Ch. 22Beauty, Science, and Spirit in Italian Art

Ch. 22Beauty, Science, and Spirit in Italian Art

Ch. 22Beauty, Science, and Spirit in Italian Art

The High Renaissance and Mannerism

STUDY GUIDE: Pages 634-687
1. What date do most historians give for the beginning of the Protestant Reformation?
2. Name two clerics who led it:
3. List three issues that concerned them.
4. What Protestant belief essentially eliminated the need for church intercession with God?
5. List three initiatives that were important parts of the Counter-Reformation.
6. Briefly characterize Catholic and Protestant beliefs regarding devotional imagery.
7. Name 4 artists who were most closely associated with the High Renaissance.
8. What compositional devices did Leonardo use in the Virgin of the Rocks (fig.22-1) to knit the
figures together?
9. Define the following terms: cartoon (in fine arts usage), disegno, sfumato
10. Compare Leonardo’s Mona Lisa with Ghirlandaio’sPortrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni
(fig. 21-30). What changes has Leonardo made in the pose, handling of light and the handling
of detail?
11. Who was Julius II?
12. Briefly describe four aspects of the sculptural appearance of Bramante’s Tempietto.
13. What is meant by the term terribilitia?
14. In what 2 cities did Michelangelo do most of his work?
15. Briefly describe the iconography of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
16. Who are the two central figures represented in Raphael’s School of Athens( fig. 22-17) and
what aspects of philosophy does each represent?
17. Raphael was apprenticed to
18. List 3 characteristics of Raphael’s style as seen in the Madonna of the Meadows (fig.22-19)
19. Describe briefly the iconography of the tombs of Lorenzo and Giuliano de’ Medici.
20. What, according to the Neo-Platonic interpretation , are the tombs thought to symbolize?
21. What scene did Pope Paul III commission Michelangelo to paint on the altar wall of the
Sistine Chapel?
22. How do the figures differ from those he painted some thirty years before on the ceiling?
23. With what urban project did Michelangelo enter the field of city planning?
24. With what limitations did he have to cope?
25. What geometric shape did he utilize to relate the various elements to one another?
26. Describe the changes Michelangelo made in Bramante’s original designs for St. Peter’s in the
plan and in the elevation.
27. Who completed the dome of Saint Peter’s?
28. What concerns distinguish the art of Venice from that of Florence and Rome?
29. What does the term “poesia” mean in reference to Venetian painting?
30. Name a work that exemplifies this approach.
31. What characteristics of Titian’s Madonna of the Pesaro Family (fig.22-36) are typical of High
Renaissance painting, which features are not?
32. Which of Titian’s paintings established the compositional essentials for the representation of
female nude in much of later Western art?
33. Who was Isabella d’Este?
34. Describe the role she played as a patron of artists:
35. For what reason was the term “proto-baroque” applied to the work of Correggio at Parma?
36. When did the Mannerist style emerge?
37. List five of the characteristics of Mannerist painting that distinguish the Mannerist from the
High Ren. style.
38. Which Italian Mannerist sculptor most strongly influenced the development of French Ren. art
at Fontainebleau?
39. Which Mannerist sculptor developed the compositional device of the spiral?
40. Describe at least 4 features of the Palazzo del Te that are “irregular” from the point of view of
Renaissance architectural practice.
41. Tintoretto aspired to combine the color of ______with the drawing of ______
42. What devices does Tintoretto use to identify Christ in his version of the Last Supper(fig.22-52)
43. List 2 characteristics of Tintoretto’s painting style that point toward the Baroque style.
44. Veronese’s favorite subjects most often included:
45. The state Library of San Marco in Venice was designed by? What feature of the building
seems to have modeled after the Roman Colosseum?
46. What decorative scheme was used for the second story?
47. How did the treatment of the roofline differ from traditional practice?
48. In what ways does the library harmonize with the older Doge’s Palace opposite it?
49. What was most significant about Palladio’s writings?
50. What geometric forms did Palladio use to create the basic structure of the Villa Rotonda?
51. Describe the device Palladio used for the facade of San Giorgio Maggiore to integrate the high
central nave and low aisles.