Chair Irene Bishop 01506 857356

Secretary Lynne McEwen

Treasurer Fraser Graham 01506 852610

Planning Dr Gerald

Minutes of Uphall Community Council – Wednesday 18th March 2015

Uphall Community Education Centre

1. Declaration of Interest To be declared throughout the meeting as the needs arise.

2. Attendance and Apologies

Present: Irene Bishop (chair) ,John Campbell, Jeanette Cumberford, David Flight, Fraser Graham, Irene Jones, Lynne McEwen, Gerald Paisey, Cllr Tony Boyle, Cllr Diane Calder, Cllr Alex Davidson

Apologies : Tatsuya Haddow, Kayleigh Lamond, Cllr Janet Campbell

3. Flowers will be sent to Kayleigh from the Community Council: Lynne and Irene to organise.

4. The Minutes of the February meeting were agreed, proposed by John Campbell, seconded by Jeanette Cumberford.

5. Matters arising : the planning application referring to three new houses in Uphall Main Street was turned down.

6. Reports


From LAC report

Priorities for Broxburn area

Antisocial behaviour, substance misuse, acquisitive crime, road safety

In Broxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh for January 2015, comparing with January 2014

Youth calls up 50% from 14 to 21

ASB calls down 28% from 103 to 74

Hate crime down 33% feom 3 to 2

Vandalism down 16% from 25 to 21

Fire raising the same at 1

Public space assaults up 33% from 6 to 8

As part of Operation Cleanslate, the festive initiative, high visibility patrols were carried out in the Broxburn ward and youth calls and anti social behaviour dropped substantially. Public space assaults and alcohol related incidents were reduced.

Community Policing Team officers undertook a week long initiative in relation to metal theft.

From 4th March 2015 more Community Police Team officers will be permanently based at Broxburn police station prioritising on keeping people safe and these officers will be in a position to respond quickly to ongoing incidents and deal with local concerns.

Email LothianScotBorders CPT Broxburn, Uphall and Winchburgh

Twitter: @WestLothPolice

6.2 Treasurers Report

As at 17th March 2015

Carried forward 1st April 2014

Bank statement £941.38

Cash in hand £ 1.42

National Savings £427.18

Less uncleared cheque no 198 £36.49

17th June Two adverts paid £80.00

14th July Special project grant £450.00

15th August Admin grant and data protection £443.00

15th August Advertising revenue(one outstanding) £280.00

1st January National Savings Interest £ 3.20

21st January Advert Revenue (late payment) £40.00

Total income £2702.67

Less National Savings £430.38

Balance £2272.29


11th April Cheque 198 £36.49

27th May Cheque 199 : Scotserve:newsletters £912.00

8th June Cheque 200 Data protection £ 35.00

20th August Cheque 201 Uphall Gala Committee £50.00

15th October Cheque 202 : expenses: Dr G Paisey £32.80

19th November Cheque 203 War Memorial Group £50.00

19th November Cheque 204 IBishop, wreath, mulled wine£40.75

Expenditure to 19th November £1157.04

Balance remaining at 17th March 2015 £1115.25

It was agreed the suggestion of placing chairs in Main Street shops be followed up.

6.3: Planning

Forkneuk Steadings : application to extend garage for domestic purpose.

Middleton area:erection of two houses.

Station Road: roof lights

Barrett Houses: screening of land in Uphall. Clarification was requested as to where this was and what was involved. Irene Bishop to clarify.

6.4: BUTCMG :The next meeting will take place in April.

6.5 WLACC The minutes of the closing meeting of WLACC was available.

6.6 St Johns Hospital : No meetings have been held.

7. Newsletter

All items should be with Irene Bishop by 8th April. The following will be approached to send in items.

Fire Service : Lynne to contact Gary Laing

Police : Lynne to contact

Youth : Tachi

Uphall : Tachi to liaise with his granddad

Garden : Fraser

U3A : Irene Bishop

Food Bank : Lynne

Credit Union : Irene Bishop

Citizens Advice Bureau : Irene Bishop

Business Gateway : Irene Bishop

Trading Standards : Lynne

8. Dog Fouling

The problem of dog bins having been removed and not replaced was raised. This was especially with reference to the top of King Georges Park. It was noted that general bins can be used for dog refuse and no specific dog bins will be provided. However one has been removed and not replaced by a utility company and Tony will look in to this. There is also a problem with bins not being emptied, specific mention being made at the path near Strathbrock Church Hall and Ross’s Walk.

It was emphasised that this has been a problem over a consistent period of time and the council have to balance savings with demands.

9. Oatridge plants

John to speak with Oatridge college to contact Irene Bishop directly.

10 Correspondence

From Diane Calder : the council will not take action regarding rubbish dumped in Ross’s Walk as the area is private property.

West Lothian Council : Local plan is available on the council website.

Community Council :changes to the agreement were issued.

Active Routes : Feedback requested

Digital engagement : Irene Bishop had attended a training session This is to be looked at regarding possible use to the community.

11. AGM

Notice has been sent to the Courier. Lynne will draw up a flyer for display in the community centre

12. AOCB

The future of Oatridge college was raised. The golf course is being closed.

Paths in Thomson Grove/Thomson Court : tree roots are raising the paths. John and Irene will liaise regarding this matter.

Community facilities : Replacement changing facilities at King Georges Park to commence May 2015

Broxburn Academy synthetic pitch due to start April 2015.

Improvements to Uphall PS, St Nicholas PS, Broxburn PS, MUGA for Kirkhill PS.

Barrier in place to help with parking at Strathbrock Partnership Centre at school finishing times.

Date of AGM and next meeting

The AGM will be held in Uphall Community Centre at 7.00pm on Wednesday 15th April at 7.00pm

The meeting of the Community Council will follow on from this
