Alice B. Landrum Middle School
SAC Minutes – 10/08/15
Chair:Erika Carpenter (Teacher)
SJEA:Gwynn Paton (Teacher)
Landrum Representatives:
Jewel Johnson (Principal)
Bonnie Curran (ILC)
Rowena Barnard (Teacher)
Laurie Stanton (Teacher)
Michelle Henzey (Teacher)
Nancy Hutton (Teacher)
District Representative: Donna Soncrant
PTO Representative:
Katrina Geevers Collins
Nadia Talbot
Michelle DiStefano
Eric Wendell
Pam Ervanian
Melissa Udekwu
Devon Witt
Frank Winczner
Paige Howell
Karen Hunt
Deborah Sifontes
Matt Colaciello
A meeting of the Landrum Middle School Advisory Council was held in the Media Center on Thursday, October8, 2015. Chair Erika Carpenter called the meeting to order at 2:12pm. Michelle DiStefano recorded minutes for the meeting. Eric Wendell motioned to approve the minutes from the previous meeting, and Pam Ervanianmade a second motion. The minutes from the previous meeting were then unanimously approved.
New Business:
Laurie Stanton made a presentation to request funds in the amount of $4,900. The funds are for a school wide assembly titled “Teaching Human Ecology” by Matt Colaciello, who was in attendance. The assembly will provide support and enrichment for FCAT tested science standards for 6-8th graders while engaging in an enrichment activity designed to cultivate critical thinking skills, develop questioning skills and enhance a student’s learning experience. Gwynn Paton motioned to approve the funding request and Erika Carpenter made a second motion. The request for funds of $4,900 was unanimously approved.
Nancy Hutton requested funds in the amount of $912.50 to attend an upcoming Florida Association of Science Teachers Conference. Since the item was not previously on the agenda, the request for funds will be presented through and voted on e-mail within 3 days of the meeting.
Principal’s News:
Principal Jewel Johnson reported current Landrum student population is 1,111. The new 7th grade long-term certified language arts substitute is working out well. A new 6th/7th grade social studies teacher will begin the second quarter. Mrs. Johnson extended gratitude and commendation for the teamwork exhibited by staff for their willingness to assist substitutes and rotate in as teachers for the missing social studies teacher.
PTO Update:
Katrina Geevers-Collins presented information on the upcoming 2nd Annual Beach Bash, Sunday October 11.The PTO has multiple Spirit Nights at local restaurants events forthcoming, look to the Roar and other communications for specifics. The science fair is coming in November. The 8th grade celebration committee has begun plans for the end of year celebration.
Old Business:
Facilities Update:
Kelly Barrera was unable to attend. Erika Carpenter reported on the status of the upcoming 0.5 cent sales tax referendum.
Parent Voting:
Erika Carpenter reported that ballots for new parent members would be collected through the end of the day on October 8.
Bylaws Committee:
Eric Wendell reported that Chris Levchuck and he have been reviewing the bylaws and will present their findings at the next SAC meeting.
Survey Committee:
The survey committee is in need of a parent volunteer. The volunteer will be chosen at the next SAC meeting.
Budget Update:
Frank Winczerreported the current available budget is $18,077.45. No purchases have been made since our last meeting.
TheOctober meeting of the 2015-16 school year adjourned at 2:55. Thenext meeting will be Thursday, November12 in the Media Center. Motioned for adjournment: Eric Wendell. Second: Katrina Geevers-Collins.