The Board of Supervisors of the Kandiyohi Soil and Water Conservation District held its monthly meeting on May 17, 2016 in the Ag Service Center.

Chairman Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.

Present were Ron Dilley, Doug Hanson, Terry Schaefer, Brandon Smith, and Jane Youngkrantz. Also present were Rick Reimer, District Manager, Sandy Laumer, Office Coordinator, Laura Merten, Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist, Melanie Dickman, District Conservationist, and Cory Netland, MN DNR Area Wildlife Supervisor.

Chairman Smith led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Vouchers were prepared.

Secretary’s Report was presented. Motion by Youngkrantz, second by Schaefer to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on April 19, 2016. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Netland entered the meeting at 9:05 a.m.

Dilley read through the bills for reviewal and payments and presented the Treasurer’s Report. Motion by Hanson, second by Schaefer to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the outstanding bills as listed in the agenda. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Motion by Schaefer, second by Dilley to approve cost share contract 6FY16 Ray Day for shoreline stabilization in the amount of $2,400. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Netland’s Report included: introduced himself;working on controlled burns; discussed seeding projects; discussed various land acquisitions; and discussed setting goose and deer hunting permits.

Netland left the meeting at 9:50 a.m.

Conservation Farmer nominations were discussed. Possible nominations will be considered at a later date.

Reimer’s Managers Report included: had tree handout last month; working on tree plantings and tree matting projects; worked at Earth Day Celebration at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center (PWELC); presenter at Area II Envirothon; attended Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) meeting and met new director Stephanie Felt; working on 4 Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) violations; attending Living Snow Fence Meeting with MN DOT; Agro Forestry meeting about possible tour sites; attended Railroad Wye meeting; and attended Hawk Creek, 1W1P, and Shakopee Creek meetings.

Motion by Youngkrantz, second by Schaefer to pay 2016 Area II dues in the amount of $350. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Motion by Hanson, second by Dilley to accept the bid for 2015 Audit from Peterson Company in the amount of $2,250. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Laumer’s District report included: Election filing dates are May 17-May 30; attended Area and State Envirothons; scholarship winners will be in Tribune and on website; Area 2 meeting will be June 22 in Glenwood;will be sending Kandiyohi County Fair deposit; need signature for 2016 Easement Delivery and Easement Implementation Grant Agreements; and Local Work Group meeting will be June 21.

Dickman and Merten entered the meeting at 10:15 a.m.

Dickman’s NRCS report included: attended Hawk Creek meeting; Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) sign up deadline is August 1st; Conservation Stewardship Program CMT deadline is Friday; state office is working on 1026s; Slifka is working on Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) monitoring; and still no news on new Memo of Understanding (MOU) to allow computer access.

Merten’s report included: had submitted 11 bids for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and zero were accepted; have 2 contracts re-enrolling and 1 new contract for Walk In Access (WIA); and discussed new Farm Bill Assistance Grant.

Motion by Schaefer, second by Dilley to approve new Farm Bill Assistance Grant and to provide $3,250 for position. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Dickman and Merten left the meeting at 10:28 a.m.

Motion by Hanson, second by Youngkrantz to send letter of support for Reinvest In Minnesota (RIM) and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) to Legislators. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Motion by Youngkrantz, second by Schaefer to hire Gary Wenz to help with seeding programat $13.00 per hour. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

Motion by Hanson, second by Dilley to approve Resolution for Chippewa River Watershed. Discussion was held. Voting in the affirmative were Dilley, Hanson, Schaefer, Smith, and Youngkrantz. Motion carried.

The posters for the contest were reviewed and it was discussed to have staff pick the winners. Discussion was held to have cash prizes for top 3 and look into A &W float certificates for all participants.

Motion by Youngkrantz, second by Schaefer to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


Doug Hanson, SecretaryDate