DLM 4000.25-1, June 13, 2012



C1.1. AUTHORITY. DoDInstruction 4140.01, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy,” December 14, 2011 prescribes publication and use of this manual.


C1.2.1. This manual prescribes uniform procedures, data elements and codes, formats, forms, and time standards for the interchange of logistics information[1] relating to requisitioning, supply advice, supply status, materiel issue/receipt, lateral redistribution, and materiel return processes. The procedures govern the interchange of information for all materiel commodities (unless specifically exempted by the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Logistics & Materiel Readiness) (ASD(L&MR)) between supported activities and supply control/distribution systems of the Department of Defense (DoD) and other participating Component activities. Consideration of the requirements of other functional areas (exclusive of specific codes and procedures) related to requisition and issue processing are included to provide procedural clarity and/or to depict procedural interfaces with other standard DoD systems. The specific codes and procedures within these related functional areas (such as: priority designation, stock control, box marking, shipment planning, shipment documentation, communication processing, and contractor shipments) are prescribed in the applicable regulatory documents of the standard system.

C1.2.2. The General Services Administration (GSA) publishes Federal Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (FEDSTRIP) under the FEDSTRIP Operating Guide[2] for use by Civil Agencies requisitioning materiel from GSA. This Guide contains the same policies, procedures, types of codes, forms, and formats as prescribed under MILSTRIP. In this respect, FEDSTRIP can be defined as an implementation of MILSTRIP for use by Civil Agencies. Civil Agencies authorized by supply support arrangement to requisition from Military sources should conform to the provisions of the Guide.


C1.3.1. This manual applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense; the Military Departments, the Joint Staff, The Combatant Command, and Defense Agencies; hereafter referred to collectively as the DoD Components. The manual applies, by agreement, to external organizational entities, conducting logistics business operations with DoD including (a) non-Government organizations, both commercial and nonprofit; (b) Federal agencies of the U.S. Government other than DoD; (c) foreign national governments; and (d) international government organizations.

C1.3.2. These procedures are mandatory for use by:

C1.3.2.1. All Component requisitioners authorized to request supply support from any Component distribution system and from GSA.

C1.3.2.2. All contractors authorized under Component contracts to requisition governmentfurnished materiel (GFM) from the Component.

C1.3.2.3. The Component sources of supply and storage activities furnishing supply support to authorized requisitioners, including foreign country requisitioners participating in foreign military sales (FMS), Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA), and Grant Aid (hereafter referred to collectively as “Security Assistance” or “SA”).


C1.4.1. These procedures are not applicable to the following:

C1.4.1.1. Bulk petroleum.

C1.4.1.2. Inter-Departmental and intra-Departmental purchasing operations.

C1.4.1.3. Forms and publications. (However, requirements placed on GSA and Navy for these items shall be submitted in the prescribed MILSTRIP requisition format.) Forms and publications assigned national stock numbers (NSNs) may be requisitioned using these procedures.

C1.4.1.4. Communications security (COMSEC) equipment, COMSEC aids (keying materiel), and all items including classified Components, individual elements and repair that are classified and designated crypto or are normally handled through crypto channels.

C1.4.1.5. Coal and coke.


C1.5.1. The procedures contained in this manual shall be uniformly implemented for inter-Component and intra-Component use by all affected activities[3]. Priority shall be given to the development and implementation of inter-Component procedures prior to separate development and implementation of intra-Component procedures. Separate intra-Component systems/procedures shall not be developed or used unless a waiver is approved. Requests for deviations or waivers will be considered when it can be demonstrated that MILSTRIP cannot provide a workable method or procedure. Deviations or waivers should not be requested solely to accommodate existing internal procedures or organization environment.

C1.5.2. Forward recommended MILSTRIP changes to the DoD MILSTRIP Administratorfor review and coordination with all Components via the Supply Process Review Committee (PRC) Chair. Implementation dates for approved changes shall be coordinated with Components or as directed by ASD(L&MR).

