Funding Subcommittee
Meeting Minutes / January 26, 2012
- Chairman Allen Metheny convened the Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group (DHSTPWG) Funding Subcommittee meeting at 1:30 p.m. in the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) Training Room, at which time a quorum was established. The following documents were provided to meeting participants:
- Meeting Notice & Agenda
- Standard Operating Procedures
- Project Request Form
- FY2011 Preparedness Grant Program Overview
- FY2011 Homeland Security Grant Program Frequently Asked Questions
- Grant Programs Directorate Information Bulletin No. XXX
- State Preparedness Report Risk Evaluation Data
- Delaware State Preparedness Report Summary of Identified Opportunities for Improvement
- Homeland Security Grant Program Monthly Report from January 2012
- Reallocation Summary
- Project Selection Methodology Options
- FY2011 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) Update – Beth Moranbriefed that FY11 HSGP projects have not yet been started and will provide a more detailed update at the next meeting.
- Methodology – Methodology Option 2 was reviewed and revised to reflect the following: This methodology would allow for the FY04-FY05 iteration of the Funding Subcommittee, updated to reflect the makeup of the DHSTPWG today, to prioritize submitted projects by using criteria agreed to by the Working Group. The criteria would be agreed to in advance of project submissions.
- Recommend criteria upon which to base the prioritization
- Present the criteria for consideration, feedback and agreement; the working group members could add and delete criteria
- Determine the weighting for the criteria
- Compile the list of projects
- Prioritize the projects
- Fund project based on the prioritized ranking
Colonel Wingate recommended amending the 2nd bullet of Methodology Option two (2) because the Working Group voted to give the Funding Subcommittee complete authority for determining the reallocation process and approving reallocation requests.
Chairman Metheny suggests the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) provide guidance to the subcommittee for FY12.
Robert Newman proposed the subcommittee develop tighter guidelines for the reallocation process. Disciplines need to be more specific within their reallocation requests.
Joe Wessels referenced the State Preparedness Report (SPR) as a useful tool to aid the subcommittee with reallocation decisions.
The subcommittee agreed that information can be forwarded by email, however, no discussions, decisions or voting may take place.
- Pending [JD1]Reallocation Requests:
- Pursuant of [JD2]FY07, SHSP, Investment 3:The Fire Service (FS) discipline would like a change request [JD3]justification, as three (3) projects were completed over budget at a total of $1,319.07 (see Reallocation form). To resolve the cost overrun, FS recommends allocating funds from the Fit Testing Equipment budget line, which would leave a remaining balance of $1,928.83. (Motion: Robert Newnam; Second: Nicole Quinn – Passed Unanimously)
- Pursuant of FY07, SHSP, Investment 6: The Wilmington Emergency Management (EMA) is requesting reallocation of $25,000.00 from Kent County EMA to establisha new Budget ID (BID) for Salesianum High School. Kent County has agreed to the reallocation. (Motion: Major Monroe Hudson; Second: Dave Mick – Passed Unanimously)
- Pursuant of FY07, LETPP, Investment 3: The Delaware State Police (DSP) is requesting reallocation of $5,000.00 to Investment 2 (Annual Maintenance for existing software & licenses.) The current project, under the budget line cannot be completed prior to the FY07 deadline; however, the funding can support the maintenance of the DIAC software project. Presently, both projects are awarded under sub-grant FY07-001. (Motion: Robert Newnam; Second: Allen Metheny – Passed Unanimously)
- Pursuant of FY07, 08, 09, SHSP, Investments 6, 7, 4: The City of Wilmington is requesting to reallocate the remaining subgranted shelter fundsfor a new Wilmington EOC project. The remaining balance of FY07 ($18,770.00); FY08 ($75,000.00) and FY09 ($62,500.00) would be reallocated. The reallocation will be used for EOC technology; it shall include internal and external communications systems both voice and data. The reallocation is needed based on the increase in the overall building construction cost due to site preparation and project delays. The subcommittee decided to table the decision until more details were received by discipline.
- Pursuant of FY08 & FY09, SHSP, Investment 1: The Public Safety Communications (PSC) discipline is requesting $2,251.96 to purchase 100 Juniper Software Licenses. Therefore, the discipline recommends reallocating the following: FY08 EMS Puf ($1,518.75); FY09 EMS PUF ($733.21), for a total of $2,251.96. (Motion: Robert Newnam; Second: Robert George– Passed Unanimously)
- Pursuant of FY08, SHSP, Investment 9: The Cyber Security (CS) discipline completed the Network Penetration Testing Project with $27.60 in cost savings. The CS discipline would like to reallocate $27.60 to another discipline. The subcommittee decided to table the decision until more details were received by discipline.
- Pursuant of FY09, SHSP, Investment 1: The Government Administrative (GA) discipline has $1,729.74 remaining from the VTC Hardware and Software project for the City of Newark, which was completed under budget. The GA discipline would like to reallocate this funding for a new project with the City of Lewes for the production and printing of 1,500 Disaster Preparedness/Hazard Mitigation educational pamphlets for distribution to residents and visitors. (Motion: Robert Newnam; Second: Major Monroe Hudson – Passed Unanimously)
- Pursuant of FY11, SHSP, Investment 2: The Office of the State Fire Marshal no longer wishes to pursue funding from the FY2011 Homeland Security Grant Program for the following two items: $30,000.00 for an Access Control System for the New Castle Division Field Office and $7,000.00 for mobile data terminals. The total reallocation amount is $37,000.00, which Fire Service wishes to allocate to another project at a later date. The subcommittee decided to table the decision until more details were received by discipline.
- FY12-FY13 Allocations - Discussions took place regarding the prioritization and weighting of future projects but a decision has not been made at this time. A possible suggestion includes creating a scoring sheet with objectives and questions while leaving out the requesting agency so it is deemed fair. Chairman Metheny proposed members email ideas about criteria and questions.
- 2012 Subcommittee Meetings – It was determined the Funding Subcommittee will meet on the second Monday of every month at 12:30p.m. before the DHSTPWG.
- New Business
- After a project has been completed, the discipline lead, with the approval of the discipline planner, may reallocateup to $1,000 within their discipline. This must be reported to the planner and at the next Funding Subcommittee meeting. (Motion: Robert Newnam; Second: Colonel Dallas Wingate – Passed Unanimously)
- The Subcommittee also recommends the reallocation summary be more detailed, specifically, where the funds are coming from and where they’re intended to go.
- Colonel Wingate suggested, when available,including the FY’12 Grant Guidance and Threat & Risk Assessmentsin the Funding Subcommittee binder to aid with decision making.
- The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.
Next Meeting - the next meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2012 at 12:30 p.m. - DEMA Training Room.
Allen Metheny
Chairman, DHSTPWG Funding Subcommittee[JD4]
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[JD1]Were they pending or approved? Be sure to separate them if there are both approved and pending ones in the future.
[JD2]I would have deleted this if I had been able to review them before they went out.
[JD3]This should have been worded in the past tense because they requested it in the past and the minutes are reporting on past occurrences.
[JD4]The attendees list should be included in the minutes.