Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Change Term Contract
Use this procedure to change a term contract.
Perform this procedure when the TABS interface is not able to upload and overwrite an existing Term Contract when a change to the contract needs to be made.
  • Material Master and Vendor Master records must already exist in SAP.
  • Term Contract printout (TC award and TC Change Order documents) from TABS is needed to manually enter the contract in SAP.
  • Target Value (not to exceed value) from TABS is also needed.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • Select LogisticsMaterials ManagementPurchasingOutline Agreement Contract Change to go the Change Contract: Initial Screen.
Transaction Code
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • Contracts in the SAP system are referred to as Outline Agreements. However the University will continue to refer to contracts as Term Contracts.
  • A Term Contract consists of two general types of items:
    1) A non-catalog item which is a specifically identified item with a firm price.
    2) A catalog item which usually represents a published catalog or price list on which a discount is being offered by the vendor.
  • Material Master records are the basic data for non-catalog items on the Term Contract, including the short text description of the item, and any additional/extended text. Catalog items do not have a material master record.
  • If a change to a material master record needs to be made, it needs to be done prior to changing the contract. The information must be updated in both places.
  • Term contracts in TABS have multiple vendors. These contracts are split in SAP so that each of the resulting contracts only has one vendor per contract. The contract numbers for the resulting SAP contracts are the same, except for the last two digits, which identify the term contract’s vendor number in TABS.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Change Term Contract
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Change Contract : Initial Screen

2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Agreement / Required / A contract or scheduling agreement
This is the Term Contract Number plus the Term Contract Vendor Number from TABS. The format is T999-99X99 which consists of “T” followed by the unique 3 digit base number, a dash, the fiscal year of the contract, the Purchasing group, and the last two digits of the TC Vendor Number.
3. / Click .
Change Contract : Item Overview

4. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Change header information / Click . / Step 5
Change line item information for a non-catalog item / -- / Step 11
Change line item information for a catalog item / -- / Step 19
Delete a contract item / Click to the left of the line you want to delete. / Step 21
Exit this transaction / -- / Step 25
Change Contract : Header Data

5. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Purchasing group / Optional / Code used to identify a buyer or group of buyers responsible for purchasing activities
This is the Buying Area letter code.
Item number interval / Optional / Determines the size of the steps between the default item numbers
This is the interval between the automatic numbering of contract line items. It is defaulted by the system.
Sub-item inter. / Optional / Indicates the interval in which sub-item numbers are suggested
This is the interval between the automatic numbering of contract line sub-items. It is defaulted by the system. However this functionality is currently not used.
Validity start / Optional / Beginning date when specifying a range of dates
If changing this date, enter the actual effective period start date of the Term Contract.
Validity end / Optional / Date a contract ends
If changing this date, enter the actual effective period end date of the Term Contract.
Payment terms / Optional / Terms agreed upon with the vendor for the payment of goods supplied or services rendered
Enter the Payment Terms code for the terms that were changed.
Targ. val. / Optional / Total value of all materials to be released against the contract
This is the annual estimated requirements of the Term Contract, plus an additional tolerance amount. The tolerance amount is determined by the Buyers. This is the total amount for which the contract can be used without an error occurring. This will need to be increased once exceeded, to allow further Term Contract Release Orders to be processed. This target value is stored in TABS as the Authorized Amount, but does not print on the Term Contract copy.
6. / Click .
7. / Perform one of the following:
If You / Then / Go To
Do not want to change header text / Click . / Step 4
Want to change header text / Click . / Step 8
Exit this transaction / Click .
The system displays the message, “Term Contract XXXX changed.” / Step 25
Change Contract: Header Texts

8. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Header text / Optional / Text for the header text
Janitorial Supplies
This is the Term Contract description.
9. / Click .
10. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Continue to make changes at the line item level / Click .
The system will automatically take you to the Change Contract: Item Overview screen. / Step 4
Exit this transaction / -- / Step 24
11. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
A (Account Assignment Category) / Optional / Code used to identify the type of cost object that will receive the cost of the line item; For example, cost centers, internal orders, assets or WBS elements
The Account Assignment Category should always be U. If the item is being released as an asset or on a project, the end user on the Term Contract Release sets the appropriate Account Assignment Category.
Material / Optional / Substance or commodity that is bought or sold on a commercial basis, or is used, consumed, or created in production; a material can also be a service; Also, a number identifying a material master record
This is the Material Number. For non-catalog items only, the Material Number must be entered or selected via match code search. The Material Number consists of the TABS Term Contract Item ID plus the last two digits of the fiscal year.
Short text / Optional / Text description of an object
This is the 40 character item description. For non-catalog items, the short text will default from the material master record and should not be changed. If the text is changed, it must be changed on the material master record too.
Net price / Optional / Price of an item after discounts and surcharges are applied, but before the payment discount is applied
For non-catalog items a price must be entered.
D (Deletion Indicator) / Optional / Indicator which shows whether an item is deleted or blocked
This indicator shows whether an item is deleted or blocked.
T…(Texts) / Optional / Indicator which shows whether an item has additional texts associated with it
This indicates an item has extended text that will print on the Term Contract release order along with the short text.
12. / Click .
13. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Continue making changes to the contract / -- / Step 4
Change the price for a non-catalog item / 1. Click to the left of the line you want to select.
2. Click . / Step 14
Exit this transaction / -- / Step 24
Validity Periods: Conditions

14. / Click on the validity period you want to process.
/ This is the validity period of the item, not the effective/validity period of the contract itself. The start date will be the date the item is added or changed and the end date will always be 12/31/9999 (indefinite). The validity period for an item is not being used by the University to manage multiple price periods, as for what this function was originally designed. All items will be entered under the same validity.
15. / Click .
Change Gross Price Condition (XXXX) : Condition Supplements

16. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Amount / Optional / Indicates the value of the line item of an accounting document
17. / Click .
18. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Continue making changes to the contract / Click . / Step 4
Exit this transaction / -- / Step 24
Change Contract : Item Overview (2)

19. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
I (Item Category) / Optional / Determines classification of material; For example, stock material, consumed material, etc.; Classification determines which fields and screens are required. In LIS, defines how purchase of an item is controlled
This value is always a W for catalog items.
A (Account Assignment Category) / Optional / Code used to identify the type of cost object that will receive the cost of the line item; For example, cost centers, internal orders, assets or WBS elements
The Account Assignment Indicator should always be U.
Short text / Optional / Text description of an object
Grainger Catalog Item
Since catalog items do not have an associated Material record, you only have to change the 40 character text description here, and not in a Material record as well. For non-catalog items, it must be changed in both places.
Matl Group / Optional / Code identifying an allocated group of materials with the same features
For catalog items the Material Group can be changed as needed.
20. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Continue making changes to the contract / -- / Step 4
Exit this transaction / -- / Step 24
21. / Click .
Delete items

22. / Click .
Change Contract : Item Overview (3)

23. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Go To
Continue making changes to the contract / Step 4
Exit this transaction / Step 24
/ Note the trash can on line 4.
24. / Click .
/ The system displays the message, “Term Contract XXXX changed.”
25. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
26. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / 06_PUR_ME32K_ChgTerm Contract_0_MM ContractDataMaint_02.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/16
Work Instruction
Functional Area: Purchasing / Change Term Contract
You have changed a Term Contract.
If you need to change another contract, you can repeat the process without exiting the Change Contract: Initial Screen.
Ver: / 06_PUR_ME32K_ChgTerm Contract_0_MM ContractDataMaint_02.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/16