Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Location: Casitas Coronado Clubhouse

Directors Present: Clay Baron – President, Ruth Ellen Jacobson – Treasurer, Sue O’Connor- Secretary, Dave Webster – Director, Ron Glover – Director, Carlos Corral – Director

Directors Absent: Debbie Perez

Others Present: Amy Hussmann and Veronica Salcedo of Associa Canyon Gate

Several Homeowners


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Clay Baron at 7:06 pm Mountain Standard Time and quorum was verified.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the October, 2013 Board meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Ron Glover, seconded by Dave Webster to approve the minutes as written. Motion passed unanimously.

Homeowner Forum: The Homeowner Forum was opened up for discussion for any homeowner wanting to express their questions, comments or concerns. Some of the concerns in question were:

A homeowner had prepared a spread sheet comparing specific expenses from 2012 to 2013. She suggested to the Board that we renegotiate the Management and Landscaping contract. Ron Glover explained some of the expenses compared to this year and would be happy to provide a report.

The Groundskeeping team was commended on a great job they are doing.

The on going parking issue on the cul de sacs is still of much concern to the homeowners. Many are frustrated and want to see a solution to this problem. Management has been pro-active in this area of concern and will continue to make phone calls and send notices to those in violation.

Questions were also asked regarding the light fixtures and what the Board was planning. At this time the Board will not be discussing light fixture replacement because they cannot financially afford to replace them; due to the Special Assessment not passing. It was suggested that the ARB committee choose a light fixture that homeowners can purchase themselves.

It was also mentioned by a homeowner that if the Special Assessment was lowered many homeowners would be willing to pay. The Board mentioned that the Reserve Study Funding Committee is working on different ideas to fund the Reserves.


Report: Lorenzo Nevarez presented a status update of irrigation repairs and condition of the property. It was noted that most of the issues are due to the irrigation that is still in complete disorder. Most of the time spent is fixing broken water lines. It was also mentioned that many Homeowners are turning on/off valves manually without letting Management know. Homeowners need to let management know that this was done so that the landscaping crew can address this. A 2013 Landscaping report will be available on the website for anyone who is interested in reading.

Management Report: Financials - No financial report was read

Delinquency – No delinquency report was read

Maintenance–An overview of the maintenance report was provided by Veronica Salcedo. There were seventeen (17) work orders submitted in October, currently leaving a total of forty-four (44) work orders still pending.

Committee Reports: ARB Report – There was five (5) ARB requests received in October – all were approved.

Unfinished Business: Cable Contract - Carlos corral is still working on negotiating the contract with Time Warner Cable for a possible cost saving solution for the HOA. It is going to take him more time to research.

Management Contract – Associa Canyon Gate agreed to amend the current Management agreement that will help the HOA save $1000 per month in reducing administrative expenses. A motion was made by Ruth Ellen Jacobson, seconded by Carlos Corral to accept the amendment to the current Management Agreement. Motion passed unanimously.

New Business: Board Members – It was mentioned by Dave Webster that in Section 4.2 of the Bylaws, it states a Board can set the number of Directors. Therefore, a motion was made by Dave Webster, seconded by Ron Glover dropping the number of Directors from nine (9) to eight (8),

Nominating Committee – The Board of Directors is obligated to appoint a nominating committee in preparations for the Annual Membership meeting. A motion was made by Dave Webster, seconded by Ruth Ellen Jacobson to appoint Carlos Cardenas, David Taylor, and Jim Bissuett as the nominating committee. Motion passed unanimously.

Notice of Proposed Amendments to Book of Resolutions– Dave Webster intends to make a formal motion for the adoption of amendments to the Book of Resolutions at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. See attached proposed amendments attached to these minutes.

Adjournment: A motion was made by Ruth Ellen Jacobson, seconded by Carlos Corral to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed by unanimous consent at 8:39 pm.

Approved: ______Date: ______
