Chair Irene Bishop 01506 857356

Secretary Lynne McEwen

Treasurer Fraser Graham 01506 852610

Planning Dr Gerald

Minutes of Uphall Community Council – Wednesday 18th January 2017

Uphall Community Education Centre

1. Declaration of Interest To be declared throughout the meeting as the need arises.

2. Attendance and Apologies Present: Irene Bishop (chair) Jeanette Cumberford, David Flight, Fraser Graham, Lynne McEwen, Gerald Paisey, Cllr Diane Calder, Cllr Janet Campbell, Cllr Alec Davidson, PC Ross Andrew, PC Peter Robertson

Apologies :, Cllr Tony Boyle, Irene Jones

3. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the November meeting of the Community Council were agreed: proposed by Gerald Paisey seconded by David Flight.

4. Matters arising

Edinburgh Airport Masterplan: the chair had attended the dropin at the Marriott Hotel. It was noted there were no direct links from Uphall to the airport.

St Johns Hospital :funding has been released from the Scottish government to upgrade St Johns.

5. Reports

5.1 Police

40 crimes have been reported since our last meeting. There have been incidents of lead theft in Carledubs/Dargai area. Incidents of housebreaking , including theft of car keys, have been reported locally. The police have issued home security leaflets in South Middleton and this information will go on the Community Council web and Facebook pages. Sheds and garages have been broken in to in Thomson Grove and Court.

Offroad bikes still causing problems.

5.2 Treasurers Report

£450.00 has been received from the Special Project grant.

5.3 Planning: Application for tree to be cut in Ecclesmachan Road which is a conservation area

11 units and parking area applied for in Uphall Business Park.

Planning application regarding fence at house in Ecclesmachan Road, which is in a conservation area.

5.4 BUTCMG : No meeting has been held

5.5 StJohns Hospital:no meeting held

6. Correspondence

Letter of appreciation from Margaret Wilson who switched on the Christmas lights.

Consultation on the future of the Scottish planning system https:/

From Jo Kilcoyne,Womans Aid : to be invited to a future meeting

From Joanne Mackenzie: Cancer support:to be invited to a future meeting

Community Councillor survey: details circulated

7. Other business

Rubbish on A89 and dog fouling causing concern

Date of next meeting: Wednesday 15th February 2017