Ch. 8 Questions Arnett – Adolescents

1.List the physical changes that begin puberty and summarize the surprising changes in brain development during adolescence.

2.Describe the normative timing of pubertal events, cultural variations, and how being early or late influences emotional and social development.

3.Identify the main gender differences in puberty rituals worldwide.

4.Describe the prevalence, symptoms, and treatment of eating disorders.

5.Classify adolescent substance use into four categories.

6.Explain the features of hypothetical-deductive reasoning and identify critiques of Piaget’s theory of formal operations.

7. Summarize the major changes in attention and memory that take place from middle childhood to adolescence.

8. Define the imaginary audience and the personal fable and explain how they reflect egocentrism in adolescence.

9. Produce an example of the zone of proximal development and scaffolding involving adolescents.

10.Describe why the transition to secondary schools may be challenging for adolescents, and identify some factors influencing high school graduation and dropout rates

11.Compare and contrast the secondary education systems and academic performance of developed countries and developing countries.

12. Summarize the typical forms of adolescent work in developing countries and developed countries, and name the features of apprenticeships in Europe.

13. Summarize the results of the ESM studies with respect to adolescent emotionality.

14.Describe how self conceptions change during adolescence.

15. Discriminate between Kohlberg’s theory of moral development and Jensen’s worldviews theory.

16. Describe the cultural variations in religious beliefs during adolescence as well as the sources and outcomes of religiosity within cultures.

17. Summarize the cultural variations in adolescents’ relationships with parents, siblings, and extended family.

18. Describe cultural variations in adolescents’ relationships with friends, and characterize their interactions with peers.

19. Identify cultural variations in adolescent love and sexuality, including variations in adolescent pregnancy and contraceptive use.

20. Explain the function of media use in adolescents’ lives and apply the Media Practice Model to the playing of electronic games.

21. Summarize the explanations for why age and crime are so strongly correlated, and describe the multisystemic approach to combating delinquency.

22. Identify the different types and rates of depression and summarize the most effective treatments.

23. Define resilience and name the protective factors that are related to resilience in adolescence.

Questions for Everyone:

  1. What cultural rituals from your own experiences are you aware of that mark the attainment of puberty?
  1. What examples of the imaginary audience or personal fable have you

observed among your peers or in yourself during adolescence?

  1. In what ways did your interests in music and/or arts change during
