Change Proposal Circular
To / BSC Change Administrators (BCA)/ Party Agent Change Administrators (PACA)No. / CPC00609
Purpose / For Consultation
From / Change Delivery
Date / 6 July 2007
CPC00609 – Impact Assessment of DCP0009, DCP0010, DCP0011, DCP0012, CP1199, CP1202, CP1203 and CP1204
In CPC00609 there are 4 Draft Change Proposals (DCPs) and 4 Change Proposals (CPs) for Impact Assessment by your organisation.
Listed below are the DCPs for Impact Assessment:
DCP no. / Title / Task Area(SVA, CVA, SVA and CVA)
DCP0009 / Improvement to Proving Test process: Audit trail / SVA
DCP0010 / Removal of PSL 170 (‘Meter Administrator’) following the creation of a generic non functional PSL via CP1182 / SVA
DCP0011 / Removal of PSL 130 (‘Half Hourly Data Collection’) following the creation of a generic non functional PSL via CP1182 / SVA
DCP0012 / Improvements to BSCP27 identified during operational use / SVA and CVA
For details on the expected impacts for each DCP on participants, please refer to the DCP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:
Listed below are the CPs for Impact Assessment with details of the Participants they Impact
CP no. / Title / Task Area(SVA, CVA, SVA and CVA)
CP1199 / Changes to BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to remove non functional information and add clarity / SVA
CP1202 / Changes to Meter Protocol Test Specification and the inclusion of BSCP601 appendices / SVA and CVA
CP1203 / Replacement of the ‘Accuracy Requirements’ Tables in the Compliance Testing Appendix to BSCP601 / SVA and CVA
CP1204 / New charging code structure for Unmetered Supplies / SVA
For details on the expected impacts for each CP on participants, please refer to the CP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:
Please note the contents of the DCP and CP Participant Impact Matrices may not be exhaustive. Please carefully review the attached DCPs and CPs to determine if they are likely to have an impact on your organisation.
Draft Change Proposals (DCPs) for Impact Assessment
DCP0009 – Improvement to Proving Test process: Audit trail
DCP0009 was raised by ELEXON on 6 July 2007.
The Proving Test process is currently susceptible to failure/non-completion due to various generic Supplier Agent non-compliances and the current procedures used to administer and support the trading arrangement requirements.
Two Change Proposals (CPs), CP1142 ‘Changes to the Proving Test Process’ and CP1171 ‘Improvements to the Proving Process’ relating to improvements to the Proving Test process have been rejected by the SVG. When the SVG rejected CP1171, it noted that some elements of CP1142 and CP1171 could be beneficial and requested that a working group meeting be held to discuss the beneficial elements of the CPs and decide the best way forward.
At the working group on the 24 January 2007, a review of CP1142 and CP1171 occurred and was attended by Supplier Agent Forum (SAF) members, an SVG representative and the originator of CP1171 from Npower. The group reviewed CP1142 and CP1171 to determine whether any beneficial changes could be made to the proving process.
The group agreed a number of recommendations which are detailed on the DCP0009 form. One of these recommendations is the raising of DCP0009 which intends to implement an audit trail for tracking failed Proving Tests, byamending BSCP502 ‘Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’
DCP0010 – Removal of PSL 170 (‘Meter Administrator’) following the creation of a generic non functional PSL via CP1182
The CSD review highlighted a large amount of duplication between the requirements in the PSLs and the corresponding BSCPs.
A single generic PSL is being created under CP1182 ‘Creation of a generic Party Service Line’ which will contain participants’ non-functional requirements. Following on from CP1182, DCP0010 was raised on 6 July 2007 by ELEXON and seeks to remove PSL170 ‘Meter Administrator’ and include the functional requirements in BSCP520 ‘Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS’. The redlined changes to BSCP520 are included as DCP0010 Attachment A.
The removal of the duplication between PSL170 and BSCP520 will mean that Meter Administrators (MAs) will only have to look in one place to find the functional requirements relating to their role, which may be particularly useful to new entrants. This change will also reduce the cost associated with preparing and maintaining numerous and duplicated PSLs.
DCP0011 – Removal of PSL 130 (‘Half Hourly Data Collection’) following the creation of a generic non functional PSL via CP1182
The Code Subsidiary Document (CSD) review highlighted a large amount of duplication between the requirements in the Party Service Lines (PSLs) and the corresponding Balancing and Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs).
A single generic PSL is being created under CP1182 ‘Creation of a generic Party Service Line’ which will contain participants’ non-functional requirements. Following on from CP1182, DCP0011 was raised on 6 July 2007 by ELEXON and seeks to remove PSL130 ‘Half Hourly Data Collection’ and include the functional requirements in BSCP502 ‘Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’ and BSCP550 ‘Shared SVA Meter Arrangement of Half Hourly Import and Export Active Energy’. The redlined changes to BSCP502 are included as DCP0011 Attachment A and the redlined changes to BSCP550 are included as Attachment B.
