
Dear Merchant:

(School Name) is competing against other schools in the nationwide, Annual Recycle-Bowl Competition. We are striving to be the top recycling school in our state to rank as one of the highest in the country. During the 4 week competition the entire school will be encouraged to recycle in classrooms, on the athletic field, in offices, and the cafeteria.

To encourage recycling and a friendly competitive spirit, (School Name) will promote a recycling competition between individual classrooms and incorporate recycling into the teaching curriculum during the competition period. The classroom with the most recycled material at the end of the 4 weeks will win a donated prize. If you are interested in donating a prize, we will promote your business by listing donated prizes at/on/in (School website/school district website/school or district newsletter) and by thanking your business in an advertisement that will appear on/in the (School website/school district website/school or district newsletter) at the end of the Recycle-Bowl competition.

Donated prizes can include environmentally conscious items or services, food, (School Name) gear and/or items promoting your business.

Donations can be brought to the (School Name), mailed in, or picked up by contacting (Contact Name) at (phone #) or (email).

Thank you for your generosity and keep recycling!


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