Challenger Elementary – Title 1 School

SAC MeetingAgenda


  • Call to order: 8:15am. Quorum with 9 people in attendance. We have our agenda, we will go over the approval of minutes and A+ funds.
  • Approval of Minutes: Mrs. Sanchez presents the approval of the minutes for the past two meetings. First meeting Oct 31- change the verbiage for A+ plus ballot, motion to approve the minutes by Mrs. Z, second by Mrs. Tyler. SAC minutes Oct. 27th- motion to approve the minutes by Mrs.Rowe and second by Mrs. Riley.
  • A+ Funds Results: Mrs. Sanchez will share the results of the A+ fund- two ballots from minutes from Oct. 27th. Total of 92 staff members voted. 48% voted for option # 1 and 52% voted for option # 2,we needed a minimum of 51% of staff to vote for either of the options. Therefore, we moved forward with option # 2, based on the results.Mrs. Rowe discussed two letters, one from guidance counselor and another letter from a paraprofessional titled “Leadership deserve united staff”, in regards to the results of the A+ money.
  • Mrs. Riley- explanation of the proposals to SAC committee( one from the 5 proposal from the Tier system once those 2 proposal where chosen, by us the SAC Committee, we produced the ballot, the entire staff were e-mailed the ballot, they had 3 days to review the ballot and think about it. Then we had the voting over a two day spam in case someone was absent. The Tier system would be $500 for the non-instructional and the rest remaining will be distributed equally among the classroom teachers.
  • School Improvement Plan: Mrs. Cross-we got school grade“A” by one point, we have to maintain this “A”- We have approximately 60% of our student performing at a proficiency level in 3rd-5th grade in both Math and Reading across the board last year. This year we are shooting for 70% achievement “Challenger Challenge”. We are implementing PLC’s where we assess students based on the Florida Standards. We monitor students’ progress, as of now they are around 30-40% proficient. We encourage and motivate them to achieve 70% or higher on their assessments (Challenger Challenge mini assessment). These assessments gives us a clear picture of how they will perform in the FSA. Our leadership team have identified the lowest quartile (who struggle in our school), they are being pulled out for intervention instruction. Teachers are also giving additional 40 minutes of extra instruction for these students on a weekly basis known as “double dose”. On January 19th- mid-year mark assessment, known as BSA, will take place to let us know where we are in our school with student achievement.We would really appreciate if any parent wants to volunteer and assist in any classrooms.
  • Parents are requesting for a support group to teach them skills how to teach their students at home.

Mrs. Z- PTA made over $12,000 this year in the Fun Run. 1st grade computers are ordered every class will get 4 computers. Title one money is released, we will order 4 new Ipads for each Kindergarden class. And 191 more computers for 4th and 5th. Every 4th grade student will get a laptop. And we working on 3rd grade as well. We are very successful with our PLC’s and have other school learn from us.

We will be meeting with our SAC committee and our parent about the $100,000 smart bond money- So let’s think of ideas of what our school needs, but it has to a structure that stays there it can’t be supplies. They will be coming to our meeting to explain to us the process. It’s a 1-2 year process once we start it.

Extended day for students on Tuesday and Thursday (1 hour). Also we will be having computer camp for lowest quartile in the mornings. They will be utilizing I-ready and setting goals for the kids. We are doing extended day for all kids. But because we are paying money to the teachers, the lowest quartile will be for the morning students.

Mrs. Koval will be assisting with ESOL parents. During Tech Night she will be translating and explaining how to do programs, etc.- volunteers will be helpful.

  • Administrative Remarks: Mrs. Z would like to thank everyone for being such a great team.Mrs. Cross- Next Month we need to keep our meeting on a time frame and we can meet next to Mrs. Z’s office.
  • Adjourn meetingtime- 9:03AM