Name Date Class

Chapter 5 Marketing Information and Research

Newsline: The New American Restaurant

Visual Focus: Pitney Bowes

Lesson 5.1 Understanding the Need for Market Information

Starting with Information

Consumer Differences

Expanding Choices


The Global Marketplace

Deciding on Information Needs

Approaches to Planning

Categories of Information

Lesson Feature

World View: Online Music Stores Think Globally, Price Locally

Lesson 5.2 Finding and Managing Marketing Information

Sources of Market Information

Internal Information Sources

Customer Records and Sales Information

Production and Operations Reports

Performance Information

External Information Sources

Government Reports

Trade and Professional Associations

Business Publications

Commercial Data and Information Services

Marketing Information Systems

Managing Information

Designing a Marketing Information System





Decision Making

Lesson Feature

Digital Digest: Digital Photos Speed Products to Market

Lesson 5.3 Using Marketing Research

Seeing the Problem Clearly

Define the Problem

Analyze the Situation

Develop a Data-Collection Procedure

Secondary Data

Primary Data

Gather Information

Select the Participants

Collect the Data

Analyze the Data

Numerical Data

Non-Numerical Data

Prepare Results

Propose a Solution

Research Reports

Presenting Research Results

When to Use Marketing Research

Lesson Features

Net Bookmark: Marketing Research Data

SOS: Understand Basic Statistics

Get the Message: Today’s Fragmented Media

Lesson 5.4 Collecting Primary Data

Conducting Surveys

Focusing on the Issues

Questioning with Clarity

Making Observations

Performing Experiments

Test Markets


Lesson Feature

Virtual Marketing: Interactivity Propels Kiosks

Marketing – Chapter 5 ©South-Western/Cengage Learning 1