We are looking forward to the 2005-2006 Band year with great anticipation. There are many exciting things that have been planned for the Students and Parents this year. The success of the Chaperone Committee depends upon you. I welcome and thank everyone who has volunteered to take care of our students. I hope to make this an enjoyable and fun experience.

Being a chaperone is job that cannot be taken lightly. We as chaperones are responsible for the safety and welfare of the students. Chaperones are needed each and every time that the band travels.

Listed below are a few guidelines to help make your job run smoothly:


  1. Chaperones are responsible for each and every band student.
  2. Chaperones should present themselves as a positive role model to the band students.
  3. Chaperones are to escort band students to and from the restrooms. Band members should never be allowed to walk alone.
  4. Chaperones are required to wear the designated chaperone shirt so t they can be easily recognized by the band members.
  5. Chaperones should supervise and care for the students as if they were your own.
  6. Chaperones should stay calm and collected when and if a difficult situation should arise.
  7. If a situation arises with a band student that you are unable to resolve, then notify your chaperone chairperson, Sandy Wheeler. If the matter still cannot be resolved, then we will go to either Stan Chapman or Darrin Smith.
  8. Chaperones should be consistent with the rules, as well as communicate with the students to make sure they understand all instructions.
  9. Chaperones should remain with the band.
  10. Chaperones should sit surrounding the band. This is for the protection of the students as well as being convenient in assisting the students as needed.
  11. Chaperones will be assigned duties in which they will serve water to the band students while in the stand, assist in clean up during half-time, after third-quarter break, and after the game. (The students are supposed to pick up their trash after third-quarter break)
  12. Chaperones should keep non-band personnel from entering the band seating area.
  13. Chaperones monitor bus activity. (Chaperones are not allowed to bring their children on buses due to limited space)
  14. Chaperones call time will be the same as the call time for the students. Call time for home games will be at 4:30 p.m. The times for the away games will be announced prior to the game.

Bus Guidelines

  1. The bus captain will be given a list of the students riding her/his bus. They will account for the students before departing the school and before the return trip home.
  2. Chaperones should sit in various places on the bus. (front, back and center.
  3. Students are to ride assigned buses.
  4. Students are to be seated when the bus is in motion. They should never have their heads or arms outside the window when the bus is in motion. They should never throw anything out of the window.
  5. Students should keep noise to a reasonable level. No screaming, profanity, fighting. (Noise level also depends on bus driver)
  6. Student should refrain from public displays of affection.
  7. Students who are planning to return from an event with his/her parents need to let Mr. Chapman or Mr. Smith know as well as the bus captain, and myself.
  8. Let the students know that they are responsible for picking up their trash, putting their windows up, and making sure that they have all their items.
  9. After they have exited the bus, check the bus for any items that have been left behind, make sure windows are up, and any trash picked up.
  10. Any items that are retrieved pertaining to the band uniform, should be given to a member of the uniform committee. Other items will be placed in lost and found in the band room.