University:Name of Program Director:
Date of Review:
Sites Participating in this Program:
Program Website / URL:
Standard B4
"There must be sufficient resources including teaching faculty, the number and variety of patients, physical and technical resources, as well as the supporting facilities and services necessary to provide the opportunity for all residents in the program to achieve the educational objectives and receive full training as defined by the Royal College specialty training requirements."
Where the resources to provide "full training" are not available at the sponsoring university, several different types of interuniversity affiliations may be negotiated. It should be noted that the exchange of residents between two fully accredited programs does not require an interuniversity affiliation.
1. Teaching Faculty
List by teaching site the members of the teaching faculty who have a major role in this program, including members from other departments. In indicating a subspecialty, use as a criterion whether he or she is considered by colleagues as a subspecialist and functions academically and professionally as one.
Teaching Site / Name / University Rank / Specialty Qualifications / Subspecialty(If any) / Nature of Interaction with Resident (e.g. clinical, teaching, research)
What percentage of faculty listed above have been practising in the subspecialty:
< 15 years %
> 25 years %
2. Names and Special Interests of All Full-Time Neonatologists
Name / Special Interest3. Time Spent by Residents in Integrated Obstetrical/Neonatal-Perinatal Units
Give the proportion of clinical time in the twoyear program which NeonatalPerinatal residents spend in a fully integrated obstetrical/neonatalperinatal unit(s) % (hospital(s) with delivery service and neonatal intensive care unit)
4. Time Spent by Residents in Tertiary Care Neonatal Units
Give the proportion of clinical time in the two-year program which Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine residents spend in a tertiary care neonatal intensive care unit (with or without a tertiary care delivery service in the same hospital) %
5. Related Programs
Is there an accredited program in Maternal-Fetal Medicine? YES NO
i) Name of program director:
ii) Name of Chairman, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology:
Complete separate sheets for pages 4-11 for each hospital affiliated with the residency program.
6. General Information
Total Births / % High Risk * / Admissions Per Year / Admissions <1500 gm Per Year / % Outborn* Indicate system used to define "high risk"
Tertiary (Level III) NICU Beds / Average Occupancy (Level III)NICU Beds / Intermediate
(Level II)
NICU Beds / Average Occupancy (Level II)
NICU Beds / Daily Average Number Ventilated Patients
No. Full-Time Equivalent Neonatologists / No. FullTime Equivalent Pediatricians or Other Physicians** / No. Neonatal-Perinatal Residents Each Weekday / No. Non-RCPSC Fellows (Weekdays) / Avg. No. Residents Each Weekday / Avg. No. Residents Nights and Weekends (if "in-house" indicate %) / No. Neonatal-Perinatal Residents Nights and Weekends (if "in-house" indicate %)
"In-house" / "Home call" / "In-house" / "Home call"
** Does not include all pediatricians who admit patients - only include those who have assigned NICU coverage.
7. Antenatal Consultations
a) How often are neonatologists consulted in antenatal high risk situations? (Check one)
Invariably (>90%)
Frequently (50-90%
Occasionally (10-50%)
Never (<10%)
b) Average number of formal (written) antenatal consultations/month - delivery room:Average number of verbal antenatal consultations/month - delivery room:
Average number of consultations/month - antenatal clinic:
c) Are neonatal-perinatal residents involved in antenatal consultations? (Check one)
Invariably (>90%)
Frequently (50-90%)
Occasionally (10-50%)
Never (<10%)
8. Perinatal Rounds
a) How often are combined high risk perinatal rounds held?: per month
Numberb) Average number in attendance at each round: / Neonatologists
Others (Who?):
9. Births
a) Average number of births attended by each Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine resident on clinical service each month:
b) List, below, the indications for attendance of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine residents at births:
c) List, below, the indications for attendance of neonatologists at high-risk births:
10. Neonatal Transport
a) Is there a Neonatal Transport Program? YES NO
b) Number of transported newborns admitted per year:Percentage admitted who are transferred via neonatal transport program: / %
c) Do residents participate in neonatal transports? YES NO
(Indicate nature of participation, e.g., accompany transport, telephone supervision, etc.):
d) Average number/month:e) Do the following accompany the infant during transport?:
RN / YES / NO / %Trained RN / YES / NO / %
RT / YES / NO / %
EMT or Other / YES / NO / %
Neonatal-Perinatal Resident / YES / NO / %
Other Physician (Indicate who) / YES / NO / %
Neonatologist / YES / NO / %
11. Neonatal Surgery
Average number of major newborn surgical procedures each month:Average number of newborns transferred to other hospitals for major newborn surgical procedures each month:
12. Involvement of Pediatric Surgeons and Pediatric Subspecialists with the Neonatal-Perinatal Residency Program
Consultations: Number Per Month / Teaching Hours Per MonthEmergency / Non-Emergency / Scheduled / Non-Scheduled
1. Pediatric Cardiologist
2. Pediatric Endocrinologist/Biochemist
3. Pediatric Hematologist
4. Pediatric Immunologist
5. Pediatric Infectious Diseases
6. Pediatric Nephrologist
7. Pediatric Neurologist
8. Pediatric Pharmacologist
9. Pediatric General Surgeon
10. Pediatric Neurosurgeon
11. Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
12. Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon
13. Pediatric Respirologist
14. Pediatric Clinical Geneticist
15. Pediatric Radiologist
16. Pediatric Pathologist
17. Pediatric Ophthalmologist
18. Pediatric Gastroenterologist/Nutritionist
19. Other Physician (e.g., Dermatology)
20. Other Surgeon (e.g., Plastic)
a) It is recognized that some programs will not have pediatric subspecialists in all these areas. Where pediatric subspecialists are not available, describe alternative sources for consultations and teaching. In doing so, state for each area whether the alternate belongs to an accredited program.