C1.5.3. Requests for exceptions, special processes or delayed implementation dates shall be forwarded to the MILSTRIP Administrator for review and coordination. The request shall include the following information:

C1.5.3.1. Narrative description of the basic concept being proposed and reason(s) therefore.

C1.5.3.2. Known interface and impact requirement with other legacy Defense Logistics Management Standards Systems and S/As.

C1.5.3.3. Advantages/Disadvantages of request.

C1.5.3.4. Proposed DLMS Change title and description.

C1.5.3.5. Starting and ending dates of request.


C1.6.1. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Supply Chain Integration (DASD(SCI))shall:

C1.6.1.1. Resolve issues concerning resources, policy, and requests for deviation or exemption from MILSTRIP that are submitted by the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator.

C1.6.1.2. Direct system changes when necessary to implement DoD policy and direct the implementation of urgent changes on priority basis.

C1.6.1.3. Resolve and take necessary action with Component heads on matters escalated by the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator.

C1.6.2. The DoD MILSTRIP[4]Administrator shall:

C1.6.2.1. Administer the MILSTRIP system under the policy guidance of the DASD(SCI) to:

C1.6.2.2. Perform analysis and design functions in coordination with Components to implement guidance and instruction provided by the ASD(L&MR) and assure the involvement of telecommunication planning in an integrated system design.

C1.6.2.3. Recommend system improvements and additional policies as required during the development of procedures.

C1.6.2.4. Develop, publish, and maintain this manual in a current status. These responsibilities include:

C1. Staffing Proposed Changes

C1. All proposed change requests shall be evaluated prior to formal staffing with the Components. The evaluation of the proposed change shall include, but not be limited to, the accuracy, validity, necessity, and urgency of the change.

C1. Requests that do not demonstrate significant inter-Component benefit, shall be returned to the originating Component.

C1. Requests that demonstrate significant benefits shall be formalized as Proposed DLMS Changes (PDC) and forwarded to DASD(SCI), the participating Components, and the DoD System Administrators of other DoD systems impacted by the proposed change.

C1. All proposed changesshall include the information provided in Subparagraph C1.

C1. Receiving and Evaluating Service/Agency Responses

C1. The DoD MILSTRIP Administrator shall resolve issuesinvolving procedural matters, normally within 90 days after the receipt of all comments from the participating Components.

C1. Matters affecting policy, together with the Component comments and a recommendation of the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator will be referred to the DASD(SCI) for resolution.

C1. Establishing Implementation Dates

C1. During the PDC adjudication process and based on Supply PRC responses, the PRC chair will seek to establish a joint implementation date or, when appropriate, either authorize DoD Components and participating external organization to implement on a staggered schedule or a limited implementation by impacted parties.

C1. When one Component provides an extended implementation date that would delay implementation by the other Components, the DoD MILSTRIP Administratorshall attempt to resolve the issue with the appropriate Component or seek a methodology that will permit a phased or staggered implementation. When a satisfactory implementation date cannot be jointly agreed, the DoD MILSTRIP Administratorshall refer the matter to ODASD(SCI) for resolution.

C1. Announcing Approved Changes/Implementation Dates

C1. Following receipt and evaluation of the Component preferred implementation dates, a DoD implementation date shall be selected and announced by the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator/Defense Logistics Management System (DLMS) Supply PRC Chair through dissemination of an Approved DLMS Change. ADCs shall be consecutively numbered across DLMS functional areas and, where practical, distributed to the Components at least 9 months prior to the approved implementation date.

C1. ADCs are provided as planning documents to assist the Components in any systems program/design efforts that may be necessary to implement changes. To prevent degradation of the MILSTRIP manual, approved change documents should be maintained separately from the manual.

C1. Dissemination of Changes to the MILSTRIP Manual. Changes shall be published as required. Changes shall be numbered consecutively across DLMS functional areas. These changes shall indicate the change number on each page. When it is necessary to supplement page changes with explanatory information, such explanation shall be contained in the cover letter. Text that has been modified or added shall be identified with red, bold, italicized print. Changes shall include and identify all ADCs. ADCs are available from the Defense Logistics Management StandardsWebsite.

