September 2012doc:IEEE 802.11-12/1136r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

802.11 PAD SG Meeting Minutes – September 2012 (Indian Wells)
Date: 2012-09-20
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / Email
Dwight Smith / Motorola Mobility / Grapevine, TX, USA / 817-714-2127 /

Chair: Stephen McCann (RIM)

Acting secretary: Dwight Smith (Motorola Mobility)

Monday, 17September 2012, 16:00 to 18:00 (PM2) – Desert Vista E

Call to order and agenda

Meeting called to order on Monday, September 17th2012 by Stephen McCann at 4:00 pm. He reminded participants to record their attendance.

The chair reviewed the meeting guidelines including the IEEE patent policy.

The chair reviewed the agenda (doc 12/0996r0) which covered three sessions being held at the Indian Wells venue (Mon PM2, Tue AM2 and Thu AM2).

-The chair made some minor modifications and a revision (r1) was produced

-The revised agenda (doc 12/0996r1) was approved by unanimous consent.

Approval of minutes

Minutes from July 2012 meeting (doc 12/0902r0) were approved by unanimous consent.

Review of group status summary

The Chair presented the status of the group’s activities as covered in the July session closing report (doc 12/0960r2).

There were no comments from the group.

Review of the Requirements Document

The chair ran through the current contents of the requirements document (doc 12/0433r6). It covers the use cases that were presented to the group in previous sessions and some derived requirements.

There were no questions or comments from the group.

The chair indicated that there is no intent to further develop this document as it has served its purpose.

Review of Draft PAR

The chair presented the current PAR material (doc 12/1081r0) thay he has prepared for the group’s development at the September meeting.

The chair discussed the timing of approvals needed to get the PAR onto the the ExCom agenda. He suggested that we need to get an approval at the closing plenary to be able to get onto the agenda and then noted that we could continue to edit the material.

There were many comments regarding the wording of several sections and the chair was capturing aspects of the issues or topics in the relevant sections for futher consideration. There is still lack of common views on the role and scope so further efforts to refine the wording in the sections. Dwight offered to bring in a revised version to the Tuesday session.

Review of the 5 Criteria Document

The chair then reviewed a draft 5C document (doc 1137r0). It was a quick step through of the criteria and not much time was spent on the material at this time.

There was then a review of the approval process which includes a peer review by other 802 WGs before it is presented to ExCom.


Session was recessed and will reconvene in same room during the Tue AM2 period

Tuesday, 18 September 2012, 10:30 to 12:30 (AM2) - Desert Vista E

Resumption of meeting and review of updated agenda

Chair resumed the meeting at 10:30am. He reminded delegates to do their attendance.

The chair noted some updates to the agenda on the server (doc 12/0996r1) as he presented it to the group. This resulted in an update ( rev 2) which will be loaded to the server.

Presentation:12/1139r0 – ISO OSI and Service Discovery (Tom Sieps)

-.This presentation describes how service discovery is a layer 5 (session) feature and can be tunneled by MAC.

The Chair presented this material on behalf of the submitter

There were no comments

Presentation:12/1141r0 – Alternative text for the PAD PAR (Dwight Smith – Motorola Mobility)

- Shows contents of key sections of some recent PARs and proposes text for PAD’s PAR.

There were some minor questions as the material was presented, most will be taken during discussion after presentation.

The chair described the possibility of using the wording provided. He also outlined the process by which the PAR needs to get approved to get onto the schedule and there would be opportunity to further edit as needed.

We then started going through the sections for discussion and wordsmithing:

ALU – question on whether the intention of group to support delivery of service; resp - yes

QC – could we add the text from original regarding the communicating with higher layer? Added text

Broadcom – noted that the SAP already addresses the support for higher layers; we should drop the TGai linkage in the 8.1 text

Ericsson – do we look at services in the network or behind it; should we also consider post-association or would that be available following association. Resp – post association will generally be able to u2

Jon Rosdahl offered some views on the latest PAR and what is needed in the current form.

After the wordsmithing the chair produced a revision 1 which we will be able to review before the Thursday session.

Completing the PAR form

The chair started working on other fields of the PAR effectively have it completed for review.

