Ch 4 and Ch 5 Study Guide (ICP)

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.The atomic number of an atom denotes the number of

a. / neutrons / c. / electrons
b. / isotopes / d. / protons

____2.Protons compared in size to neutrons are

a. / unknown at this point / c. / almost identical
b. / much larger / d. / much smaller

____3.An iron atom has a mass number of 56. Its atomic number is 26. How many neutrons does the iron atom have?

a. / 82 / c. / It has no neutrons
b. / 30 / d. / 56

____4.Two different isotopes of an element have different

a. / numbers of neutrons / c. / numbers of electrons
b. / atomic numbers / d. / numbers of protons

____5.What is the mass number of an element that has 19 protons,

19 electrons, and 20 neutrons?

a. / 20 / c. / 19
b. / 58 / d. / 39

____6.How many grams are in one mole of silver?

a. / 60.25 / c. / 107.87
b. / 47.001 / d. / 94.0

____7.What is the mass of 4.3 moles of Tin

a. / 118.71 / c. / 439.23
b. / 510.5 / d. / 225.32

____8.You have 138.5 grams of Cobalt. How many moles do you have?

a. / 2.35 / c. / 8.46
b. / 9.32 / d. / 6.25

____9.How much effect do commonly found isotopes have on the average atomic mass of an element?

a. / no effect on atomic mass / c. / same as rarely found isotopes
b. / more than rarely found isotopes / d. / less than rarely found isotopes

____10.The charge of an atom is

a. / negative / c. / unbalanced
b. / positive / d. / neutral

____11.The nucleus of an atom is composed of

a. / protons and electrons / c. / neutrons and electrons
b. / protons, neutrons, and electrons / d. / protons and neutrons

____12.An atom that has lost or gained electrons is called

a. / an isotope / c. / an ion
b. / subatomic particle / d. / neutrino

____13.Dalton’s atomic theory stated that every element was made of atoms that could not be subdivided, atoms of the same element are alike, and

a. / atoms are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons. / c. / atoms of different elements could form to join compounds.
b. / the nucleus is the center of the atom. / d. / atoms are constantly in motion.

____14.Which statement about the atom’s nucleus is correct?

a. / The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a negative charge. / c. / The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge.
b. / The nucleus is made of electrons and has a positive charge. / d. / The nucleus is made of electrons and has a negative charge.

____15.Oxygen’s atomic number is 8. This means that an oxygen atom has

a. / eight neutrons in its nucleus. / c. / a total of eight protons and neutrons.
b. / eight protons in its nucleus. / d. / a total of eight neutrons and electrons.

____16.You have 4.50 moles of chromium. What is the mass in grams of this amount of chromium?

a. / 2.34 g / c. / 23.4 g
b. / 234 g / d. / 2.34 kg

____17.Which statement about the modern model of the atom is not true?

a. / Electrons can be found between energy levels. / c. / Electrons can be found only in certain energy levels.
b. / The precise location of electrons cannot be predicted. / d. / Electrons are most likely to be found in orbitals.

____18.This is found in the outer energy level of an atom

a. / orbital / c. / photon
b. / valence electron / d. / excited state

____19.Where electrons are likely to be found in an atom

a. / orbital / c. / photon
b. / valence electron / d. / excited state

____20.Unit or quantum of light

a. / orbital / c. / photon
b. / valence electron / d. / excited state

____21.When an electron gains energy it moves to a(n)

a. / orbital / c. / photon
b. / valence electron / d. / excited state

____22.Magnesium (Mg) is located to the right of sodium (Na) because Mg has

a. / fewer protons. / c. / no protons
b. / no neutrons. / d. / more protons.

____23. As you move from left to right across the periodic table, elements

a. / become less metallic. / c. / have a lower atomic weight.
b. / have a lower atomic number. / d. / become more metallic.

____24.Each column of the periodic table is

a. / an element. / c. / an isotope.
b. / a group. / d. / a period.

____25.The periodic law states that elements that have similar properties appear

a. / to the left of each other. / c. / at every tenth element.
b. / to the right of each other. / d. / at regular intervals.

____26.As you move from up to down in a column of the periodic table, elements have

a. / fewer protons. / c. / a higher atomic number.
b. / a lower atomic number. / d. / a higher group number.

