/ Content / Writing Conventions
Writing Task / Thesis & Control / Evidence / *Writing Mistakes / Audience / Sentence Variety
6 / Excellent
(A+) / Answers the quest-ion with superior development, demo-strating the ability to conceptualize and/or deal with abstract ideas / Provides a sophisticated, college-level thesis, purposefully demonstrates control and organization by focused support of the thesis, and uses clear transitions between ideas / Thoughtfully supports the thesis with specifics, original, insightful details and examples that demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic or issue / Contains no major types of errors in language conventions / Uses college-level language and style that is appropriate to the assignment and for the person who will read it / Provides a variety of complex sentence types and uses creative, precise, descriptive language
5 / Strong
(A) / Answers the question with generous development / Provides a thoughtful, meaningful thesis and purposefully demonstrates control and organization by staying focused on the thesis throughout / Supports the thesis with fully-developed details and examples that demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic or issue / Contains a few types of minor errors, but no major errors in language conventions / Uses advanced language and style that is appropriate to the assignment and for the person who will read it / Provides a variety of sentence types, some of them complex, and uses precise, descriptive language
4 / Substantial
(B) / Answers the question with adequate development / Provides a meaningful thesis and demonstrates control by staying focused on the thesis throughout / Supports the thesis with relevant details and examples / Contains some types of minor errors and/or a few major errors in language conventions / Uses some language and style that is not appropriate to the assignment and for the person who will read it / Provides a variety of sentence types and uses some descriptive language
3 / Competent
(C) / Answers the questions with simple development / Provides a thesis; demonstrates control by staying focused on the thesis most of the time / Supports the thesis with general details and examples / Contains several types of minor and/or some major errors in language conventions / Uses some language and style that is not appropriate to the assignment and for the person who will read it / Provides a variety of sentence types and uses some descriptive language
2 / Limited
(D) / Answers only parts of the question with limited development / Provides a basic thesis; demonstrates little, if any, control by discussing issues or examples that are not focused on the thesis / May support the thesis with limited, if any, details and/or examples / Contains frequent major and minor errors in language conventions / Frequently uses language and style that is not appropriate to the assignment and for the person who will read it / Provides few, if any, types of sentence , and uses basic , predictable language
1 / Poor Writing
(F) / Answers the question with little or no development / Provides a weak thesis; writing loses control and does not demonstrate a focus on the thesis / Fails to support the thesis with any details and/or examples / Contains extensive major and minor errors in language conventions that impair understanding / Consistently uses language and style that is not appropriate to the assignment and for the person who will read it / Provides no sentence variety and uses limited vocabulary
0 / No Score / No Response Off-topic (does not answer the question asked) Written in a language other than English Illegible/Unintelligible

Chaffey Joint Unified HighSchool District Writing Rubric

* Major Errors: Fragmented sentences *Minor Errors: Spelling

Run-on sentence Pronouns don’t agree (ex: She are, They is)

Subject and verb don’t agree (Ex: Alice make good cookies) Usage (ex: their, they’re, there; to, too, two, etc.)

Verb tense does not agree (ex: Mother go to the store yesterday) Imprecise word choice