
Change Number: 002356


Description: Words index and search - The setting of Unicode characters as "to_blank" in tab_word_breaking does not always work properly.

This happens when defining a character using "U+<hexa unicode value>" in tab_word_breaking.

For example, a string containing a Mongolian comma (Unicode value=1802) is not found when searching.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: SEARCH

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 170065

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou butil b_manage_01_b_to_blank

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 44BL

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-07 10:40:40

Date: 2017-04-05 12:01:36


Change Number: 002357


Description: fix_doc_punctuation_usm - For RDA format, no end punctuation should be added to the Copyright Notice date: field 264#4 subfield c.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CAT

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 196455

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou fix_doc fix_doc_punctuation_usm

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 972NNL

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-10 09:53:39

Date: 2017-04-05 12:02:47


Change Number: 002358


Description: ACQ - Bulk arrival - there is no validation check for the shipment and arrival dates.

Solution: This has been corrected. An error is displayed when the date is invalid.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: ACQ

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 208681

Unix files:








Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou pc_acq pc_acq_c0543

Implementation Notes:

If localization is required, add the following lines to ./alephe/error_lng/pc_acq_c0543:

0211 0001 L Invalid Shipment date.

0212 0002 L Invalid Arrival date.

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 44BL

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-14 10:19:19

Date: 2016-11-14 10:28:40

Date: 2017-04-05 12:04:02


Change Number: 002360


Description: Download Machine-Readable Records (print-03) - When the record format is MARC with alphanumeric tags (M2) and the converted record is larger than 100000 characters, the record is truncated. There is no error message that shows that record is cut-off.

Solution: This has been corrected. In case the record is truncated due to record length, a message is displayed: "Record no. nnnn truncated after 100000 characters".

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:


Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 235968

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou butil b_print_03_a

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 44BL

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-14 10:39:24

Date: 2016-11-21 16:04:40

Date: 2017-04-05 12:16:55


Change Number: 002362


Description: WEB OPAC - Aleph setup configuration enables viewing details of the patron that loans the item (tab31 - column 17 is set to Y).

This flow causes a privacy violation in which the URL is manually modified and it is possible to view information of other patron (not the one that loans the item) that its information is not viewable in regular flow (tab31 - column 17 is set to N).

Solution: This has been corrected. Now, there is no option to view info of patron that cannot be viewed (tab31 - column 17 is set to N).

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: WEB

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 355244

Unix files:








Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou www_f www_f_item_loan

Implementation Notes:

If a localization is needed, copy the following line from $aleph_error_lng/www_f_heading to $alephe_error_lng/www_f_heading:

0150 L Patron information display is not allowed!

to $alephe_error_lng/www_f_heading

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 41IDS-DSV-UB

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-21 11:06:16

Date: 2016-11-21 12:18:31

Date: 2017-04-05 12:19:29


Change Number: 002363


Description: WEB OPAC - When renewing loans with "Renew All", an error message is displayed in the log file, even when the renewal is successful.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: WEB

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 208592

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou www_f www_f_item_edit

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 49HFF

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-24 10:30:49

Date: 2017-04-05 12:27:14


Change Number: 002365


Description: NCIP - Sometimes the item is not proccessed as NCIP item during the return action, instead, it is treated as an ILL Item.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CIRC

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 122840

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou pc_cir pc_cir_c0442

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01MIT

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-29 14:50:26

Date: 2017-04-05 12:28:12


Change Number: 002366


Description: Task manager on windows8 and up - the time stamp of the files was an hour later than the real time when copying remote file to local directory.

This happens when using the option to adjust for daylight saving time automatically.

Solution: This has been corrected

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: GUI

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 238376

Unix files:

Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:






Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 44ABE

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-11-29 15:04:28

Date: 2017-04-05 12:28:44


Change Number: 002367


Description: WEB OPAC - When loading a page that contains a line exceeding 1000 characters, the line is truncated.

Solution: This has been corrected: it is now possible to load pages with lines up to 2000 characters.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: WEB

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 222324

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


compile_cc www_com www_read_file


Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 46KBS

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-12-01 11:20:45

Date: 2017-04-05 12:29:17


Change Number: 002368


Description: RESTful API - The creation and deletion of an hold request through DLF services do not create a circulation log record.

