Southern Golden Retriever Society Championship show:
3rd March 2002
The Southern GRS should be commended for organising such a well run show. The dog entry was extremely pleasing with some top class exhibits competing. Some dogs I found a little too heavy with excess weight and lacking muscular condition, but overall presentation was excellent. My final line up was personally pleasing with an admirable array of class winners.
BIS was Alibren Soul to Soul.
RBIS was Pearlbarn Periwinkle for Ritzilyn.
BPIS was Captain Finn at Steval.
RBPIS was Ch. Millgreen Magnum.
V. (7). 1. Rain’s, Ch. Millgreen Magnum. A dog of excellent style. 9 and a half years old. So nicely balanced. Super masculine head with dark eye, good reach of neck, well made body. Good quarters and level topline. He moved around the ring with youthful stride. Presented in first class condition. A real picutre of a Champoin ambassador of our breed.
2. Clarke’s, Ch. Ousevale Gairloch. Another spritety mover, rising 10 years old. Nicely constructed with pleasing expression. Straight front with tight feet, good bend of stilfe. Mature body that holds a good shape of a yougster. Presented in fine coat and condition. 3. Reynold’s, Gwyngala Ambassador.
MP. (16). 1. Kirby’s, Ambergold Will do Nicely. Super puppy. Delighful head and expression with the darkest of pigment. Good reach of neck with straight front and correct shoulder placement. Level topline with correct tailset. Good rear angulation. Presented in excellent coat and condition. He moved freely and with confidence. 2. Balaam’s, Pinecrest Foxtrot. Very nicely constructed with appealing head and expression. Good reach of neck compact body, nice tight feet. Moved well from good quarters. Well presented in good coat. 3. Barker and Porter Shearstone Chase the Ace at Ivycrest.
P. (18). 1. Tregaski’s, Captain Finn at Steval. Outstanding puppy that stood out for quality. He looked so mature in profile, with commanding ring presence. Super head with dark eye and pigment. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. Straight front, nice tight feet, best of toplines with good stifle and neat hocks. Beautifully presented in sparkling coat and condition with driving movement that was true and positive. BPD and BPIS. 2. Pope and Marsh’s, Chilzer Davy Jones. Another super puppy and a real decision on the day over first. Another that stood out for quality. Super head with appealing expression, dark eye and pigment. Good shoulders and reach of neck, straight front and level topline that flowed into correct tailset. Good rear angulation with striding driving movement. Along with the class winner presented a superb duo. When it came to a decision just not the fullness of coat and maturity of the first. 3. Wicklow’s, Gillbryan Tibetan Trekker.
J. (14). 1. Brown’s, Pandreft Red Hot Leader. This young dog realty caught my eye. Very well made with pleasing head and expression, dark eye and dark pigment, very good reach of neck. Good shoulder placement. Good bend of stifle and depth of rib. Good positive driving movement that showed off his flowing level topline and tailset. Well presented. 2. Wicklow’s, Gillbryan Crime of the Century. Another boy that is eye catching. Very nicley constructed with appealing head. Good reach of neck, compact body with nice tight feet. Presented in good coat and condition. Just not the steadiness of first when moving. 3. Mead Clever Chap.
SY. (12). 1. Smallcombe’s, Robscraig Group Captain. Lovely type he has all the essential attributes that will take him to higher honours. Head of correct proportion, lovely kind eye giving a desired expression. Lovely straight front, very elegant in shape and profile and soundly presented in superb condition. His movement was true and fluent. 2. Richardson’s, Turamber Heartbreaker. Very good outline and so soundly constructed, quality head with dark eye and kind expression. Good shoulder placement balanced body that was very shapely. Very free mover. 3. Wicklow’s, Gillbryan Crime of the Century.
M. (10). 1. Tregaski’s, Captain Finn at Steval. 2. Russell’s, Rossiante High Flyer. Placed in a strong Junior class. Well balanced and nicely constructed. Pleasing head, compact well made body, moved and showed well. 3. Mant’s, Valisa Virtual Reality.
N. (11). 1. Mead’s, Clever Chap. Placed third in the Junior class. Where he just lost out on maturity. Good head with dark eye, good neck and topline. Moved well with good presentation. Time will enhance. 2. Russell’s, Rossiante High Flyer. 3. Mant’s, Valisa Virtual Reality.
