Chamberlain Elementary School

Kdg-6thSchool Supply List 2015-2016


12 Elmer’s glue sticks

10-12 #2 lead pencils

2 (24 pack) CRAYOLA crayons (no scented or glitter)

2 large pink erasers

2 large boxes tissues

Tote bag ( at least 9 x 12)

Plastic pencil box-no zipper pouch

3 or 4 dry erase markers (no yellow)

1 box qt size Ziploc bags

25 clear page protectors

1 two pocket folder with fasteners

1 spiral notebook – wide ruled

Old clean sock for slates

First Grade

Tote bag

8 oz plastic cup/glass – (except Graber’s class)

2 large boxes of tissues

Plastic pencil box – no pouches

2 boxes 24 Crayola crayons (no scented or glitter)

24 - #2 lead pencils - yellow

2 Pink pearl erasers

Fiskars pointed scissors

1 Elmer’s glue – 8 oz, white

Old clean sock for white boards

4 dry erase markers (no yellow)

2 two-pocket folders

6 glue sticks

2 spiral notebooks– wide ruled

1 box qt size Ziploc bags

1 tub disinfectant wipes

Second Grade

Tote bag

Box 5oz disposable Dixie cups

Box of 24 crayons (no glitter or scented)

24 - #2 pencils-yellow

2 pink pearl erasers

4 spiral notebooks (70 sheet wide ruled)

Fiskars pointed scissors

Elmer’s glue – 8oz, white

12Elmer’s glue sticks

Pencil box

2 large boxes of tissues

6 plain pocket folders (no Trapper Keepers)

Colored pencils – box of 12

4 dry erase markers

1box quart size Ziploc bags

1 box gallon size Ziploc bags

Old clean sock for slates

No markers or gel pens

Third Grade

Tote bag/back pack

Box of 24 crayons

5 spiral notebooks

Pointed scissors

24 –#2 lead pencils

Pink pearl eraser

1 pkg pencil top erasers

Large box of tissues

Zipper pen pouch

Old clean sock for slates

4 colored pocket folders (no Trapper


4 dry erase Expo markers

6 Elmer’s glue sticks

Colored pencils – box of 12

1 small basic handheld calculator

Fourth Grade

Tote bag

Pencil pouch/box

Box of 24 crayonsORbox of

12colored pencils

Pens – 1 red, 1 blue

2spiral notebooks

1 pkg Post Its (3 x 3)

24-#2 pencils (No mechanical)

Fiskars pointed scissors

Wooden ruler with metrics

Eraser tops

1 large glue stickOR1 Elmer’s glue

2 large boxes of tissues


1dry erase marker

Old clean sock for slates (no erasers)

1 tubdisinfectant wipes

Deodorant for P.E.

No large binders or Trapper Keepers

*Tennis shoes for all grades for PE class.*

Fifth Grade

Loose leaf notebook paper (100 ct)

3 large boxes of tissues

#2 pencils (yellow)

2 Black or blue pens

Large pink eraser

Zipper pouch for pencils (no pencil box)

4-70 count spiralnotebooks for note taking (no perforations)

1- 100 count spiral notebook (no perforations)

1 composition notebook

Colored pencils – 8 pack

3 dry erase markers– black – low odor

1 highlighter

Small bottle glue

Post it notes- 3 x 3

1 pack 3 x 5 lined index cards

2 tubs disinfectant wipes

Bottle of hand sanitizer

Deodorant for P.E.

No large binders or Trapper Keepers

Sixth Grade

6 college ruled spiral notebooks

7 plaindouble pocket folders


Colored pencils – box of 12

2 Elmer’s glue stick

2 Highlighter pens (different colors –

1 per semester)

5 pens (3 red, 2 blue)

2 large boxes of tissues

1 zippered pencil bag


Dry erase marker – black (low odor)

Old clean sock

2 pkg of Post-It flags

1 basic handheld calculator

6 paper grocery sacks for book covers-no cloth book covers

1 tub disinfectant wipes

Deodorant for P.E.

No Trapper Keepers