____27.What is the location of elements in the periodic table related to?

a. / color / c. / atomic weight
b. / number of neutrons / d. / electron arrangement

____28.Elements that belong to the same group have the same number of

a. / valence electrons. / c. / inner electrons.
b. / neutral electrons / d. / total electrons.

____29.Atoms that gain or lose electrons are called

a. / metals. / c. / ions.
b. / nonmetals. / d. / isotopes.

____30.Elements that have one valence electron tend to

a. / be highly reactive. / c. / become charged
b. / form ions. / d. / All of the above

____31.The three main groups of elements are metals, nonmetals, and

a. / inert gases. / c. / radioactive isotopes.
b. / alkali metals. / d. / semiconductors

____32.Most elements are

a. / metals. / c. / metalloids
b. / nonmetals. / d. / semiconductors

____33.Most elements on the left side of the periodic table are

a. / semiconductors. / c. / nonmetals.
b. / metals. / d. / metalloids

____34.Most nonmetals are

a. / brittle. / c. / metalloids.
b. / good conductors. / d. / shiny.

____35.Each element in an element family shares the same

a. / average atomic mass. / c. / number of valence electrons
b. / number of protons. / d. / atomic number.

____36.Elements in an element family have similar

a. / atomic symbols / c. / atomic weights.
b. / atomic sizes. / d. / chemical properties.

____37.How do you know that potassium, an alkali metal, is highly reactive?

a. / It conducts heat / c. / It is a soft and shiny metal.
b. / It conducts electricity. / d. / It has one valence electron

____38.Which of the following is not true of noble gases?

a. / They are highly reactive. / c. / They belong to Group 18.
b. / They exist as single atoms. / d. / They are nonmetals

____39.When can semiconductors conduct heat and electricity?

a. / under all conditions / c. / under some conditions
b. / under almost all conditions / d. / under no conditions

____40.What is the highest energy level used in Ta?

a. / 3 / c. / 5
b. / 4 / d. / 6

____41.What is the highest energy level used in In and how many valence electrons?

a. / 4,10 / c. / 5,2
b. / 5,1 / d. / 5,3


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____42.Positive charges attract positive charges ( and negative attract negative) with a force call the electric force.

____43.All atoms of an element have the same number of neutrons.

____44.Mass number does not have any units, and it is always a whole number.

____45.All atoms of an element have the same number of protons.

____46.Atoms of the same element always have the same atomic number, but can have different mass numbers.

____47.All atoms of an element have the same number of electrons.


Complete each statement.

48.Thomson’s cathode-ray tube experiment supported the theory that ______exist inside an atom.

49.Rutherford’s gold-foil experiment revealed that an atom’s positive charge is concentrated in the atom’s ______.

50.The first person who suggested that matter was made up of atoms was the Greek philosopher ______.

51.Neutrons and protons are found in the ______of an atom.

52.An atom of potassium has a mass number of 39 and an atomic number of 19. It therefore has ______neutrons in its nucleus.

53.When an atom gains or loses energy, ______jump between energy levels.

54.An electron that gains energy enters an excited state and absorbs a particle of light called a(n) ______.

55.The chemical properties of an atom are determined by ______, which are located in the atom’s outer energy level.

56.The nucleus of an atom has a(n) ______electric charge.

57.Isotopes of an element have the same atomic ______but different atomic ______.


a. / alkali metal / f. / periodic law
b. / noble gas / g. / isotope
c. / metalloids / h. / cation
d. / mass number / i. / law of definite proportions
e. / alkaline-earth metal / j. / photon

____58.What is another name for semiconductors?

____59.What is a positive ion called?

____60.One of the elements of Group 1 of the periodic table

____61.One of the elements of Group 2 of the periodic table

____62.The number of protons and neutrons found in the nucleus

____63.One of the elements of Group 18 of the periodic table

____64.Law that states that the repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the atomic numbers of elements

____65.What is a unit or quantum of light?

____66.A chemical compound always contains the same elements in exactly the same proportions by weight or mass

____67.An atom that has the same number of protons as other atoms of the same element, but has a different number of neutrons

Element / Symbol / Atomic Number / Atomic Mass / Period / Group / Electron Configuration
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2
5 / 15
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s23d10 4p6 5s24d10 5p6 6s24f14 5d10 6p2