Ch. 22 Storyboard Directions: Please summarize the key ideas of each section by answering the questions then draw a picture on the backside that represents that information. Make sure your storyboard is colored and neat!
Introduction:- Please write the chapter title (ch. 22), page 233
- Please write the essential question.
- Then write down a 1-2 sentence summary describing how long Emperor Qin ruled for and his reputation.
- What kind of person was Emperor Qin?
- How did legalism influence Emperor Qin?
- How did Emperor Qin treat his own family?
- What steps did Emperor Qin take to unify China?
- What kinds of punishments did the Emperor enforce?
Protecting the Northern Border:
- How did Emperor Qin protect China’s borders? How long did it take to build? How many workers were used to construct it? What kinds of conditions did those workers have? Was the Great Wall of China effective?
- What type of people opposed Emperor Qin? How did he handle the conflict and tension that developed? What type of treatment did the Emperor’s own son have?
- What kind of outlook did the Emperor have towards death? What did he supposedly do?
- How do people think he might have died?
- What kind of burial did the Emperor have? What kinds of treasures were uncovered in 1974?
- What kind of effects did Qin’s rule have on China? What happened in China after his death?