with the user account.
- In the System field, use the drop-down list to select Production System.
- Click Submit in the status bar.
The Dashboard page appears. See the following topic, Components of CareLogic, for information about the components of the system.
Note: If you forget your user name or password, contact your system administrator. You are given three attempts to log in to the system. If your log in attempt fails three times, your user account is disabled for two minutes. After two minutes, you are given three additional attempts to log in to the system. This process continues until you successfully log in to the system.
Automatic Session Termination
Once you have successfully logged in, the system automatically monitors your session for activity. Thishelps ensure that unauthorized people do not gain access to the system if you leave your session unattended. If your session remains inactive for 15 minutes, the system prompts you to resume the session or be logged out.
- If you respond to the prompt within 60 seconds, your session is resumed..
- If you do not respond to the prompt within 60 seconds, your session is terminated and any un-submitted data is not saved. Once your session terminates, you are taken back to the Login page.
Important: From the system’s perspective, inactivity is when you are not interacting with the database (for example, accessing a menu system or submitting a form). If you are simply entering text in a form without submitting the data, the system considers this inactivity. If you spend 15 minutes on a page without submitting data, the logout prompt appears.
Changing Organizations
Each time you log into CareLogic, you log into the primary organization that is set up in the Employment History module. If your primary organization has child organizations, or if additional organizations have been defined for you in the Employment History module, you can use this task to change organizations. Once you are logged into the system, you can change organizations at any time.
To change organizations:
- Log in to the system.
The right side of the Title Bar lists your user name and the organization you are currently logged into. The organization name is a hyperlink that enables you to change organizations.
- Click the hyperlink on the organization name.
The Change Organization page appears. The Current Organization field lists the organization you are currently logged into.
- Use the drop-down list in the New Organization field to select the organization you want to change to. This drop-down list includes all of the child organizations to your primary organization and all of the additional organizations you have been given permission to log into through the Employment History module.
Note: If your primary organization does not have child organizations and if you have not been given permission to log into additional organizations, this drop- down list will be empty, which means you cannot log into a different organization.
- Click Submit in the status bar.
The browser window is refreshed and you are automatically logged into the new organization. To confirm a successful login, check the organization name that is listed in the Title Bar. It should display the organization name you selected in Step 3.
Components of CareLogic
CareLogic consists of several dynamic components. Although these components are always present, they are referred to as dynamic because the information they contain varies depending on where you are in the system. As shown below, CareLogic contains the following components:
- Title Bar
- Navigation Bar
- Shortcut Bar
- Status Bar
- Page Area
Title Bar
Navigation Bar
Shortcut Bar
Status Bar
Page Area
CareLogic Title Bar
The title bar, which is located at the top of the CareLogic application, contains the following information.
- User Login. The right side of the title bar lists the login name of the current user who opened the session.
- Client/Staff. When a clinical record or staff record is selected, the middle of the title bar displays the client’s or staff member’s name and ID number. In the following example, the staff member Jim Smith is selected.
Using the Navigation Bar
The navigation bar is used to access the menu systems that exist in the system. When you click a button in the navigation bar, the corresponding menu system is loaded. For example, if you click the Schedule button, the Schedule menu system is loaded and can be accessed by clicking the Show Menu link in the shortcut bar. The following menu systems are available: Schedule, Front Desk, Point of Entry, Client, Employee, Billing/AR, and Administration.
Note: The menu systems available to each user are based on the privilege level associated with the user account. Depending on your privilege level, you may not see all of the available menu systems.
The right side of the navigation bar contains four icons. These icons are used to perform the following tasks:
- Access the Dashboard
- Set Up User Preferences
- Change Your Password
- Access Online Help
- Log Out of the System
Accessing the Dashboard
By default, the Dashboard page contains the following modules: Alerts, Upcoming Appointments, System Messages, Claim Engine Information, and Recent Payments. With the exception of the System Messages module, all of these modules are optional, which means you can remove them from your Dashboard page.
To access the Dashboard:
- Click the Dashboard icon in the navigation bar.
Dashboard Icon
The Dashboard page appears for the current user. This page contains the following modules:
- Alerts. This module lists all of the system-generated, informational alerts for the current user. These alerts are generated when you need to review something, such as the employee record of a new staff member who reports to you. Once the alert is reviewed, you can remove it from the Dashboard.
- Upcoming Appointments. This module lists all of the appointments you have scheduled for today. For each appointment, this module lists the appointment time, the name of the client or group, and the activity associated with the activity.
- System Messages. This module lists all of the system messages that were set up through Administration.
- Claim Engine Information. This module lists information about the last Claim Engine run, such as the number of activities processed, the number of activities that failed, the number of claims that failed, and the number of activities that were successfully processed and are awaiting approval.
