Chairman: Bernie Koch | | 083 454 3776 | Secretary:Joanita Koch | |

084 553 3760 | Treasurer:Gerald Poswell | | 083 659 2544 | Events: Brian Roy | | 083763 1291 | Webmaster: Jonathan Dekel | | 074819 6119 | Facebook: Rod Manson | | 073 661 8613

Please visit us at:  & on Facebook


Andre and Nerine Davis went to a lot of trouble in planning a route taking in Hell’s Hoogte and Franschhoek pass with our intended lunch venue being Leopard’s Leap Wine Estate. All arrangements went smoothly and the following members indicated that they will be joining the outing:

Alan and Allison Sheard, Uys van Zijl and guest, rod Manson and guest, Mary-Lisa Evans and guest, André and Nerine Davis, Richard and Hazel Carolin, Bryan and Avril Roy, George and Anna-Marie Slade, Ryan and Wioletta Slade, JP and Kirsty Bezuidenhout, Peter an Barbara Morrison, Benny and Jackie Mirehouse, Bob and Sally Thynne, Bob and desire Tose, Allan Hughes and guest Johan, Soné Mouton and Paul Burger, Keith and christen Clark, PJ Lemmer and guest, Jack and Laurie Bates and two guests, Michael and Renee Bampfield-Duggan, Charmain Jackson and Richard Jackson, Stefan and Hannelie Koekemoer, Alan and Hillary Collingridge, Philip and Lunelle de Blanche, Mark and Dawn Stopford, Dennis Burger and Marinda, Hans Matter and, finally, the Boss and me.

Above: Look-out point somewhere on Hell’s Hoogte Pass – infested with MX-5’s! Look at the view – and that azure sky! Only in the Western Cape ………….


However, there is an old saying that goes something like “the best laid plans of mice and men…….” And unfortunately this is exactly what happened. When Nerine Davis confirmed our booking with the management of Leopard’s Leap she was informed that, because of the large number of Members attending the run they do not see their way clear to accommodating us anymore. We were able, however, to arrange with Dene and Zelda Zondagh of the ever popular Kelkiewyn Restaurantin Villiersdorp to visit them instead. We enjoyed their hospitality before and they still are quite possibly one of the most popular venues that this club has ever visited. Dene and Zelda deserve our particular thanks for squeezing us in at such short notice.

Above – the lawns in front of Kelkiewyn, Villiersdorp.

Till next time