C1.6.2.5. Annual Status Review. Defense Logistics Management Standards shall disseminate to Components and the DASD(SCI) an annual status review of all change proposals that have not yet been approved for publication or that, if approved, have not been implemented (RCS DD-AT&L(AR)1419 applies). The status review shall be updated periodically and made available on the Defense Logistics Management Standards Website.

C1.6.2.6. Ensure compatibility of MILSTRIP with other DoD standard systems. Coordination shall be effected, when appropriate, with other DLMS PRCs, System Administrators of other DoD logistics data systems, and with related DoD logistics task groups. Compatibility with these systems and groups shall be attained, when appropriate, prior to coordination with the Components.

C1.6.2.7. Ensure uniform implementation consistent with DoD policies and procedures by taking action to:

C1. Review all implementing instructions issued by Components to ensure continuing conformance of revisions to the approved system.

C1. Review and coordinate with Components all requests for system deviations and exemptions, and make appropriate recommendations to the DASD(SCI) based on fact-finding studies and/or analysis of accompanying justification.

C1. Through electronic review of Component business processes by the Supply PRC, conduct reviews of selected DLMS operational areas to 1) assess conformance with DLMS requirements, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of DLMS requirements, and (3) interpret or provide clarification of DLMS procedures.

C1. Report to the DASD(SCI)findings and recommendations of the reviews. Component comments, if appropriate, shall be attached to the report.

C1.6.2.8. Participate as a primary element of the Supply PRC composed of representatives from the Components. The committee shall participate in the development, implementation, and maintenance of the system. The Supply PRC Chair shall convene committee meetings at least semi-annually and shall issue minutes of these meetings. Whenever possible, the meetings and agenda items shall be announced 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The minutes of these meetings shall fully document the proceedings and the Supply PRC Chair shall provide a copy to each Component.

C1.6.2.9. Review and evaluate curricula of Defense training schools offering courses related to the MILSTRIP system, and make recommendations for improvement.

C1.6.2.10. Assist in resolving problems, violations, and deviations that arise during system operations and are reported to the DoD System Administrator. Unresolved problems and/or continued violations shall be referred to the DASD(SCI) for resolution and/or corrective action.

C1.6.3. Heads of Participating Component Activities shall:

C1.6.3.1. Designate an office of primary responsibility for MILSTRIP to serve as system focal point and identify by name, to Defense Logistics Management Standards, primary and alternate representatives for the MILSTRIP system to:

C1. Serve on the PRC. The decisions reached at the committee meetings should represent the Component positions unless otherwise agreed by the attendees.

C1. Ensure continuous liaison with the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator, the Supply PRC, and other Components.

C1. Evaluate all suggested MILSTRIP/DLMS changes and MILSTRIPrelated beneficial suggestions originating in that Component. The Component focal point representative shallperform initial evaluationof beneficial suggestions. Beneficial suggestions received directly by the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator shall be forwarded to the appropriate Component Supply PRC member for review and evaluation. If the suggestion is considered worthy of adoption, the Supply PRC member shall submit an official change proposal to the Supply PRC. Beneficial suggestion awards are determined by the focal points using existing Component procedures.

C1. Develop and submit recommended change proposals to theDoD MILSTRIP Administrator for processing using these procedures. The recommended change proposals shall provide the following minimum information:

C1. A narrative description of the basic concept being proposed and supporting rationale.

C1. All known interface and impact requirements identifying changes for coordination with other legacy format transaction Defense Logistics Standard System (DLSS) or non-DLSS systems.

C1. Operational statement(s) identifying all known advantages/disadvantages resulting from the proposed revision.

C1. Proposed wording required for the MILSTRIP manual.

C1. Required or desired implementation date, if known.