- Recent Payments. This module lists the payments entered by the current user. For each payment, this module lists the receipt number, the deposit ID, the name of the payer or guarantor, and the payment amount. If desired, you can access the details about the payment by clicking the Select button, or access information about the deposit by clicking the Deposit button.
Configuring the Dashboard
This task includes instructions for configuring the optional modules on the Dashboard page.
To configure the Dashboard:
- Access the Dashboard page.
- Click Configure On in the button bar.
The Dashboard page changes to configure mode. This mode allows you to change the order in which the modules appear on the page. In the top right corner of each module, the following direction links appear: Left, Up, Down, and Right. Depending on the current position of the module, only certain direction links are available. All available direction links are highlighted. For example, in the following example, the Alerts module can be moved either Down or to the Right.
- Use the direction links to move the modules to the desired location.
- Click Modules in the button bar.
The Modules page appears, which lists all of the optional and mandatory modules that can be displayed on the Dashboard page. By default, all of the modules are displayed.
- If you want to remove an optional module so that it does not appear on the Dashboard, uncheck the option in the Display column.
- To change the column in which the module appears, select the desired radio button in the Column field.
- Click Submit in the button bar.
The configurations are saved and the Dashboard page appears in configure mode. Click Configure Off in the button bar to return to the Dashboard page.
Setting Up User Preferences
This task is used to set up user preferences.
To set up user preferences:
- Click the User Preferences icon in the navigation bar.
User Preferences Icon
The User Configurations page appears for the selected user. This page is divided into four sections: Global, Payment, Point of Entry, and Schedule. Each section contains a least one user preference.
- In the Global section, you can change any of the following user preferences.
a.The Color Scheme option allows you to define which color scheme you want to apply to CareLogic. The following options are available: Blue (which is the default), Burgundy, Green, and Silver.
Note: After selecting a color scheme, you must refresh your Browser window in order for the setting to become effective.
- In the Payment section, you can change any of the following user preferences.
a.The Number of Payment Entry Lines option allows you to define the number of payment entry lines that appear on the Entry tab of the Payment Entry module. By default, this number is set to 5. The maximum number of payment lines you can enter is 50.
- In the Point of Entry section, you can change any of the following user preferences.
a.The Maximum Open Times option allows you to define the maximum number of intake times to show per page when attempting to schedule an intake appointment through the Point of Entry. By default, this number is set to 25. The maximum number of open intake times to show is 100.
- In the Schedule section, you can change any of the following user preferences.
a.The Schedule Batch Lines option allows you to define the number of data entry lines on the Batch Activity Entry form. By default, this number is set to 10.
b.The Schedule Filter Default: CBC option allows you to specify if you want activities with the status CBC (cancelled by client) to appear on the Schedule. By default, CBC activities are shown on the Schedule.
c.The Schedule Filter Default: CBT option allows you to specify if you want activities with the status CBT (cancelled by therapist) to appear on the Schedule. By default, CBT activities are shown on the Schedule.
d.The Schedule Filter Default: Co-Staff option allows two staff members to schedule and keep the same service. By default, Co-Staff activities are shown on the Schedule.
e.The Schedule Filter Default: DNS option allows you to specify if you want activities with the status DNS (did not show) to appear on the Schedule. By default, DNS activities are shown on the Schedule.
f.The Schedule Filter Default: Error option allows you to specify if you want activities with an error status to appear on the Schedule. By default, Error activities are shown on the Schedule.
g.The Schedule Filter Default: Kept option allows you to specify if you want activities with a status of Kept to appear on the Schedule. By default, Kept activities are shown on the Schedule.
h.The Schedule Filter Default: No Status option allows you to specify if you want activities with no status to appear on the Schedule. By default, activities with no status are shown on the Schedule.
i.The Schedule Time Increment option allows you to define the length of activities on the Schedule. By default, the length of activities is set to 30 minutes. You can use the drop-down list to select any of the following options: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90.
- Click Submit in the status bar.
The user preferences are saved. The next time you log in to the system, the user preferences will be applied.
Changing Your Password
This task is used to change your password and electronic signature. All passwords and electronic signatures must conform to the password rules defined by your system administrator.
To change your password:
- Click the Change Password icon on the navigation bar.
Change Password Icon
The Change Password/Electronic Signature page appears for the selected user.
- In the Change Password section, enter the following information.
- In the Existing Password field, enter your current password.
- In the New Password field, enter a new password. All passwords must be at least six characters long and contain at least one numeric character.
- To confirm the new password, you must re-enter it in the Confirm New Password field.
- Electronic signatures provide a second level of security for authenticating users in the system. Typically, electronic signatures are used in the clinical system to lock completed documents. In the Change Electronic Signature section, enter the following information.
- In the Existing Signature field, enter your current electronic signature.
Note: The Existing Signature field is used only when you are changing an electronic signature. If you are creating an electronic signature for the first time, ignore the Existing Signature field.