UG. (10). 1. Lade and Wicklow’s, Gilibryan Innes Flytier at Mantondean. Very sound dog, very promising. Masculine head, good conformation, good shoulders, level topline. Well bodied, good bone, legs and feet. Maturing body that is dropping into place to give a balanced outline. Presented in super coat and condition, covering the ring with driving movement. 2. Reynold’s, Shearstone Father Ted by Benoveor. Very nicely constructed, pleasing head, straight front and good depth of rib. Well bent stifle. Another in super coat and condition. Just not as steady on the move. 3. Gillbryan Crime of the Century.
G. (7). 1. Porter’s, Shearstone Harry Billy. This dog gave his handler a hard time, but when settled he showed himself to a real advantage. Good head with dark eye, good length of neck and well laid shoulders. Well sprung ribs, nicely angulated. Sound construction and rich gleaming coat. 2. Hammond’s, Putjade Persuader for Merrimoor. Very nice outline nicely defined head, good neck, level topline and tailset. Short coupled deep through the body. Another presented in sound condition. Just not the coat of first. 3. Bridges and Muncey’s, Kennelridge Jack the Lad.
PG. (25). 1. Moxon’s, Ousevale Oberon at Thirldene. This boy was presented in fine fettle. Extremely well muscled with a sparkling coat and in hard condition. Most appealing head with dark eye, good front and tight feet. Well laidshoulders good turn of stifle. When fully mature he will hold his own in the best of company. Moved purposfully with great driving action. 2. Lambshead’s, Millwater by Likely of Muskan. Nicely balanced, another presented in gleaming coat with pleasing outline. Level topline. Well angulated, showed to advantage with positive movement. 3. Arnold’s, Amberland Ajax.
ML. (12). 1. Arnold’s, Amberland Arrow. Upstanding dog with very good conformation. Masculine head with gentle expression. Good reach of neck and shoulders. Nice straight front with good bone, well sprung ribs. Level topline and correct tailset. Good turn of stifle. Presented in super hard condition covered the ground well with sound positive movement. Showed well wanting so much to please his handler. When it came to the challenge just lost out on the fullness of coat but I’m sure his day will come. 2. Muncey’s, Putjade of Thieves at Kenneiridge. One that appealed for balance and style. Good head with dark eye, good reach of neck and well made body, neatest of feet. Well muscled which he used to really stride out, well presented. 3. Tregaski’s, Steval Soul Singer.
L. (17). 1. Tower’s, Alibren Soul to Soul. Upstanding eye catching dog of merit that just commands attention with great ring presence. Balanced head with the darkest of eyes. Excellent reach of neck and good shoulder placement. Straight front and level topline flowing into correct tailset. Good depth of rib with good bend of stifle and neat hocks, standing and on the move. He looked a real picture of balance. Presented in fine bloom and first class hard condition. Pleased to award him the CC and for him to take BIS. This also made him up to take his title, congratulations. 2. Porter’s, Shearstone the Pye. Appealing head with pleasant expression. Good reach of neck, straight front and tight feet. Well laid shoulders, level topline and tailset. Well made body, good bend of stifle. Well muscled which he used to advantage with great driving movement. Presented in good coat and condition. Showed well to tip the balance of my decison in a creditable line up to gain RCC. 3. Everett-Monk’s, Royal Crest Gold ‘n’ Seven up at Lorinford.
0. (5). 1. Barker’s, Sh Ch. Steval Mickey Finn at Ivycrest. Dog that I admire and have shared many Open classes with. Delightful head with lovely dark eye, flowing neck and topline into correct tailset. Nicely matured body with good bend of stifle. His presentation was first rate with a gleaming coat. On the day not giving his best on the move in the challenge. 2. Zingg’s, Rayleas Dempsy. Sound from all angles and another that is well balanced. Nice headed boy, straight front with tight cat like feet. Mature body shape with good bend of stifle. Sound driving movement. 3. Gripton’s, Sansue Illustrious.
Sp WORKING. (4). 1. Rain’s, Ch. Millgreen Magnum. 2. Barn’s, Nineil Harrington at Millgreen. Such a sound boy presented in superb hard condition. Good head and eye. Well placed shoulders. Deep powerful body well sprung ribs with good taitset and good quarters. Moving with ease and drive. 3. Beer’s, Sandicliffe Showman at Tasheen.
Sp 0. (4). 1. Glascott’s, Loremar Scrumpy Jack. On his own and really enjoying his day out. Presented well with rich coat. Sound in body with neat feet. Moving freely round the ring.
Roy Maynard