Solution: This has been corrected. Now the creation and deletion of a hold request through DLF service create a log record.

This functionality is based on the definition in tab_circ_log.lng for transaction numbers 71 and 73.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: DLF

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 189193, 214367, 344126, 344140, 351404

Unix files:



Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou dlf_service dlf_create_item_hold

iprou dlf_service dlf_del_pat_hold

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01UMICH, 32EUC, 420VKOL, 44OXF, 972EXL

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-12-07 16:28:16

Date: 2017-04-05 12:30:04


Change Number: 002369


Description: GUI Installation - Sometimes the GUI is stalled on the font installation in Windows 10.

Solution: Now, the font installation is done in a script at the end of the installation. Note that the GUI500.exe and Net500.exe files have changed.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: GUI

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 00197287

Unix files:

Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


Implementation Notes:

For GUI repack or new installations, install the new GUI500.exe or Net500.exe.

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 354ILC

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2016-12-08 10:23:43

Date: 2016-12-08 10:34:42

Date: 2017-04-05 12:30:35


Change Number: 002370


Description: Delete Unlinked Headings (manage-15) - In some cases, a few of the unlinked headings were not deleted.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CAT

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 184456

Unix files:



Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou com count_z02

iprou com get_xyz_code

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 44JMU

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-05 15:05:32

Date: 2017-04-05 12:30:56


Change Number: 002372


Description: WEB - Google Books API - when searching, using the ISBN keyword, the 'ISBN' search term is sent to Google API in uppercase letters instead of lower case. This cause inconsistent results.

For example: The correct url should be: and not

Solution: This has been corrected. Now, the isbn is sent in lowercase.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: WEB

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 228067

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou www_f www_f_set_google_books

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 49MPDL

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-09 10:24:22

Date: 2017-04-05 12:32:16


Change Number: 002373


Description: DLF Service - Item List - It is not possible to use the paging option (startPos parameter) when the number of items exceeds 990 items. Only the first 990 items are displayed.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: DLF

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 219923

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou dlf_service dlf_get_item_list

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01ODIN

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-09 10:39:28

Date: 2017-01-09 10:55:48

Date: 2017-04-05 12:33:40


Change Number: 002374


Description: CIRC - During a "bulk" return of loaned items when using RFID machine, 2 RFID transactions are being sent.

This happens when the item is requested and the hold request list is displayed. This causes override of the item information on the next item RFID tag.

Solution: This has been corrected. Now only one RFID transaction is sent during return.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CIRC

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 124188

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:



iprou pc_cir pc_cir_c0442

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 972SZA

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-09 11:35:02

Date: 2017-02-05 11:19:07


Change Number: 002375


Description: Serials patterns - The value "c" (combined) was not supported in the patterns form for the regularity pattern (field 853 subfield y).

Solution: This has been corrected. The values for combined mode and type can now be defined in pc_tab_exp_field.lng and is supported by the patterns form. See implementation notes for more details.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:


Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): D

Case number: 342522

Unix files:



















Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:



iprou pc_serial pc_serial_c0342

iprou serial2 serial2_format_buf_capt_pat

iprou serial2 serial2_gen_pattern_freq_comb

Implementation Notes:

If localization is required, add the following lines to ./[adm_library]/tab/pc_tab_exp_field.lng:



SERIAL-PTRN-REG-TYPE L 1st enum level e1

SERIAL-PTRN-REG-TYPE L 2nd enum level e2

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]): Y

Customer: 41IDS-ETHZ

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-12 00:17:13

Date: 2017-01-31 14:44:34

Date: 2017-02-05 11:21:30

Date: 2017-04-06 12:05:17


Change Number: 002376


Description: As results of the new RDA rules, 527ff fields are no longer sufficient. The field list (currently 527ff) for the functionality "Replace ZDB no. from subfield $9 with 001-no. of the retrieved title in the same library (BVB01, HBZ01, .)" in p_manage_42s should be enhanced with the following 8 fields:









This is a special program only for MAB customers.

Solution: The new fields were implemented.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:


Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 00240759

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou butil b_manage_42s_a3

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 49BVB

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-25 12:52:38

Date: 2017-02-05 11:45:40


Change Number: 002377


Description: Online help corrections for batch service: p-manage-17.