13. Other Services
a) Nursing
i) Is the NICU nursing service directed by a nurse prepared at the Master's level? YES NO
ii) Is there a program of expanded role neonatal nurses? * YES NO
iii) Is this program directed by a neonatal clinical nurse specialist? YES NO
iv) Does the nursing service meet the educational and service needs of the educational program?
* Briefly describe the expanded role:
v) Give the number of expanded role neonatal nurses (FTE) in the NICU:vi) Give the number of other staff nurses (FTE) in the NICU:
b) Respiratory Therapy
i) Is there a 24-hour respiratory therapy service for the NICU? YES NO
ii) Is there a fulltime instructor for the respiratory therapy service? YES NO
iii) Does the respiratory therapy service meet the education and service needs of the residency program?
iv) Is there a program of expanded role respiratory therapy? * YES NO
* Briefly describe the expanded role:
v) Give the number of expanded role RRTs (FTE) in the NICU:vi) Give the number of other RRTs (FTE) in the NICU:
c) Social Service
Is there an organized social service for the NICU? YES NO
Number of social workers (FTE):Describe the role of social service and the relationship to the obstetrical program and community health resources.
d) Ethics
i) Is there a bioethicist available for consultations in the NICU? YES NO
Indicate the number of consultations per month:Describe his/her role:
ii) Does this bioethicist participate in: Teaching conferences? YES NO
Case discussions? YES NO
iii) Are there other mechanisms for bioethics in relation to patient care? YES NO
Briefly describe these mechanisms:
iv) Is there an ethics review board at the hospital? YES NO
Briefly describe this role:
14. Does the hospital participate in accredited residency programs in:
Pediatrics? YES NO
Obstetrics and Gynecology? YES NO
15. Are nursery design and perinatal facilities in accordance with federal government standards for perinatal intensive care services?
If no, indicate deficiencies.
16. Describe the physical relationship of the NICU with obstetrical and postpartum wards and hospital laboratory and xray services.
17. Regional Resources
Total number of annual deliveries in region:Total number of hospitals in the region:
18. Perinatal Outreach
Is there a formal perinatal outreach program? YES NO
Provide details, including site, content, and method of education. Indicate nature of involvement of residents in neonatal-perinatal medicine.
19. Long-term Follow-up
Include name of director, details of patient selection for program entry, personnel (e.g., psychologist, audiologist, ophthalmologist, social worker, etc.) and facilities available.
Specify provisions for residents in this area.
20. Other Ambulatory Experience
Indicate arrangements, if any, for education of residents in other ambulatory settings.
21. Perinatal Mortality Committee
a) Is there a hospital perinatal mortality committee? YES NO
b) Do residents attend meetings? YES NO
c) How often are meetings held?d) What is the autopsy rate for: Liveborn infants / %
Stillborn infants: / %
22. Information Resources
a) Do residents have free 24/7 access to on-line libraries, journals and other educational resources? YES NO Partially If “No” or “Partially”, please explain.
b) Do residents have adequate space to carry out their daily work? YES NO
c) Are technical resources required for patient care duties located in the work setting? YES NO
d) Do facilities allow resident skills to be observed and do they allow for confidential discussions?
23. Summary of Adequacy of Resources
Comment on the adequacy of the resources of the overall clinical program, with particular reference to the relationship between the number of patients available for teaching and the number of residents dependent upon them. Indicate whether there are significant areas where the work load of teachers (clinical care, undergraduate teaching, etc.) is such as to affect adversely the continuous supervision and instruction of residents in Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.
Editorial revisions - February 2012