The FlippedClassroomteachingwillaccomplish ten years in 2017, the first experimentsthatflipperspioneers, the twoprofessorsJonBergmann and Aaron Samsbegan in Eaglecrest High School in the smallcountyofArapahoe, bordering the Denver metropolitan area in Colorado. Whenitgoteverything in Italy (homework and lessons in class, preferably video lessonstofollow at home), itisdifficulttodetermine. Some Italianteacherswereusingthismethodologywithoutknowingwhofollowed in the footstepsof Bergman and Sams. A sortofapproval, or rather a considerationby the EducationMinistry, arrivedwith the first coursesrecognizedby the MinistryofEducationbydecreeof 21 July 2014, aimed at teachersofprimaryschool, designed and created the associationFlipnet, whosefounders, Maurizio Maglioni and Fabio Biscaro, are authorsof the book "The invertedclassroom. Innovate the teachingwith the flippedclassroom ", released in the sameyear. To do a chronologicaloverview, aswellas the positive evolution and disseminationofthismethodology, was Grazia Paladino, whotold in hispresentationthat "the idea of creatinganassociationto spread in Italy capsized in a classisborn in November 2012 ".
Grazia Paladino, a teacherof Science and Mathematics, InstituteComprehensive Federico De Roberto in Zafferana (Catania) and trainer forFlipnet, networkedactivewithhis site “Flip The Sciences”.
Reversing the pointofviewhasopened the possibilitythatstudentsofdifferentages, differentneeds, theycouldsee at home a lesson, severaltimes, with more aid, usingtoolssuchaspc, tablet or evensmartphone.
Thestudentsarrive in class with the desire - itishoped - tohaveanswers or explanations. Obviousadvantagesfor all. "Itisclearthatthismethod can especially help those in needwith the traditionalteachingthat the majorityofstudents: bored, dyslexic, inattentive, hyperactive ... AformerMinisterofEducation, a linguist and professor emeritus, Tullio De Mauro, promotedclassoverturned;other media talk abouthowthis innovative practice can enter the Italianclasses. Everythingnowseemspossible. Itwasborn in mid 2014, the first draftof the training: "Turn the Special Educational Needs" an online courseforteachersrecognizedby the MinistryofEducation. A trackthatbranches off the initial input, exactlyashappened in otherplaces in the world, with a naturaluseof social networks, discussiongroups on Facebook, pagesto post video lessons, or usethem on Youtube.
Werebornsitesthatteachers can easilyarrangetostimulatestudentstosearch andexplore.
In themeanwhilecomespublished the book "The invertedclassroom",by Maurizio Maglioni and Fabio Biscaro, with a preface by Tullio De Mauro.
2014 lookslike a yearof educational innovations in Italy. INDIRE, the InstituteofInnovation and Educational Researchof the MinistryofEducation, wasalreadyworkingwith the movement Educational Vanguardstosurvey and analyzewhat new, technological and creative was happening in Italianschools; the movementbecomesofficial, and itturns out that in manyItalianschoolsthere are overthrownclassessince 2011;forexample, the InstituteofeducationSavoyBenincasaof Ancona, or TechnicalInstitutePacioliof Crema, Melchiorre Gioia of Piacenza, in high schoolArtistic Argan of Rome and tothe scientific Bertolucci Parma. Supportedby INDIRE, 22 pioneerschools leadan innovative movement, whichtodayhas a populationofwell 400.
Hereyouhave someexperiences in Italy