Chair:Jasmine Crutchfield (Yooralla)
Present: Madeline Chandler (Interchange Central Gippsland), Janine Jankovic (Department of Human Services)
Apologies: Donna Walker (Headway), Felicia Boardman (LCHS), Shilo Wilson (LCHS), Kay Jellis (Latrobe Shire)
WelcomeService Introduction/ Updates / Janine Jankovic from Lincoln Street Respite, Disability Accommodation Services, Department of Human Services. Adult facility in Sal e and in Moe, and Child Services one in Warragul and another in Sale. Referrals through Intake and Response.
Discussion of Interchange Programs and Yooralla Program as previous meeting.
Jasmine shared that her position to administer the LGA specific network meetings was to continue 2011/2012 financial year. Also the position had extended to administer the Regional Respite Networks. There had not been a meeting since the LGA specific networks had started and one of the roles of the networks was to feed up into the Regional Network and to feed down into the LGA Specific Networks.
Update from LCHS (email).
LCHS now have a specific young carers brochure, these are relevant to school aged persons who have extra responsibilities due to supporting a loved one with an additional need (mental health, disability, frail aged, terminal illness).
LCHS would like to again encourage external agencies to apply for service enhancements (funding) for short term/ episodic programs that have a respite effect or increase the capacity of carers.
An update on activities that LCHS have recently run include:
-Mental Health retreat to Portsea for 20 attendees (4 days)
-Support trip for older carers to Hepburn Springs and surrounds for 15 attendees (3 days)
-Dream time at the G trip for the Koorie community for 17 attendees.
Discussed that group would like to hear from Scope and the services that they provide in the region. / Jasmine to request attendance from Scope at next meeting to present their services to the group.
Information Sharing / Human Services Directory; online database of community services across Victoria. Could be a valuable resource if everyone got on bored and utilised its potential.
Respite in Gippsland promotional posters, access site posters to be displayed on notice boards an d business cards available for distribution.
Madeline has a power point presentation of her services that she would like to share with the group, is happy to present at the next network meeting.
Madeline asked if anybody had heard of financial support for Volunteers to assist covering transport costs to programs.
Case Study: Group also discussed how they would approach a situation described by Madeline regarding client support and providing them with the best opportunities possible.
Next Meeting Dates / 5th September 2011
6th February 2011
7th May 2011
2.00pm-3.30pm Latrobe Community Health Service in Morwell
Meeting dates were made for the next 12 months to ensure providers are aware of when the meetings are and to block them out in their calendars to try and ensure they can attend.
Other Business
Next Meeting
Respite Provider Network Minutes Proforma 2010