Key Club Officer Application
Officer elections for the 2014-15 school year will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2014. In order to run for an office, you must be an active Key Club member and fill out this application. For a description of each position’s responsibilities, see the club website link called “Officer Agreements.” Please remember that every Wednesday is devoted to Key Club when you are an officer—you attend officer meetings and general meetings. This form is due to Ms. Barbato’s mailbox in the main office or in person (in room O233) no later than Friday, February 7th. Late submissions will not be honored!
Name _________________________________ Grade ______
Phone # _____________________ A-Day Homeroom (Teacher/Room) ________________________
1. Please circle the office that you are MOST interested in running for. (Circle only ONE.)
President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer
Webmaster Sergeant At Arms Corresponding Secretary Editor
Publicity Chair K-Kids Representative Builders Representative Historian
2. Circle the offices (more than one) that you would also be willing to run for if there is a need.
President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer
Webmaster Sergeant At Arms Corresponding Secretary Editor
Publicity Chair K-Kids Representative Builders Representative Historian
3. Which positions are you absolutely NOT interested in running for? (If we have a need, we place individuals.)
President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer
Webmaster Sergeant At Arms Corresponding Secretary Editor
Publicity Chair K-Kids Representative Builders Representative Historian
4. How many years have you been involved in Key Club?
5. Why are you choosing to run for this position?
6. What skills do you possess that you feel make you a good candidate for the position you are seeking?
7. What other sports or activities are you involved in after school, and how will you manage to fit Key Club into your busy schedule?
8. What ideas do you have on how to improve the Key Club and get more members involved?