Solution: p-manage-17 (Alphabetize Long Headings) - The information about the service has been updated.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:


Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 00237666

Unix files:







Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 55BBD

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-26 09:43:04

Date: 2017-04-05 12:34:07


Change Number: 002378


Description: (Advanced) Generic Vendor Records Loader (file-90/96) : when there is one ISBN field (020) with subfield a and more ISBN fields with subfield z (canceled/invalid ISBN), the ISBN from subfield a is not loaded to the order.

Solution: This has been corrected. The ISBN from subfield a is now loaded.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CAT

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 225262

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou acq get_isbn_issn

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01MIT

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-01-30 10:57:01

Date: 2017-02-05 11:49:18


Change Number: 002379


Description: SIP2 - A new script for restart sip2 server.

Solution: A new script has been added to restart the sip2 server, mainly for hosted servers.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:


Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): D

Case number: 350416

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 44WST

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-02-06 15:15:32

Date: 2017-02-09 10:00:31

Date: 2017-02-13 10:09:30


Change Number: 002380


Description: Overdue and Lost Billing Summary Letter (cir-51) - In the lost material summary, a notice cost is added even when the setup in tab18 for "lost material notice" (transaction '0042') indicates that it should not be added.

Solution: This has been corrected: now, when tab18 col.8 (Charge for e-mail) is set to "N" for transaction '0042' and the patron has an email address, the cost is not added.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CIRC

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 217395

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou form_fill lost_material_summary_xml

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01ODIN

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-02-06 15:43:06

Date: 2017-02-08 16:49:05


Change Number: 002381


Description: Generic document fix (fix_doc_do_file_08) - When trying to add a sub-field ("ADD-SUBFIELD") at the end of the field ("LAST"), if the field does not exist in the document, the first field, mistakenly gets the sub-field.

Solution: This has been corrected. Now, if the field does not exist, the sub-field is not added.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:


Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 232948

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou fix_doc fix_doc_script

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01HVD

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-02-13 10:12:17

Date: 2017-04-05 12:34:48


Change Number: 002382


Description: ARC - Add an option to have an ARC schema password different than the user name.

Till now, there was no option to have an ARC password different than the ARC user when connecting to ARC schema.

Solution: Now, due to security issues, the password to ARC schema can be different from the ARC user.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: ARC

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): D

Case number: 00367376

Unix files:






Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


Implementation Notes:

See document 'How to change password in ARC' for additional instructions.

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 65TP

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-02-14 14:56:25

Date: 2017-02-19 09:53:52


Change Number: 002383


Description: MARC records conversion to Aleph sequential (p-file-02) - When the MARC record contains large 880 fields which are splitted into several fields with $$9^, the 880 subfield $$6 is not repeated to the splitted fields.

Solution: This has been corrected: now subfield 6 is repeated to each of the splitted 880 fields.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CAT

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 210184

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou com marc_field_physical_cut

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 01SUNY-BUF

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-02-16 09:52:48

Date: 2017-04-05 12:16:13


Change Number: 002384


Description: When the MAB environment is set to RDA format, the imprint is missing in EDI messages.

Solution: This has been corrected.

Now the information from field 419 (used in RDA) has the primary priority. Existing fields 410, 412 and 425 (with the information in non-RDA format) will be ignored. 410/412/425 are only used, if 419 does not exist.

The last version was to take the fields 410/412/425. 419 was only used, if non of these 3 fields exist. This was a problem, because the (old) non-RDA-fields 410/412/425 can exist beside the field 419. Now, the new RDA-field has the higher priority.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: EDI

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): B

Case number: 216700

Unix files:


Unix files (Included for compilation only):

PC files:


iprou xml_to_edi xml_to_edi_orders

Implementation Notes:

IN Automation (Y[es]/N[o]):

Customer: 49HBZ-DUE

Ready for build:Y

Minor Release:1

Service Pack:8

Date: 2017-02-23 16:50:40

Date: 2017-03-16 08:17:58


Change Number: 002385


Description: Special MAB program update_z103_mab_par is missing functionality (linking) for some 7XX fields.

Solution: The currently missing 7XX fields are being added to the program.

Related Documentation:

Documentation Review:

Module: CAT

Change Type (T[ech]/D[ev]/B[ug]/I[nternal]): D

Case number: 00392713

Unix files:
