Chapter 1: Introducing InRoads Surfaces

Section 1 - History

The Early days

The 3D Terrain Model

The Intelligent Engineering Model

Section 2 - The InRoads DTM: Terrain and Engineering Modeling

“Traditional” Terrain Modeling

The Feature-Based Engineering Model

Section 3 - Creating Surfaces through Importing

The Import Surface form

Creating a New Surface

Importing Features from a Text File

Adding Graphical Spot Elevations

Bounding the Surface

Importing Underground Utilities

Section 4 - Other Important Commands

Oops: Deleting Features

Chapter 2: Surface Editing Tools

Section 1 - Merging Surfaces

Destination and “Intermediate” Surfaces

Section 2 - The Major Design commands

Place Feature

Edit Feature Point

Generate Longitudinal Feature

Generate Sloped Surface

Copy Portion of Surface

The Project Line to Surface command

Partial Delete

Chapter 3: Building Horizontal Alignments: the Basics

Section 1 - Managing Geometry


Organizing Geometry

Section 2 - Building Practice Alignments

Creating New Geometry

Building Horizontal Alignments with the Horizontal Curve Set tools.

Saving the Geometry Project

Clarification: The Identify Alignment End prompt

Insert PI, Move PI and Delete PI

Section 3 - Project Lab: Creating Road Alignments

Chapter 4: Building Vertical Alignments: the Basics

Section 1 - Creating the Profile

Scaling Text

Creating a New Vertical Alignment

Section 2 - The Vertical Curve Set commands

Add [Vertical] PI

Defining Vertical Curves

Chapter 5: Introducing Roadway Modeling

Section 1 - Roadway Modeling Overview

Typical vs. “Deviations from Typical”

Roadway Modeling in InRoads

InRoads Typical Sections

“Dropping Templates”

Section 2 - Exploring Typical Sections in a Library

Loading the “Building InRoads” Typical Section Library

Explore the Typical Section Library

Reviewing Template Information

Section 3 - Modeling a Roadway using Express Modeler.

Running Express Modeler

Section 4 - Managing the Newly Created Surfaces

Safeguarding Surfaces

Managing the new Proposed Surfaces

Adding Information to the Features

Chapter 6: Introduction to Building Templates

Section 1 - Template Overview

The Edit Template form

Managing Transition Control

Superelevation Settings

Section 2 - Building New Templates

Copy and Edit vs. Creating from Scratch

Building Templates from Scratch

Chapter 7: Utilities

Section 1 - Utility Creation Concepts

Defining the Intelligence

Vertical Location

Managing Utilities

Displaying in Profile and Cross Section

Section 2 - Using the Place Feature command

Section 3 - Importing from Graphics

Providing Approximate Elevations (only if necessary)

Chapter 8: Horizontal and Vertical Element Geometry

Section 1 - How the Horizontal Element Commands work

Display the Horizontal Alignment Toolbar.


Forms and Prompts

Starting Simple: Add Fixed Line

The Edit Horizontal Element command

The Add Fixed Curve command


The Add Floating Line Command

The Add Floating Curve Command

The Define Spiral command

The Delete Horizontal Element Command

The Check Integrity command

“Real” Lab: Cross-Valley Canyon

Section 2 - Vertical Element Commands

Chapter 9: Managing InRoads Settings

Section 1 - Managing InRoads: the Big Picture

InRoads Management Technologies

Example of an Attempt to Manage an InRoads Environment Well

The end user’s expectation and role in Managing the InRoads Environment

Section 2 - Managing InRoads: the Specifics

Named Symbology

Feature Styles