For section 4 milestonedates were discussed. For section 4.2,which dealswith going to initial sponsor ballot, the group agreed with May 2015. For section 4.3, dealing withthe submittal to revcom,the group agreed to April 2016 for the entry.

In looking at the project names we had to skip over several potential group labels. The last assigned label was ‘11aj’ so the following were considered:

11ak– skipped - looks like it will be requested by GLK SG

11al– skipped - the small L looks like a 1 (one)

11am– skipped - as 11mx is being used for the maintenance releases

11an– skipped - to avoid potential confusion with the publicly known 11n (as were 11ab and 11ag)

11ao– skipped - the letter o looks like 0 (zero)

11ap– skipped - since AP is a well defined component in the WLAN environment

11aq– looks like the nextavailable label for consideration

1081r2 has been created with dates and 11aq as the project name and will be uploaded.

Either the chair or the secretary will then update the PAR form to accommodate the latest template and this will be uploaded as 1081r3. Participants are requested to review this document before Thursday AM2 section to be able to quickly make any needed edits and spend time on the 5Cs.

Review of the 5 Criteria

The chair stepped through the material without comment to familiarize the participants with the sections.

The chair will upload this current draft as doc 12/1137r1. He requests that participants review this and be prepared with comments on Thursday AM2 session so that we can have a productive edit session. We will be looking to approve both the PAR and 5C documents in the PAD SG at that session to seek WG approval on Friday.

Notes for subsequent review

-Need to ensure we are using the correct 5C template

-Need to change the 802.11ak mentions to 802.11aq per our previous discussion.


The group recessed 12:06pm

Thursday, 20 September 2012, 10:30 to 12:30 (AM2) - Desert Vista E

Resumption of meeting and review of updated agenda

Chair resumed the meeting at 10:30am. He reminded delegates to do their attendance.

To help bring some delegates up to speed with actions from our earlier sessions there was a recap of the selection of the name of the proposed task group and how we got to 802.11aq.

The chair noted some updates to the agenda on the server (doc 12/0996r2) as he presented it to the group. This resulted in an update (rev 3) which will be loaded to the server.

The intent is to review the PAR and 5C documents and then do planning for teleconferences and the November meeting.

Review of the PAR text

While we are looking at document 1081r3 any changes and approvals will ultimately be used to submit text to the online tool for PAR entry.

The chair reviewed the key relevant entries (e.g. 5.2.b and 5.5).

Some minor revisions were made based on the comments from the participants.

Following the updates a new revision (1081r4) was produced.

Review of the 5C text

Similar to the text for the PAR, the document (1137r3) is a holder of text that will be submitted with the project proposal.

The chair read through this material. Some minor editing occurred as the group progressed through the sections. Following the updates the revised document will become document 1137r4.

Brief Recess

The group had a 5 minutes recess to permit the chair to upload the PAR (1081r4) and 5Cs (1137r4).


Motion #1 – Believing that the PAR content contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE-SA guidelines, request that the PAR content contained in 802.11-12/1081r4 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom.

Moved by: Harry Worstell

Seconded by: Marc Emmelmann

Results: Yes: 30 No: 0 Abstain: 0 - Motion Passes

Motion #2 – Believing that the Five Criteria contained in the document referenced below meets IEEE 802 guidelines, request that the Five Criteria contained in 802.11-12/1137r4 be posted to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval.

Moved by: Mike Montemurro

Seconded by: Dwight Smith

Results: Yes: 29 No: 0 Abstain: 0 - Motion Passes


As we really do not have work until approval of the Task Group we see no need for any teleconferences before the November session.

Liaison to WiFi Alliance

As the PAR is not yet approved it was felt that it may be premature to send the PAR to the Wi-Fi Alliance. Preference was to wait until the final approved version before sending.

It was noted that the PAR approval might occur following the 802.11 session so we should consider doing a conditional motion during the November session such that the PAR can be sent following its approval and not have to wait until the January session.

Sessions in November

We agreed to have 3 sessions in November and if an extra slot is possible we could possibly do 4 so that we can have time available to address any PAR comments that come back to the group.

There was some support for presentations to be accepted in the November session even though we won’t be a task group until January at the earliest. The chair will send out a call for presentations.


There was no other business


The meeting was adjourned at 11:37am

Minutespage 1Dwight Smith, Motorola Mobility