C1. Develop and submit to Defense Logistics Management Standardsa single, coordinated Component position on all proposed DLMS changes, to include their implementation strategy and timeline when known. The Component responses to proposed DLMS changes shall be provided to the MILSTRIP System Administator within the timeframe specified in the change proposal (normally 30–45 days). Based on PDC responses and the interface requirements associated with the specific change, the PRC chair shall establish a joint implementation date, or when appropriate, either authorize DoD Components and participating organizations to implement on a staggered schedule, or a limited implementation by impacted parties. This information will be included in the Approved DLMS Change (ADC). When an implementation date is not known/provided as part of the PDC adjudication process, the PRC chair shall include in the ADC a requirement for the DoD Components and participating organizations to actively monitor for implementation of the ADC and provide implementation dates when they become available.

C1. Develop and submit to Defense Logistics Management Standardsa single, coordinated Component implementation date on all approved system changes. The Component responses shall be provided to Defense Logistics Management Standards within the timeframe specified in the change proposal(normally 30 - 45 days).

C1.6.3.2. Implement these procedures and approved changes by publishingorders, directives, or instructions to ensure clarity and compliance. Submit one copy of such orders, directives, or instructions to Defense Logistics Management Standards.

C1.6.3.3. After release of the ADC, implementation status may be reported to the MILSTRIP Administrator at any time, to include full and partial implementation or required deviation. When Components are unable to meet established implementation dates, prior coordination with the PRC Chair is required. Additionally, the PRC members shall provide the MILSTRIP Administrator a semiannual status report on implementation of approved changes (RCSDD-A&T(Q&SA)1419 applies) per the guidance in DoD 4140.1-R, appendix The semiannual reporting or implementation status is due June 15 and December 15.

C1.6.3.4. Conduct internal training to assure timely and effective implementation and continued operation of approved systems, and furnish copies of all training instructions concerning respective systems and subsequent revisions to the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator.

C1.6.3.5. Annually, review, evaluate, and update the curricula of internal training programs to ensure adequacy of training.

C1.6.3.6. Provide representation to joint system design and development efforts and evaluation of MILSTRIP, along with the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator.

C1.6.3.7. Review internal procedures continually with the objective of eliminating and preventing duplication of functions covered by MILSTRIP.

C1.6.3.8. Ensure that all operating activities under their jurisdiction comply with this manual.

C1.6.3.9. Report to the DoD MILSTRIP Administrator those problems, violations, and deviations that arise during system operations.


C1.7.1. General. MILSTRIP is designed to permit transmission and receipt of requisitions and related documents by electronic communications, mail, telephone, and courier. To assure responsive and expeditious processing, the communication media shall not be exclusively limited to the M&S codes cited in Appendix AP2.4.

C1.7.2. Defense Automatic Addressing System. The Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS) shall be utilized in the supply and distribution systems of all Components and, by agreement, in the GSA system and the systems of other Federal Agencies. DAAS supports a variety of existing and new communications methods for exchanging computerreadable DoD logistics transactions as follows:

C1.7.2.1. Transmission. DAAS receives and sends computerreadable logistics transactions via multiple networks and connection methodologies. Unless specifically authorized, all exchanges of logistics transactions and related reports shall be in machine-readable format and forwarded electronically via DAAS. The Defense Information Systems Network (DISN)/File Transfer Protocol (FTP)/MQ Series (MQ) provides long haul and area data communications and interconnectivity for DoD systems. Switched/dial-up circuits provide dial-in connectivity to DAAS, using a modem and standard telephone line, for non-networked customers. Dedicated circuits provide direct connectivity to DAAS for high volume customers and customers dealing with time-critical data. Small volume customers can connect to DAAS using electronic mail (E-mail) and World Wide Web (WWW) (Internet) capabilities. DAAS is designed for sending computerreadable logistics messages using telecommunications circuits. DAAS is connected to the DISN, which provides the capability to send data using FTP transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP). DAAS electronic data interchange (EDI) applications use the MQ-Series to transport information in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) American Standards Committee (ASC) X12 format that is used primarily for DLMS transactions, thereby providing a modernized and enhanced version of MILSTRIP (and other legacy 80 record position transactions). The use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) was introduced into the DAAS zero latency process to deliver DLMS transactions via MQ-Series transport. See DLM 4000.25-4, “Defense Automatic Addressing System (DAAS),” for additional detail.