The removal of the duplication between PSL130 and BSCP502 and BSCP550 will mean that Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDCs) will only have to look in the relevant BSCP to find the functional requirements relating to their role, which may be particularly useful to new entrants. This change will also reduce the cost associated with preparing and maintaining numerous and duplicated PSLs.
DCP0012 - Improvements to BSCP27 identified during operational use.
DCP0012 was raised by ELEXON on the 6 July 2007 and seeks to make improvements to BSCP27 ‘Technical Assurance of Half Hourly Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes’ identified during operational use.
DCP0012 identifies three areas of BSCP27 in which inconsistencies and minor errors have been identified. The recommended changes seeks to improve the clarity of BSCP27 and will assist in ensuring that the process described in the BSCP is robust, accurate, and effective. This reduces the potential for misinterpretation by both Market Participants and Service Providers.
Change Proposals (CPs) for Impact Assessment
CP1199– Changes to BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to remove non functional information and add clarity
CP1199 was raised by ELEXON on the 4 May 2007, and seeks to make changes to BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to remove non functional information and add clarity to make it easier for Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) to understand their obligations.
CP1199 proposes that BSCP515 is updated to remove unnecessary sections which simply reference processes set out in other BSCPs and that the remaining sections are clarified where necessary. CP1199 Attachment A contains the proposed redline document changes to BSCP515.
CP1199 was previously issued for participant Impact Assessment as DCP0006 via CPC00603. It has since been converted into CP1199. The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1199 is £660.This CP should be implemented such that the documentation changes take effect from the Implementation Date of the CP. There are no new or changed requirements for LDSOs included in this CP. CP1199 is targeted at the February 2008 Release
CP1202 – Changes to Meter Protocol Test Specification and the inclusion of BSCP601 appendices
CP1202 was raised by ELEXON on 6 July 2007 and seeks to make change to Meter Protocol Test Specification.
It was brought to the attention of the Imbalance Settlement Group(ISG) that the ‘Specification for the Approval and Testing of Metering Equipment Protocol Testing’ document (an appendix to BSCP601 ‘Metering Protocol Approval and Compliance Testing’) does not contain any detailed requirements. The ISG requested that ELEXON assess the document and report its findings. Applicants to the BSCP601 processes have no indication of the requirements for protocol approval.
CP1202 Attachment A details the redlined solution which includes the addition of a sample test schedule and the addition of an explanation of protocol. Further changes have been made to address areas of duplication and redundancy where the Appendix currently deals with issues relating to compliance testing.
CP1202 was previously issued for participant Impact Assessment as DCP0007 via CPC00604. It has since been converted into CP1202. The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1204 is £550. This CP has no direct impact on Parties or Party Agents as it is a process followed before any metering equipment is used for Settlement. This CP should be implemented so that the revised protocol approval test specification to be contained in BSCP601 is used for Metering systems undergoing Protocol Approval from the Implementation Date of the CP.CP1202 is targeted at the February 2008 Release
CP1203 – Replacement of the ‘Accuracy Requirements’ Tables in the Compliance Testing Appendix to BSCP601
CP1203 was raised by ELEXON on 6 July 2007.
BSCP601 ‘Metering Protocol Approval and Compliance Testing’ sets out the process by which Meter Manufacturers, Meter Operator Agents, Suppliers, Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDCs) and Half Hourly Meter Equipment users can apply for Compliance Testing and Protocol Approval of Half Hourly metering Equipment.
The appendix to BSCP601 entitled ‘Specification Compliance Testing of Metering Equipment Codes of Practice One, Two, Three and Five’ sets out the tests that a Compliance Testing Agent must perform on an item of Metering Equipment in order to determine whether the accuracy and functionality of that item of Metering Equipment conforms or otherwise to the requirements set out in a particular Code of Practice (CoP).
CP1203 proposes the replacement of the ‘Accuracy Requirements’ tables in the appendix to BSCP601, as they currently specify inappropriate limits of error for compliance testing of Metering Equipment. This change will remove any potential confusion in the accuracy requirements for compliance testing going forward. The proposed redline changes to the BSCP601 appendix can be found in CP1203 Attachment A.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1203 is £990. This change should be implemented such that any testing performed on items of Metering Equipment by the Compliance Testing Agent after the Implementation Date of the CP should be against the new tables in BSCP601 Compliance Testing Appendix. CP1203 is targeted at the February 2008 Release
CP1204 – New charging code structure for Unmetered Supplies
CP1204 was raised by ELEXON on 6 July 2007 and seeks to make changes to the charging code structure for Unmetered Supplies (UMS).
The Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) requested that ELEXON investigate potential amendments to the current UMS arrangements, in order to recognise newly developing control technologies, known as Central Management Systems (CMS). As part of this work, an external review group was assembled to consider a number of solutions, which were presented to the SVG in paper SVG72/01. One of the options proposedis that the structure of the UMS charging code be changed to facilitate CMS technology.
