Dr. Richard Chagnon120 Beginning Voice ClassUnits - 2
Office Hours: MW 1:10-2:10; TTH 11-12 noon, C216
email: Office phone: 619 388-2221
Catalog Course Description:
Beginning Voice Class is an introductory study of efficient vocal production and performance. Beginning exercises for breath management, extending the vocal range, increasing vocal resonance and volume, and singing in an expressive manner are introduced. Vocal exercises and solos are performed to demonstrate these skills.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. Describe and demonstrate diaphragmatic breath management.
2. Define vocal register and perform beginning exercises to extend the vocal range.
3. Define vocal resonance and perform beginning exercises designed to explore vocal resonance.
4. Define and demonstrate efficient posture for singing.
5. Describe stage deportment including common causes of nervousness and means of managing them.
6. Describe and perform vocal and non-vocal exercises.
7. Perform 3-4 vocal solos by memory.
Outline of Topics:
1. Breath Management
a. Four phases of breathing
b. Action of diaphragm and abdominals during inhalation/exhalation
c. Exercises for improving breath management
2. Vocal register
a. Definition, terminology and description of vocal registers
b. Exercises for strengthening vocal registers
3. Vocal resonance
a. Definition and description of vocal resonance and timbre
b. Exercises for exploring vocal timbre possibilities
4. Posture for singing
Purpose and description of singing posture
5. Stage deportment
a. Common causes of nervousness and management techniques
b. Physical preparation for vocal solo
c. Mental preparation for vocal solo
6. Singing warm-ups
a. Non-vocal exercises to prepare for singing
b. Vocal exercises to prepare for singing
7. Performance of vocal solos
Application of singing techniques to the performance of a song
Method of Evaluation:
1. 60%- Performance of 4 songs: Sing songs by memory
2. 25% - 4 Quizzes:
3. 15% - Class participation: Prepared to sing your song for class using music. See additional information below*.
Every 4 weeks, you will take a quiz and sing a song. You need a minimum of 70% correct on your quiz in order to receive credit for singing your song. If you do not pass the quiz with a 70% or better, you will have one opportunity to retake it. If you score 70% or better, you will receive credit for singing your song. However the grade of the two quizzes will be averaged for the final grade of that quiz. If you do not pass the quiz a second time with a 70% or better, you will receive a grade of “50/100” for your song.
Two unexcused absences beyond the last drop date will lower your grade 10%. Two tardies are equivalent to an absence.
*Class Participation
Class participation: It is the student’s responsibility to drop all classes in which he/she is no longer attending
Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline as stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade in this class.
It is the instructor’s discretion to withdraw a student after the add/drop deadlinedue to excessive absences tardiness. Students accumulating absences that exceed 6% (3 hrs) of the total hours scheduled for the class can be dropped. Students late for class/leaving early more than 3 times will also be eligible to be dropped. The final grade in this class will be affected by active participation, including attendance, as follows: After the drop date, two unexcused absences will lower one’s grade by a letter. (ex. A to B).
Note: If you are going to be absent from class, please call Prof. Chagnon at 619 388-2221 or email: and leave a message. Also, students with disabilities who may need academic accommodations should discuss options with me during the first two weeks of class.
Method of Instruction:
Lecture; Demonstration of vocal technique by the instructor or guest artist; Use of video to monitor student progress.
Practice: 30 minutes of vocalizing/ 5 days a week outside the classroom is required to improve
your singing. Practice rooms are in the C100 and C200 buildings. Practice rooms are unlocked M-F 7:00a.m. to 9:00p.m.
Texts and Supplies:
Textbook - Foundations in Singing by John Glenn Paton, 8th edition
Video camera
Songs used in class can be heard played on a piano at my webpage:
Finally: This classroom is a cell phone, beeper, pager or any other attention-diverting device - free zone. A student leaving class to answer a cell phone is considered a disruption, and will begin the process of being dropped
I. 1/26 – 2/18
Chapters 5 +10
Preparing/Performing a song
Written quiz –2/9
Performance by memory of one of the following songs – 2/18
Down by the salley gardens
Drink to me only with thine eyes
Turtle dove
The silver swan
Beautiful dreamer
II. 2/23 – 3/18
Chapters 1 + 2
Breathing for singing/Posture
Written quiz –3/9
Performance by memory of one of the following songs –3/18
Come again
Since first I saw your face
Sunshine again
Beautiful dreamer
The sky above the roof
III. 3/23 - 4/22
Chapter 3 + 4
Written quiz – 4/13
Performance by memory of one of the following songs –4/22
Love is here to stay
I'll know
They say it wonderful
One hand one heart
Once upon a dream
IV. 4/27 – 5/16
Chapters 6 + 11
Extending the voice/Phys. Structure/Health
Written quiz –5/9
Performance by memory : song of your choice –5/18