CP1204 proposes extending the charging code structure to 13 digits, and involves changes to BSCP520 which are provided in CP1204 Attachment A. The proposed extension of the Charging Code structure will increase accuracy as the present code may lead to inaccuracies in Settlement because it cannot accurately reflect the operation of new, more dynamic apparatus.
CP1204 was previously issued for participant Impact Assessment as DCP0002 via CPC00600. It has since been converted into CP1204. The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1204 is £220. This change would be implemented such that from the implementation date the new UMS charging code proposed is incorporated into the UMS arrangements as described in the CP. Specifically, implementation would be such that from the implementation date:
• Customers can use either the existing code structure or the new charging code;
• UMSOs and MAs can accept UMS inventories in either format; and
• UMSO and MA computer systems are able to accept both the existing charging code and the new charging code.
CP1204 is targeted at the February 2008 Release
Please carry out an Impact Assessment of the attached DCPs/CPs and return your response using the attached forms by 5:00pmFriday 3 August 2007. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to meet this deadline. Please note lack of any response to a CPC does not indicate a negative response
If you have any queries please contact me on 020 7380 4327 or email . Alternatively, contact the ELEXON Helpdesk on 020 7380 4222 or email .
David Barber
ELEXON Change Delivery
Table of Attachments
Below is a summary of the attached documents to CPC00609 that are relevant to the DCPs and CPs summarised above required to complete and Impact Assessment for each one.
DCP/CP no. / Attached documentsDCP0009 / DCP0009
DCP0010 / DCP0010
DCP0010 Attachment A Redlined BSCP520 v11 for PSL Removalv0.4
DCP0010 – Attachment B - Mapping matrix to show where functional requirements in PSL170 have been moved to in BSCP520
DCP0010 - Attachment C - Mapping matrix to show where the new sections in BSCP520 have come from in PSL170 (reverse mapping)
DCP0011 / DCP0011
DCP0011 Attachment A - BSCP502 v14.0 redlined v0.3
DCP0011 Attachment B - BSCP550 v9.0 redlined v0.2
DCP0011 Attachment C - Mapping Matrix PSL130 to relevant BSCP v0.2
DCP0011 Attachment D – Reverse Mapping of PSL130 v0.2
DCP0012 / DCP0012
CP1199 / CP1199
CP1199 – AttachmentA: BSCP515v4.0redlinedv0.3
CP1202 / CP1202
CP1202 – Attachment A: Redlined Changes to BSCP601v7.0
CP1203 / CP1203
CP1203 - Attachment A: redlined changes to BSCP601 Appx 3.9 v0.1
CP1204 / CP1204
CP1204 Attachment A - BSCP520v11.0 redlined v0.3
CPC00609 / v.1.0
6 July 2007 / Page 1 of 20 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
To: David Barber
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms
(delete as appropriate)
Email Address:
Phone No.:
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0009Title: / Improvement to Proving Test process: Audit trail
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
(delete as appropriate)
Email Address:
Phone No.:
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0010Title: / Removal of PSL 170 (‘Meter Administrator’) following the creation of a generic non functional PSL via CP1182
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
Please review the Redline text for DCP0010 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
(delete as appropriate)
Email Address:
Phone No.:
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0011Title: / Removal of PSL 130 (‘Half Hourly Data Collection’) following the creation of a generic non functional PSL via CP1182
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
CPC00609 / v.1.0
6 July 2007 / Page 1 of 20 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
Please review the Redline text for DCP0011 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
(delete as appropriate)
Email Address:
Phone No.:
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0012Title: / Improvements to BSCP27 identified during operational use
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Which is your favoured option? (where applicable)
Favoured option / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes:
Yes / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
CPC00609 / v.1.0
6 July 2007 / Page 1 of 20 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms
(delete as appropriate)
Email Address:
Phone No.:
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1199Title: / Changes to BSCP515 ‘Licensed Distribution’ to remove non functional information and add clarity
Proposed Implementation Date: / February 2008 Release
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes: Please tick where appropriate
Yes / Comments
No / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text.
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
CPC00609 / v.1.0
6 July 2007 / Page 1 of 20 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
Please review the Redline text for CP1199 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
(delete as appropriate)
Email Address:
Phone No.:
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1202Title: / Changes to Meter Protocol Test Specification and the inclusion of BSCP601 appendices
Proposed Implementation Date: / February 2008 Release
Proposed Change: Please tick where appropriate
Agree Change / Comments
Disagree Change / Reason
Neutral / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes: Please tick where appropriate
Yes / Comments
No / Comments
Implementation Notification from when you receive redline text.
No. of Days / Comments
Other Comments:
CPC00609 / v.1.0
6 July 2007 / Page 1 of 20 / © ELEXON Limited 2007
Please review the Redline text for CP1202 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Location in document (e.g. page and paragraph no.) / Severity Code / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes: